War in the Pacific: Admiral's Edition - Страница 72 - Игры от Matrix Games - TWoW.Games - Сообщество любителей умных игр Перейти к содержанию
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War in the Pacific: Admiral's Edition


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Работа идёт... Барышня сейчас просто в Венгрии! Но мануал я переведу стопудов!

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Блин, вот жаль, не моя тематика :D . А так слюнки текут...

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А ты плюнь на неё, на тематику ;)

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Да лениво :D ... Не лениво бывает только, если интересно... Вот подожду, пока добрые люди мануал переведут :lol: , тогда может быть к тебе еще раз обращусь :lol:

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Учить надо матчастьязык ;)

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Я-то знаю, вот только заморачиваться - лень, ибо неинтересно :lol: . Как же я по-твоему в Наполеонику играю, не зная языка-то ;) ?

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Всё, разобрался! Спасибо тем, кто помог!!! А никто и не помогал... В общем, трансфер невозможен для авиасоединений, у которых в принадлежности к части стоит индекс ®, то есть restricted. Кстати у частей прикрывающих Токийскую бухту его сменить нельзя.... А мануал ждите.

Изменено пользователем Topper_Harley
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Господа! Снова беда! Witptracker не хочет работать, пишет unable to access to witptracker.jar file! Всё что надо установлено, java обновлена с++ библиотеки тоже. Что за дрянь???

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Пути проверил? ОС какая, Виста?

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Меня на висте спасло то,что я скопировал в каталог с трекером файл Java.Плюс не забываем удалять каждый раз все 4 trackerdb файла.

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Трансфер невозможен не только для ависоединения с гифом Рестриктед (если рестриктед белого цвета вобще ничо сделать нельзя, если желтого, то можно за ПП сменить) но и нельзя сухопутніе воиска на корабли хапихнуть.


А вобще игра реально въедается в мозг, я вот играю по почте за Японию и понял что прийдется пить успокоительное так как проигрывать ненавижу и начинаю психовать :))))

Сегодня взбесил легальный чит противнка, я преследовал своими авианосцами его группу из 4 линкоров и нескольких крейсеров от Цейлона, так этот гад свалил в Аден который невозможно бомбить так как он офф маповый, ну не свинство ????

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ОС- ХР. Пути проверил... Не работает матьиво!!!

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Всё заработало, спасибо...

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2Topper_Harley А в чем была проблема?

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У меня второй раз какая то мистика! При установке игры побились мануалы, спасибо Фиделю скинул! При распаковке трекера куда то подевался сам jar файл

:blink: Как он мог пропасть из архива, ума не приложу... Начал по пунктам проверять установку, понял что его нет. Спасибо за помощь!

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Зачем Tracker torrent-ом качать? Он же на обычном HTTP сервере лежит.

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Да я его по HTTP и качал, но при распаковке архива 1_02_release jar куда то делся! Прямо засада! Но кстати я особой пользы от него пока не понял....

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Попробуйте играть GC без него ;) ... а потом с ним :rolleyes:

Как раз пара недель потренироваться есть - на офф. форуме на этой неделе обещают public beta 2-го патча.

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Так я GC без него и играю...

Вопрос: не нашёл что то в мануале. Можно ли вручную (не авто конвой) зациклить какое нибудь транспортное соединение бегающее между базами? По типу транспортных формаций в СМ:Союзники. И второе: автоконвои вывозят сами ресурсы в метрополию? Какие у него недостатки?

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Так я GC без него и играю...

Ну, значит, не нужен он Вам ;)

Можно ли вручную (не авто конвой) зациклить какое нибудь транспортное соединение бегающее между базами?

Честно говоря, так и не понял - чем плохи автоконвои, но на офф. форуме их ругают.

Зациклить можно:

1. привести конвой в базу, откуда нужно вывозить

2. поставить ему на загрузку то, что нужно вывозить

3. указать пункт назначения

4. 2 раза щелкнуть на "Human control" (сразу под картинкой)

Получится Continues supply convoy (CS:<Пункт назначения>). Будет возить то, что было велено и куда велено. Только нужно следить, чтобы в пункте отправления топливо было - иначе он там зависнет.

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Спасибо большое!

Вот и я не знаю чем они плохи! Единственно то, что нет очень удобной настройки как в СМ, поддерживать кол-во чего либо на базе, и автовывоз ресурсов. Если такая настройка есть, то я не увидел... А то было бы здорово: настроил поддерживать топливо например на Труке, Рабауле и Кваджелейне не менее 20 000, и сапплай не менее 15 000.

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2McSeem Видимо, вы не играли за японцев. Автоконвои плохи тем что, во-первых, не позволяют распределять саплай в условиях его острой недостачи, во-вторых они повышают риск поймать торпеду с ПЛ.

За американцев автоконвой в какой-нибудь Порт-Морсби может пойти из СФ прямо мимо японского Кваджа, что тоже неприятно.


Topper_Harley 15К топлива для крупных баз - курам на смех. В баках КБ эти 15КТ размажутся по дну практически атомарным слоем. В реальности на основных базах флота горючего много не бывает, на второстепенных крупных базах надо запас порядка 30-40К, а на передовых достаточно 5-10К для заправки отдельных небольших соединений и транспортов.

Изменено пользователем Tark
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Дружище!!! Да не в цифрах дело!!!!!! Я мог и сто пятьдесят К написать! Дело в отсутствии настройки как таковой!!! Понятно, что ТК с вместимостью 1250 фюэла для заправки в море, как канистру залить! И наличие 15К оного на базе тоже не хватит для полной заправки даже среднего соединения. Я просто очень многое сейчас (прошу не бить) оцениваю с позиций одного из немногих оставшихся на них же, на позициях, игруна в Союзников с модом Самурай Спирит. И кстати на WitP набрёл на форуме евойном. Сижу сейчас в два смычка (в две GC, на работе и дома) Америку учусь по новому натянуть. Очень всё радует, но и вопросов как возле Джоконды, возникает немало!!! Главное достигнуто! Авиагруппы взлетели, ударили, честно повредили, он честно на следующий день, не дойдя до базы честно утоп, и именно из-за повреждений нанесённых моими честными, хоть и японскими надёжными, но всё же иногда дающими честное Hit! But no explosion! авиаторпедами!! Нигде такого не встречал! Браво!

Теперь маленькая ложечка чего-то горького... При бегстве из Манилы в Сурабайю тьма транспортов встретилась со спешно переброшенной туда дивизией лёгких сил - КрЛ + 7 ЭМ. Результат-фаза ночного боя-3 боестолкновения, потери 2 ТК (танкера), 2 АМ(тральщика) + 1 хАК. Днём при пересечении курсов 2 раза возникал экран боя, но в обоих случаях танкер с одним конвойником избегал боя!!!! Типа attempt succeed to envade! Как так?! Они что смогли от семи эсминцев сбежать, днём??? Если транспорта прошли проверку на незаметность, коя скорей всего присутствует, то какого ляда вызывать экран боя? Просто мимо пропустите и всё! ПЛ пропускает же через свой сектор таскфорсы... В общем какая то несправедливость...


P.S. Да и кстати что насчёт сбития по одному бомберу и сопровождающему при наличии моего зонтика над их целью в 60-80 машин, при нападении в 8-15??? Даже пво время просмотра анимации было текстом прокомментировано что, например Buffalo destroyed 3 раза, а в резюме боя прописано что 1! Если это отчёт, то как то странно! Занижение вражеских потерь было у самураев не в чести! Чего стоит троекратное потопление Рипалса! Принц и Рипалс после первого же налёта Бетти и Неллы из знаменитой 22й флотилии записали в потопленные, удивился и несказанно порадовался за игру когда Рипалс вновь был на арене! На манеже всё те же!!! После третьего налёта там явно нечему было держаться на плаву. Но при налётах авиации какие то занижения идут. 24+27 Бетти+27 Неллов 9го декабря на высоте 3000 футов налетели на Манилу, результат 3 самолёта уничтожены на земле. Мало, чёрт возьми! Но в целом кипяток радостный! : ))

Изменено пользователем Topper_Harley
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За японцев и играю. Для мелких баз включен автоконвой. Пока не жалуюсь ... за тем исключением, что в эскорт к автоконвою иногда попадают корабли, которым автоконвой не включен, а те, кому включен, сидят себе на базе.

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Вышла public beta ко 2-му патчу. Изменений, как сказал Erik Rutins

This will update any previous version of WITP AE to v1.094b Beta. Please make sure that you note that you are running the v1.094b Beta when posting any feedback or any questions related to this build.


The change list is quite extensive.


v1.00.94b Public Beta - November 23, 2009


IMPORTANT: Please also read the new “Interface Addendum” and the “Pilot Management Addendum” which have been added to your Documentation shortcut sub-folder and can also be found in your /Manuals installation sub-directory. These two documents contain very important information on improvements and changes in these areas.

• Code Changes

1. Interface Improvement: New Screen for Industrial Management

2. Gameplay Change: Air transport mission was using all ready planes. Now the number of available planes for the mission will be adjusted by the rest/training percent as on other missions.

3. Excess aircraft now returned to the aircraft pool, if possible, when a group downsizes

4. Reduced maximum ranks for USAAF groups’ pilots. Also allows more leaders to show in change command list

5. Gameplay Change: Torpedo training for groups is now dependent on the ‘Use Bombs’ flag rather than the altitude setting

6. Gameplay Change: Full base screen now show the consistent over-stacked AF indicator ‘*’

7. Pilots who are captured or killed were still being counted in some group totals. They are now removed from group’s pilot count, but still available for ‘Top pilots’.

8. Interface Improvement: The buttons in the lower panel of the main screen have been improved. With the mouse over the icons on the far left, the number of groups, task forces or LCUs at the base is shown. Added a previous page button when there are more than 26 of those items (i.e. more than 2 ‘pages’) present in the hex. The tooltips sometimes were corrupted when other screens were displayed on the map and the bottom panel was still active. This has been corrected.

9. It is now possible to repair planes in excess of the group’s size

10. Gameplay Change: Adjustments made to air skill in training and combat. Skill training is incremental. Points are accumulated and once a certain level is reached, a point is added to the skill. The cutover level is the current skill level; so as the skill level increases, it takes more accumulated points to reach the next level. Combat gains points faster than training, and combat is required to reach 70+ skill levels.

Experience levels behave similarly with the one exception. If the Experience level is higher than the best skill by more than 5, a skill based on the group’s mission gains the accumulated points instead.

11. AI improvement to include more checking of TFs for lack of aircraft, sorties, damage, ammo and return to base if required

12. AI Aircraft production will now stop based on comparison with on map aircraft totals

13. Gameplay Change: Malaria effects adjusted

14. Fixed bug preventing port construction in certain cases

15. Fixed bug preventing combat engineers from building

16. AI improvement refining settings for LCU attack levels

17. Corrected unit TOE loading bug

18. Correct bug setting default morale and experience when not provided by editor

19. AI additional checks for level bomber base sizes

20. Numerous supply tracing improvements

21. Numerous supply/resource movement improvements

22. Corrected several land unit fragment bugs.

23. Adjustments to TF merge function. TFs may fail to merge if the “meeting” TF arrives at the destination of the “met” TF before the “met” TF does. Also adjust meeting process to reduce chances that the meeting will not take place until one or the other TF reaches the “met” TF destination. Also correct a problem TF could “merge” with a TF that no longer exists under certain rare circumstances.

24. Corrected bug preventing formation of TFs at level-0 port. This was due to lack of docks at a level 0 port and the standard practice of creating TFs as docked to facilitate fueling/arming/loading of ships in the TF. Newly formed TFs will continue to be docked if the port has the dock space for them, but will auto-undock when adding a ship to the TF causes it to exceed the port capacity.

25. Adjustments to naval retreat determination. TFs retreating after combat will now be less likely to retreat to hexes containing other enemy forces and be more likely to retreat toward a friendly base.

26. Interface Improvement: Change to the “set all …” buttons on ship based air units: it is possible to set aircraft or type in (a) the hex or (B) a TF. Or if the ship is disbanded in port, © ships in port (disbanded).

27. Interface Improvement: Implement search arc drawing on map

28. Corrected torpedo rearming bug. Correct restrictions that prevented partial rearming, ensure partial rearming is in full mount increments, and adjust ops usage according.

29. Fixed naval support availability bug. Naval Support in HQ units that were actually at a base were incorrectly excluded from Naval Support totals at that base. This was due to an error in calculation of Naval Support availability over HQ Command radius.

30. Corrected LCU fragment TF load issues. A TF set to load a land unit at one location could improperly interact with fragments of the same parent that were at other locations and had been previously loaded by either the TF or one of the ships currently in the TF or, if the load required multiple days, when unloading of other fragments of the same unit caused and automatic switch of a fragment to the prime unit.

31. Corrected bug to allow repair of damaged devices even if ship has no other damage. Previously repair of all system/floatation/engine damage would terminate repair of a ship that also had a damaged device (weapon, radar, etc). Damaged weapons will now prevent full repair of systems damage and may “create” small amounts of system damage to keep the ship eligible for repairs. Note that this may have the affect of small amounts Systems damage being not repairable at a location where it normally would be repairable if that location can not also repair the damaged devices(s).

32. Interface Improvement: Changed Allied aircraft replacement display to show nation of aircraft

33. Corrected several menu bugs

34. Corrected TF pick up bug. Multiple small errors could prevent successful pick up of land units by TFs.

35. Interface Improvement: Add “undo” for ships being transferred during ship transfer. Previous undo only functioned properly for ships being transferred into the selected TF. Provided undo for ships transferred out of the selected TF.

36. Corrected bug causing ships to move in excess of maximum speed when in a TF that is following another TF that is beyond the player-set follow distance.

37. Change ship based aircraft repairs to be by plane, instead of by group

38. Interface Improvement: Made air group screen larger to reduce clutter

39. Gameplay Change: Adjustments to supply consumption by land units

40. Change to AI shock attack determination

41. Improve AI awareness of intel on nearby enemy LCU

42. Gameplay Change: Changes to AI LCU upgrades on “Historical” level

43. Gameplay Change: Changes to AI production on “Historical” level

44. Improvements to save file process to reduce chance for file corruption, especially by deleting the old save before writing the new one

45. Interface Improvement: Auto set the filter to skip over Soviet ships if not active

46. Improvements to refueling calculations and processes. Ships are more likely to fuel from bulk oil supplies on oilers/tankers. Also adjusted the refueling and rearming sources for the “from port” and “at sea” variations.

• Replenish from Port will now use the available fuel/supply at the port and on all replenishment ships disbanded into the port. For those disbanded into the port, only the fuel/supply cargo of fuel ships, ammo ships, and tenders will be used. Tenders must be of the appropriate type for the ship being replenished. Note that port facilities are used in preference and ships in the port are only used if the port is not able to completely replenish the ships in the TF.

• Replenishment at Sea when the TF is in the same hex as a friendly base will now use all ships in TFs in the same hex but will no longer use ships disbanded into a port in the hex.

47. Interface Improvement: Add new map icons to highlight certain events

48. Gameplay Change: Allow ship withdrawals at any on map level-9 port and some smaller ports with no enemy nearby. Ships can always be withdrawn from any off-map port or from any TF that is currently off map. Ships that are not badly damaged can be withdrawn from some on-map ports or from TFs in certain on-map regions. For on map, ship may not be on fire, total damage may not exceed 99 and no individual damage type (system, floatation, engine) may exceed 50. Ships may not be withdrawn from any on-map location where the enemy has air superiority. The intent is to prevent withdrawal as a method of saving a ship that stands a good chance of being lost or further damaged. On map withdrawal ports are set based on the historical exit locations for ships leaving the Pacific:

1. Any level 9 port.

2. National home ports of the United States, Canada, India, Australia, and New Zealand (with no port level requirement)

3. Any level 7 or larger port on the US or Canadian West Coast.

4. Any level 7 or larger Indian port East of Ceylon (including Ceylon itself)

5. Any level 7 or larger port in South Eastern Australia, plus Perth.

6. Any level 7 or larger port in New Zealand.

49. Changes to ship sunk FoW. When a ship is being falsely reported as sunk in place of another ship actually sunk, the data for the two ships could be mixed. Depending on circumstance, this might result in one or even both ships being reported as sunk.

50. Corrections to calculations of AA, ASW, Gun and Torp ammo for display on TF and TF list screens. The calculation will continue to show the remaining ASW capability (i.e. only ships with ammo remaining) but the percentage of ASW ammo remaining is now based on full load for all ships in the TF.

51. Resupply capacity for bases added to editor

52. Fix for disbanding of Command HQs to prevent inadvertent release of restricted units

53. Adjustment to AI unit planning level based on AI difficulty

54. Ensure minefields are created for proper player when a single TF lays multiple types of mines. Player of minefield properly set when first mine type laid by a given minelayer but a similar check was missing when the TF contained minelayer(s) with two different types of mines.

55. Gameplay Change: Change to partisan effects. Only port and AF are damaged and 10% loss of supply and fuel, and 1 VP and no supply movement into or through hex for owning player, if partisans attack and cause damage.

56. Gameplay Change: Movement rates for clear and desert changed to 25 for mechanized units

57. Gameplay Change: Land combat effects toned down

58. Ensure AI captures empty bases

59. Gameplay Change: Allowed groups on disbanded ships to do training missions to save from moving them ashore. Training from disbanded ships does not increase the pilot mission count.

60. Changed the autosave file name to pwae_#<scenario number>_<game date>.pws in order to help identification of saves

61. Gameplay Change: Improvements to Pilot Management System (see separate “mini-manual”)

62. Gameplay Change: Placed limits on glide bombing altitudes. A TD/DB/FB/F group must be at 10-20K altitude to perform glide bombing, otherwise it is a normal level bombing attack. Groups were at maximum altitude and conducting glide bombs attack, sometimes without engaging CAP or flak.

63. Changes in order to standardize inactive Soviet group’s training options;

64. Interface Improvement: Added pilot select mode (auto/manual) to group lists (see Pilot Management for more details). The number of pilots on the group lists is RED if less than the number of ready planes in the group, indicating a shortage of pilots. This shortage may be filled automatically or manually for a mission based on the pilot select mode.

65. Corrected issues with group destruction on scuttled or sunk ships and groups on withdrawing ships

66. Gameplay Change: More superstructure and fewer deck hits in Naval Combat at close range

67. Gameplay Change: Greater weighing of crew experience in surface combat

68. Gameplay Change: Limited radar directed fire, increasing over time

69. Gameplay Change: Revised weather and spotting, resulting in fewer surface combats at 1000 yards

70. Gameplay Change: PT Boats less likely to attack in daylight

71. Gameplay Change: Submarines less likely to be hit in deep water, more likely to be hit in ports and rivers

72. Gameplay Change: Submarine captain ratings have more influence on Submarine performance

73. Torpedo hits on escorts not showing in combat report bug fixed

74. Gameplay Change: Aerial ASW less powerful in early war

75. Pilots still flying planes from sunken ships were treated as losses, resulting in any diverted fragments having planes but no pilots. Pilots still flying planes are now ignored for sinking ship purposes until their plane lands.

76. Group transfers in off-map bases from a ship in the base hex to the base itself were being delayed ‘4’ days. There should be no delay.

77. Scenario Design: Aircraft can be added to convoys, which will be added to pool when the convoy disbands.

78. Gameplay Change: The kamikaze activation range has been changed from 15 to 20 hexes. The range was not changed when the game scale was changed.


• Naval Data Changes

1. Added cargo capacity to AVs, AVDs, AVPs, and CSs.



Scen 001, 002, 006 (007, 008, 009)

0021 – Australia – correct weapon facing

0418 – Helena – correct tower armor from 0 to 125

0767, 0769 – Chevreuil – correct endurance and fuel

0770, 0771 – Duguay Trouin – correct weapon facing

0772, 0773 – L’Adroit – correct endurance and fuel

0774, 0775 – Fantasque – correct endurance and fuel

0776 – La Galissonniere – correct endurance and fuel

0776 – La Galissonniere – correct weapon facing

1013 – Yubari – correct weapon #4 turret armor

1102 – Furutaka – correct weapon facing

1107 – Aoba – correct weapon facing

1112, 1113, 1114, 1115 – Myoko – correct weapon facing

1730 – Yamato – correct weapon turrets

2025 – Kongo Maru – correct weapon facing

2202 – ARD 3000 Ton – add Japanese small ARD class

2903 – Gnevnyi – correct weapon facing

2915 – MK Cargo – correct weapon facing

2918 – KT LST – correct weapon facing



Scen 001, 002, 006 (007, 008, 009) changelog

All – update weapons from class to reflect weapon facing corrections

0999 – Dublon ARD; add small ARD to Truk

3550 – Laffey; correct entry date to 420430

3580 – Frankford; correct entry date to 430430

4317 – Thornton; add Clemson AVD at PH

4361 – Henry A. Wiley; correct entry date to 440930

5222 – Rixey; rename to Bowie

5223 – Hercules; rename to Highlands

5251 – Pinkney; rename to Pickens

9253 – Madras City; correct entry date to 420228

9728 – Indus; delete duplicate ship entry

9837-9849 – Soviet Fleet; correct ship name spelling

11316 – AFDB-2; change arrival location to # 524 Seattle

11364 – BYMS-2055; correct entry date to 430228

11365 – BYMS-2059; correct entry date to 430228

14070 – Ha232; correct entry date to 460228


Scen 006 and 009 ONLY

0002 – Kaga; adjust fuel to 3220, adjust t-sorties to 30, adjust sorties to 445

0003 – Hiryu; adjust fuel to 2475, adjust t-sorties to 27, adjust sorties to 295

0004 – Soryu; adjust fuel to 2265, adjust t-sorties to 27, adjust sorties to 295

0005 – Shokaku; adjust fuel to 2350, adjust t-sorties to 30, adjust sorties to 370

0006 – Zuikaku; adjust fuel to 2350, adjust t-sorties to 30, adjust sorties to 370

0017 – Akagi; adjust fuel to 3812, adjust t-sorties to 30, adjust sorties to 445

0043 – Hiei; adjust fuel to 4175

0044 – Kirishima; adjust fuel to 4175

0067 – Tone; adjust fuel to 1775

0068 – Chikuma; adjust fuel to 1775

0118 – Abukuma; adjust fuel to 833

0146 – Akigumo; adjust fuel to 265

0168 – Kagero; adjust fuel to 265

0176 – Isokaze; adjust fuel to 265

0177 – Shiranui; adjust fuel to 265


• Air Data Changes


[60] Beaufighter TF X: Wpn 4, 9, 19 facing set to EXT.

[177] B-339-23: Name set to B-339-23.

[178] B-339-23 (PR): Name set to B-339-23 (PR).

[336] P-39N1 Airacobra: Wpn 3, 13 set to 4x.30 Browning MG.

[337] P-39N1 Airacobra: Wpn 3, 13 set to 4x.30 Browning MG.

[365] Stearman 75M: Nationality set to U.S.Army.

[451] PB2Y-3R: Deleted.

[476] R5C-1: Month/Year set to 7/43; Build Rate set to 4.

[480] SBC-4 Helldiver: Wpn 3 set to 1000 lb GP Bomb; wpn 11 set to 1x.50 Browning MG; wpn 13 set to 500 lb GP Bomb.


[1923] No.1835 Sqn FAA: Delay set to 0.

[1924] No.1836 Sqn FAA: Delay set to 0.

[1929] No.1841 Sqn FAA: Delay set to 0.

[1930] No.1842 Sqn FAA: Delay set to 0.

[2587] VMF-211: Location set to [584] Pearl Harbor.

[2642] VMF(P)-321: Deleted.

[2652] VMO(P)-351: Deleted.

[2668] VMF(N)-511: Deleted.

[2669] VMF(P)-511: Deleted.

[2671] VMO(P)-512: Deleted.

[2673] VMO(P)-513: Deleted.

[2675] VMO(P)-514: Deleted.

[2827] VR-2: Deleted.

[2828] VR-4: Deleted.

[2829] VR-5: Deleted.

[2830] VR-13: Deleted.

[5028] 262nd Sentai: Air Class set to [793] Ki-49-Ia Helen.


USN patrol-type squadrons 4301 resize to 15 deleted.

USMC squadrons 4301 resize to 24 set to 4410.

USMC squadron upgrade paths reworked.


Gameplay Change: Units with a/c MAX strength six or greater now able to split into three subunits.


• Map/Base Changes


1. Garrison levels in China have been increased for both the Japanese and the Chinese. New level for the Japanese is about 5,000 AV. For non-occupied China, about 1,400 AV.

2. Garrison levels in Japan have been significantly increased for the Allies.

3. Garrison levels in India and the Philippines have been increased for the Japanese.

4. Garrison levels have also been adjusted in other locations, with some areas having small increases.

5. The inland "Chinchow" base in Manchukuo was a Port. It is now corrected to be an Airfield.

6. The starting fuel level for Los Angeles has been increased.

7. The Adak Island base in Alaska has had its port level decreased from 2 to 1.

8. Anchorage in Alaska now generates a small amount of resources.

9. The Dutch Harbor base in Alaska has had its port level decreased from 4 to 3.

10. The Kiska Island base in Alaska has had its port level decreased from 1 to 0.

11. Nukufetau has had its port level decreased from 1 to 0.

12. Pago Pago has had its port level decreased from 3 to 2.

13. The Christmas Island base no longer generates resources. The Christmas Island (IO) base does instead.

14. "Ahmadabad" has been renamed to "Ahmedabad".

15. The generation of Daily supplies at Chinese bases has been distributed to more bases, rather than being concentrated in a small number of locations. Overall, Chinese supply point generation has increased, to about the same level of supplies as in the original War in the Pacific game (it was a bit lower before).

16. Australia now generates a greater supply point surplus than before - about 5,000 points per day as opposed to about 4,000. Fuel requirements remain the same.

17. The "Terrace" base has been "moved" to a more accurate location - hex 200,41 instead of hex 200,40 - and the road and railway networks in the area changed to match

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