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The Mod Deus lo Vult for MTW II


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Ето как я понял инструкция по установки, переведите кто дружит с английским


Installation: using mod switcher

- install clean MTWII

- Executing file DLV15.exe and enter the correct path for the installation

Example: C:\Program Files\SEGA\Medieval II Total War

(don't enter data here !!!!)

- check that a folder named DLV15 is in the path C:\Program Files\SEGA\Medieval II Total War

- copy your medieval2.preference.cfg and rename it to DLV15.cfg

- open DLV15.cfg and insert


editor = true

mod = DLV15

- To start the game always go into path C:\Program Files\SEGA\Medieval II Total War and double click on the batch file Launch_DLV15.bat

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Installation: using mod switcher

- установите чистый MTWII

- запустите DLV15.exe и укажите путь установки,

например: C:\Program Files\SEGA\Medieval II Total War

- проверте что папка с именем DLV15 находится в C:\Program Files\SEGA\Medieval II Total War

- скопируйте ваш medieval2.preference.cfg и переименуйте его DLV15.cfg

- откройте DLV15.cfg и допишите в него



editor = true

mod = DLV15


- для запуска игры использовать Launch_DLV15.bat, он лежит в C:\Program Files\SEGA\Medieval II Total War

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для очень плотных хардкорщиков)




Вчера спецом попробывал с Мод-Менагером это дело, за Русь. Кроме как ребельской активности в моде ничего существенного не наблюдается.


В минусах не был, так-как я всё уже знаю и разведка и гильдии эксплореров мне не нужны. Картами обменялся, да и все дела. Ну и "Торговая Мафия" - ТМ (надо зарегистрировать трейд-марк. Абревеатура одинаковая получается :D ) выруливает из этой ж.....


а так все то же самое. Про активное ИИ-ное отстравивание и ремонт строений я не стал бы утверждать, что оно стало активнее. в ваниле у ИИ есть бабки - строит, и в отличии от меня рментирует только то, что ему СЕЙЧАС надо.


3 балла из 5.

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Это правленный EDU файл. (36к)


-increased cost of all cavalry units by 200 florins to balance things out

-increased cost of artiller in campaign a lot to stop ai from building lots of it

-fix for units with 2 handed bug, they now fight in melee and against cavalry

-rebalancing of stats in line with this

-Byzantine Infantry, Varangian Guard and Kataphraktoi made more powerful to make the Byzantines better

-Crusader units available in custom battle for catholic factions


Камрад пишет, что в будущем:

-increased cost of all cavalry units by 200 florins to balance things out, and increase upkeep for elite cav units

-increased cost of artillery in campaign a lot to stop ai from building lots of it

-fix for units with 2 handed bug, they now fight in melee and against cavalry

-rebalancing of stats in line with this

-Byzantine Infantry, Varangian Guard and Kataphraktoi made more powerful to make the Byzantines better

-Crusader units available in custom battle for catholic factions

-billmen made more powerful

-artillery have longer range

-units armed with longbow have longer range and slightly increased damage

-Venetian Archer And Venetian Heavy Infantry armour upgrade fix(in vanilla M2Tw the armour upgrades are the wrong way round, i've fixed it)

-Jihad units available to Muslim factions in custom battle

-Pavise Crossbow Militia, and both Genoese Crossbow units made less powerful as they are unbalanced in vanilla. Also cost will be edited so hopefully the ai builds more balanced armies in the campaign.

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Файл ЕДУ надо скопироать в

..\Medieval II Total War\DLV15\data\

Here is the proposed update readme for DLV 1.6, i'm only waiting for the new map update 1.0 of spurius


new in 1.6 (compared to 1.5): save compatible to 1.4 !!!!!!!!!!!

- switch to 2 turns per year to synchronize age and real time

- new map update bigmap1.00 : ?????? thanks to spurius

- refined splash/loading screens

- age simulation for characters: 4 level: young, middle aged, elder, near grave with effects on movement points, charm, health,....: thanks to GAFH mod

- new career system for north european factions: 5 level: knave -> knight -> Count -> Duke -> Generalissimo (thanks to Marcus Camillus)

- changed tech tree/buildings: doubled building times, higher level markets need paved roads, higher level smith need ressource iron, higher level siege/cannon need higher level smith, negativ boni for core building+higher boni for additional buildings, higher boni for agents/diplomats/assasins in higher buildings

- included unit balancing (edu file) similar as in LTQ 1.1: thanks to Lusted

(added dismounted+crusader units, 2 handed bug fix, increased costs cavalry/artillery, more powerful eastern cavalry+longbow+ billman,..)

- reduced a little the inqusitors

- cavalry charge fix: thanks to Horse Archer

- changed faction names (mostly original languages except the kyrillic): thanks to ideas of Shaba Wangy

- included campaign AI mod 1.1, only the AI xml file( more reliable alliances,..): thanks to Shaba Wangy

- AI command star accelerator as in BBW and SPQR mod: thanks to Lt1956

Изменено пользователем maddog
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Changes in "Deus lo vult"_1.61: DLV_1.61


Compilation of minimods: in english



- new splash and loading screens

- all factions playable except the slaves

- new big099g (metric) map from Spurius

- 1 year = 2 turn (winter and summer changing each turn=6 month) and you see the year instead of the turnnumber (factor 0.5)

- included campaign AI mod 1.1( more reliable alliances,..): thanks to Shaba Wangy

- more effective and active rebells

- changed tech tree/buildings: doubled building times, higher level markets need paved roads, higher level smith need ressource iron, higher level siege/cannon need higher level smith, negativ boni for core building+higher boni for additional buildings, higher boni for agents/diplomats/assasins in higher buildings

- included unit balancing (edu file) similar as in LTQ 1.1: thanks to Lusted

(added dismounted+crusader units, 2 handed bug fix, increased costs cavalry/artillery, more powerful eastern cavalry+longbow+ billman,..)

- reduced a little the inqusitors

- cavalry charge fix: thanks to Horse Archer

- changed faction names (mostly original languages except the kyrillic): thanks to Shaba Wangy

- historical factions+cities names: thanks to johan217

- adapted win conditions: each faction has specific goals

- additional money survival support for very small factions

- landbridges: england-continent, corsica-sardinia

- age simulation for characters: 4 level: young, middle aged, elder, near grave with effects on movement points, charm, health,....: thanks to GAFH mod

- new career system for north european factions: 5 level: knave -> knight -> Count -> Duke -> Generalissimo (thanks to Marcus Camillus)

- additional field cost script only for the player: as cost simulation of camp, food, transport of armies outside settlements

this means any army (only army, not diplomat or spy or killer or merchant/princess/priest) even without characters outside an settlement cost 500 each turn on home territory and 1000 on enemy territory, its independent on the size of the army)

One character in it results still in the same penalty (500/1000). 2 characters in the army double the penalty (1000/2000) and so on.

You can see the difference in the treasure display in the right corner in the moment of the start of a turn: the number drops immediately a certain value (maybe masked by another effect)


one army:

no character 500/1000

1 character 500/1000

2 character 1000/2000


two armies:

no characters 1000/2000

each one 1 character 1000/2000

each one 2 characters 2000/4000



this mod is only for experienced TW players because a siege of 5 turns cost easily 5000 florin extra, so the economy is a challenge and you have to think how to use your armies.



in my mod the characters are aging 6 month per 1 turn (= 6 month historical time)


new in 1.61 (compared to 1.5):

- 1 year = 2 turn (winter and summer changing each turn=6 month) and you see the year instead of the turnnumber (factor 0.5)

- refined splash/loading screens

- age simulation for characters: 4 level: young, middle aged, elder, near grave with effects on movement points, charm, health,....: thanks to GAFH mod

- new career system for north europiaen factions: 5 level: knave -> knight -> Count -> Duke -> Generalissimo (thanks to Marcus Camillus)

- changed tech tree/buildings: doubled building times, higher level markets need paved roads, higher level smith need ressource iron, higher level siege/cannon need higher level smith, negativ boni for core building+higher boni for additional buildings, higher boni for agents/diplomats/assasins in higher buildings

- included unit balancing (edu file) similar as in LTQ 1.1: thanks to Lusted

(added dismounted+crusader units, 2 handed bug fix, increased costs cavalry/artillery, more powerful eastern cavalry+longbow+ billman,..)

- reduced a little the inqusitors

- cavalry charge fix: thanks to Horse Archer

- changed faction names (mostly original languages except the kyrillic): thanks to Shaba Wangy

- included campaign AI mod 1.1( more reliable alliances,..): thanks to Shaba Wangy

- Ai command star accelerator as in BBW or SPQR: thanks to lt1956

- historical factions+cities names: thanks to johan217;/fileinfo.html


PS: если кто может выложить этот файл для прямой скачки (без всяких рапидшар), выложите плз.

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у-у-у...как все плохо.Просто анархия какая-то!))Мне в обычной игре эти восстанцы иззада надоели,а тут они ваще всеобщее мировое движение организовали...Бяка(моемнение).

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  • 3 недели спустя...

Два дня назад вышла очередная 1.8 версия компиляции минимодов Deus lo vult"_1.8. Мододел-компилятор repman продолжил начатое ранее...

Туда запихали многое,что сейчас используется для модов на основе большой карты:


Ничего не пропало,всё пошло в дело...


Имеется два варианта big map:

- DLV_1.8: bigmap vanilla spurius 099i

- DLV_1.8_ext: bigmap extension spurius 103 with additional regions


...обнаружены неозвученные нации:ацтеки,монголы,тимуриды. За ацтеков похоже вообще играть нельзя... Зато можно играть за папское государство. Ещё существует трабла с невидимыми войсками которые добавили мододелы. Видны одни банеры.Это немецкие пикинёры-ландскнехты и фламанские пикинёры у французов.На иконах они в виде чёрных крестьян. Кто-нибудь знает как исправить траблу с невидимками и озвучкой?

Геймплей интересный.Денег хватает.Можно использовать качественные войска.Дипломатия работает,правда я ставил Kscott's Campaign AI- V.0.1. Комп старается накопить крупные силы и если решает напасть,то большой армией по 3-5 стеков. Часто достаточно предъявить компу более крупный контингент в секторе,чтобы он прекратил вторжение.Комп наиболее агрессивен на своей территории,тут он старается не отступать. В целом игра идёт размеренно и неторопливо.

Непонравилась система 1ход-1год.Очень это долго,с учётом что ход компа на большой карте длится дольше,чем на нормальной. Пока комп ходит можно,правда сходить попить чайку,покурить и тд.

В целом достойный внимания большой продукт,состоящий из множества мелких продуктиков.

Впрочем можно и самому составить не хуже микс из минимодов на основе большой карты Basic Map ,99i :


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