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2 Игорь:

а где ж,он,зараза,поумнел?

Вы МЕНЯ спрашивате откуда он поумнел У ВАС? :)

Он еще ни в одной битве не участвовал.

Хм, ну это же вовсе и не обязательно для появления небатальных ВВ. Просто параллельные процессы.

Кстати,он - КР.

Опять же не жёстко. Мог бы быть и кем-либо другим.

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Стефан Душан - знаменитый сербский правитель XIV века, создавший державу "сербов и ромеев" от Хорватии почти до Константинополя. Умер в походе на Царьград, когда намеревался покончить с Византией и объединить Балканы. После его смерти Сербия распалась и вскоре была битва на Косовом поле и турецкое нашествие.


Симрон де Монфор старший - это вождь крестового похода против альбигойцев (катаров) в Южной Франции (1212-1220-е годы). Прославился расправами над катарами - жителями городов тулузского графства. А младший Симон де Монфор был вождем английских баронов в восстании против Генриха III в 1260-е годы, приведшего к созданию английского парламента. В общем - знаменитая семейка. Черепа вполне отражают их свирепость - и Душана и Симона... :ph34r:

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    MERCADIER (d. 1200), French warrior of the I2th century, and chief of freebooters in the service of Richard I. ol England. In 1183 he operated for Richard, then duke of Aquitaine, in the Litnousin and the Angoumois, taking castles and laying waste the country. We know nothing of him during the ten years 1184-1194, but after Richard's return from Palestine, Mercadier accompanied him everywhere, travelling and fighting by hi;


side. Richard eulogized Mercadier's exploits in his letters, and *ave him the estates left by Ademar de Bainac, who died without leirs about 1190. During the various wars between Richard and Philip Augustus of France, Mercadier fought successively in Berry, Normandy, Flanders and Brittany. When Richard was mortally wounded at the siege of Chalus in March 1199, Mercadier avenged him by hanging the defenders of the chateau and flaying the crossbowman who had shot the king. Mercadier ;hen entered the service of John, and ravaged Gascony. On Easter Monday, the loth of April 1200, he was assassinated while on a visit to Bordeaux to pay his respects to Eleanor of Aquitaine, who was bringing from Spain Blanche of Castile. His murderer was an agent of Brandin, another freebooter in the service of John. See Geraud, Mercadier, in Bibliotheque de 1'Ecole des Chartes, ist series, t. iii., pp. 417-443.

Похож вроде...

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2 Atreidis:

Похож вроде...

вот только глаза немного другие... а так, в целом... еще лоб чуть-чуть пониже... да, похож :D:D:D


пардон, не удержался :D

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  • 2 недели спустя...

2 Wiz

Ежели ребяты в Болгарии, то вроде по времени подходит царь Иван Асен II (1218 - 1244 гг):


Во время царствования Ивана Асена II ( 1218 - 1244 гг.) наступил новый период восхода болгарского государства. Были восстановлены границы страны со времен Симеона, сильный толчок получило развитие искусств и торговли, впервые началась чеканка собственных монет из золота, серебра и меди. Культура и экономика расцвели после битвы у села Клокотница ( март 1230 г.), когда болгарские войска одержали блистательную победу над византийцами, ведомыми Феодором Комниным.

А второй видимо братец... Хотя про такого я упоминаний не нашел.

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А второй видимо братец... Хотя про такого я упоминаний не нашел


Точно. Иван и Петр Асени - вожди восстания приведшего к образованию Второго Болгарского царства. Георгий Антонов должен знать лучше. А чего это они мусульманами прикинулись?

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Atreidis, you're talking about Цар Иван Асен II. The guys posted there are the two brothers Цар Петър IV and Цар Иван-Асен I. Асен is the man's real name that he had before ascending the throne (1190). After that, he took the name Йоан (Иван).


Apperantly these CA idiots thought it was a family name and called Петър Peter Asen. OMFG! :angry:


I'll give you more info on Петър and Асен in a minute.

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Excuse that I'll be writing in English.

I really like this part of our history, mostly because it sounds like a tale, a story about how three brothers ruled the land and when one had problems the other helped him. Over our Parliament's entrance there is a sign "Съединението прави силата". I wish someone today was paying attention to that sign... anyway:



Czar Peter IV (1185 - 1197)


He was the oldest of the three brothers that lead the rebellion that freed Bulgaria from Byzantium in the late XII century. His true name was Teodor. When he become a Czar, he took the name Peter, with the idea to show the connection with the First Bulgarian Empire (Царство), namely with Peter I, the son of Simeon the Great.

Eventually Peter gave control of Bulgaria to his younger brother Asen. This happened voluntarily and the reason was that Asen showed better qualities and was a better military leader than Peter, also - Peter had an illness (aches in the feet) which prevented him from ruling the country efficiently. At that time Bulgaria needed more than ever a healthy and energic czar. In the summer of 1190 Peter resigned from the trone and his place was taken by Asen. Asen was killed by his cousin Ivanko in 1196 as a result of a plot.

Bulgaria was in danger, so Peter was needed again. He besieged Turnovo and waited for the exhaustion of the schemers, lead by his own cousin. The schemers themselves were counting on help from Constantinopole. Such help was sent but the two armies disbanded and ran away as soon as they neared the Balkan passages. Peter was becoming more and more powerful. In the early 1197 he took Turnovo.

Peter himself was killed in another plot, arranged by the parts of the Bulgarian aristocracy that wasn't happy of the high level of centralisation and the tight control that the czar had over Bulgarian provinces. After Peter's death, the throne was taken by the younger of the three brothers (Peter, Asen, Kaloyan) Kaloyan (Калоян) who had so far had the position of a кавхан (1st council, 2nd man in Bulgaria after the czar) of Peter IV.



Czar Ivan-Asen I (1190-1196)


The second oldest of the three brothers. His name (Asen) means "light", "mobile". After many victories on the battlefields and as a result of Peter's developing illness, Asen was given the throne by his brother and this is when he took the name Ivan. He lead many wars against the Byzantians and the peoples they hired to attack Bulgaria from the north (Magyars, Serbs and so on). He had a great military talent and notably enlarged the Bulgarian Empire.



There's more on both czars, but you'll have to ask me specifically what you need to know, because it would be a lot of writing.

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А чего это они мусульманами прикинулись?

Regarding the helmet style, and why it has this muslim look and why there are half-moons instead of orthodox crosses, the only answer I can give you is: Ask Creative Assembly. :huh:


Peter IV has never been muslim, but that's Peter IV. :huh::huh:


This "Peter Asen" we have here seems to be a completely fictional character and the ones responsible for him are those who created him, namely the bright minds from CA. ;)


That does it! :angry: Somebody tell me how to contact these ... merdes.

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Есть идея... Ужасная мрачная жуткая глобальная ИДЕЯ...


Задумал я создать каталог или библиотеку героев МТВ но чую одному не справится... Поэтому мне нужна помощь нужны скрины всех подозрительных личностей в основном тех которые появляютя в восстаних (любых) и инфа по ним если нет инфы будем исккать...

Ну что думаете как задумка!

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