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The testing was started yesterday, but I still have some factions left

for this.

So if you are interested and know basic English inform me at cegorach77@o2.pl


It is MTW english language edition and you will need MTW VI to play.


The factions left to test for now are:


The Cossacks, Sweden, Danemark, England, The Ottomans, France, The Netherlands and the Knights of Malta ( Hospitallier). I can also give someone the Tatars I have chosen for myself and take something else if necessary.

Any minute the situation can change, but I'd like to have at least one tester from this forum.



It is still not so good as I want and I am still searching for russian, ukrainian, georgian, swedish etc. historical heroes for the game and other things as well.


regards Cegorach ;)


P.S. Thanks Ronin, but it still is not so good as I want it.

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Камрады, предлагаю поддержать почин нашых зарубежных друзей! )

У самого меня жесткая лимитизацыя по трафику, поэтому полный мод я пока скачать не могу, но я расчитываю на вас. Давайте сделаем хоть что-то, чтобы потом не пришлось инять на себя видя несоответствия или косяки в моде. )

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Progress of the testing.


- unit costs/support costs problems fixed,


- stronger pikemen ( especially earlier periods),


- weaker cavalry,


- portraits for Cossacks added,


- and many more corrections and additions.



P&M TW 0.9 - testers only - very soon.



Regards Cegorach ;)

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  • 2 недели спустя...

Дасс, товарищи камрады.

посмотрел я ентот модец....

Как для рабочей програмы, то есть не оценивая графику, то сделано много, но тому кто делал исторические справки для создателей, нужно прям премию дать:


Начинем с того, что я увидел: стадиоты в ШВЕЦИИ, бедуины у татар, запорожская наемная пехота, ганзейская товн милитиа...

линейнаяпехота у казаков (наемная, как я понимаю).


большие проблемы у мода и по реализации линейной тактики (она просто не реализована), но больше всего меня удивило - описание мальтийского ордена и ... то, что добле-солдеры (солдаты двойного жалования, мастера меча, тоесть ) ходят пачками по 80 чел. при 100 чел. в фаланге (исторично - 1 га 30-50 чел. фаланги.



Hello. please tell me about such units in P&MTW as:



Oastea maze cavalry


Because i do not know? who are they and I have no texts about them in P&M (may be problems whith mod?).

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Ронин, не ты ли часом, помагал ПиМ с украинской армией?

А то больно соимнительно, что бы они сами до характерников бы докопались. И картинок много знакомых увидел. ;)

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Да. ))

Моих рук дело.

Я типа иностранным военкосультом был...))

картинки можэт тожэ мои... по крайней мере я материалы отсылал. (Сам то я в Мод только в кастом-батл дэму играл - и то чуть-чуть...)

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I experience strange difficulties to get into this forum, to login and even to read anything in cyrylic - I believe there were some serious changes recently. All this means that now it is very hard to read anything here.






Hello. please tell me about such units in P&MTW as:



Oastea maze cavalry


Because i do not know? who are they and I have no texts about them in P&M (may be problems whith mod?)."


Razesi --> Moldavian peasant infantry armed with bows, quite good in melee


Oastea mare cavalry ---> the same, but mounted - usually they used their horses to move quickly between battlefields and were not really good as cavalry.



Hakkapelitta ---> swedish cavalry recruited from Finns. One of elite swedish cavalry units which appeared after G.Adolphus' reforms


Omacach - Irish swordsmen armed with a large shield and pistol as well.

Were very good at ambushing any enemy.




For now the mod isn't playable in campaign mode - only the testers can play this in such way ( PMTW 1.0 was just released for testing).





Regards Cegorach ;)

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Progress of the work.


I decided to add more factions yesterday - to allow more choice in the campaign release.


For this reason the testing release will be available on Wednesday - so it doesn't take much time - presently I am placing agents and units for the new factions and changing unit files to some extent.






Portugal, Spain, England, France, Venice, Switzerland, Hapsburgs (HRE), Danemark, Sweden, Poland, Russia, Crimean Khanate, The Ottoman Empire, Georgia, Hungary, the Knights of St John + Brandenburg, Saxony, Bavaria, Genoa, Florence, Milan, Navarre, Scotland, Moldavia, Livonian Confederacy, Egypt and unplayable Pope




Portugal, Spain, England, France, Venice, Switzerland, Hapsburgs (HRE), Danemark, Sweden, Poland, Russia, Crimean Khanate, The Ottoman Empire, Georgia, Hungary, the Knights of St John + Brandenburg, Saxony, Bavaria, Genoa, Florence, Scotland, Ireland, the Hougenots, Moldavia, the Netherlands, Persia and unplayable Pope




Portugal, Spain, England (Roundheads), France, Venice, Switzerland, Hapsburgs (HRE), Danemark, Sweden, Poland, Russia, Crimean Khanate, The Ottoman Empire, Georgia, Hungary, the Knights of St John + Brandenburg, Saxony, Bavaria, Genoa, Tuscany, Cavaliers, the Netherlands, Cossacks

and unplayable Pope


This means that there are new units implemented i.e. almost every faction has at least one unique unit (sometimes even 15+ such units).






Frakcje w PMTW 1.0




Portugalia, Hiszpania, Anglia, Francja, Wenecja, Szwajcaria, Habsburgowie (HRE), Dania, Szwecja, Rzeczpospolita, Rosja, Tatarzy Krymscy, Imperium Otomańskie, Gruzja, Węgry, Joanici + Brandenburgia, Saksonia, Bawaria, Genua, Florencja, Mediolan, Nawarra, Szkocja, Mołdawia, Konfederacja Liwońska, Egipt i niegrywalny Papież




Portugalia, Hiszpania, Anglia, Francja, Wenecja, Szwajcaria, Habsburgowie (HRE), Dania, Szwecja, Rzeczpospolita, Rosja, Tatarzy Krymscy, Imperium Otomańskie, Gruzja, Węgry, Joanici + Brandenburgia, Saksonia, Bawaria, Genua, Florencja, Szkocja, Irlandia, Hugenoci, Mołdawia, Holandia, Persja i niegrywalny Papież




Portugalia, Hiszpania, Anglia (Okrągłogłowi), Francja, Wenecja, Szwajcaria, Habsburgowie (HRE), Dania, Szwecja, Rzeczpospolita, Rosja, Tatarzy Krymscy, Imperium Otomańskie, Gruzja, Węgry, Joanici + Brandenburgia, Saksonia, Bawaria, Genua, Toskania, Anglia (Kawalerowie), Holandia, Kozacy i niegrywalny Papież



Liczba jednostek dostępnych w modzie sięga 300.



Pozdr. Cegorach ;)

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  • 1 месяц спустя...
  • 1 месяц спустя...
  • 4 недели спустя...

Current list of new units for the 2.0 release:





Berber Crossbowmen - N.Africa for muslim factions




Cimaroons - Maroccan infantry for everybody except Spain and Portugal


Hugenot Musketeers,


Irish Pikemen & Irish Musketeers (for Ireland & Spain),


Hospitalier flamethrowers - if possible,



Oprychnik - new agent - both for Russia;




Hugenot Musketeers - regional unit in Flandres for protestant factions only,


Danish Musketeers - you should be able to guess,


French Diplomat - agent,

Guardes Suisses - France,


Scottish Lighthorse - Cavaliers,

Covenant Pikemen & Musketeers - Cavaliers,


Tunisian Pirates - Barbary States,

Algierian Lancers - Barbary States - new faction,


Montenegro Brigands - Montenegro - new faction,


Gwardia Piesza ,

Czeladz Obozowa - Poland,


Danzig Militia - regional in Prussia - not for Sweden, Danemark and Russia,


Cavalaria Nobre,

Nobres Revolucionarios,

Guerrilla da Restauracaro,

Piqueiros do novo exercito - all for Portugal,


Artillery Guards,

'Swine Feathers' Pikemen -for some western factions both,


German Guard Pikemen - german states,

German Guard Musketeers - the same,


Imperial Jeagers - HRE


Wild Geese - irish infantry for France in one province only,


Garde te voet van zijne Majesteit - dutch guards,


It is subject to change, though.


Regards Cegorach :drinkbeer:

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  • 2 месяца спустя...

Here are some screens from incoming release 2.0.












Unfortunatelly we lack people who can make some drawing work useful for the animations. It slows down the progress to a crawl.


I have everything planned to small details and I care to make the work as simple as possible, but still effective for the game purpose.



If there is a person interested in helping us/or rather me please send me e-mail cegorach@wp.pl


Regards Cegorach

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  • 4 месяца спустя...



I hope that someone is still playing MTW VI here

I think what yes! Especially in connection with an output MTW2.



Tell to me please, what for a flag above the Hungarian hussars?

I cannot find a flag for Transylvania... You can help with it?

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It is Gabriel Bethlen (the one who besieged Vienna in 1619) flag of Transylvania - I have a collection of these and I can post them if you want, but tell me where please.


I have detailed unit rosters for 3 balcan principalities ( with names in romanian and hungarian) I want to post them, because I was unable to send them to Ronin ( in fact I am not even sure if he received my Venice roster at all :angry::worthy: ), but I have no idea where is Transylvanian/Moldavian/Wallachian main unit thread - please give me the link if you are interested. I am quite frustrated because I couldn't even see cyrylic alphabet some time ago and Ronin didn't answer my e-mails :( and the rosters are all results of almost 1 year long research !

If you are interested please tell me where to post the rosters - I will be able to do it during the next week up to Saturday the last. :angel::cheers:


Regards Cegorach ;)

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