War in the Pacific: Admiral's Edition - Страница 57 - Игры от Matrix Games - TWoW.Games - Сообщество любителей умных игр Перейти к содержанию
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War in the Pacific: Admiral's Edition


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HI @Dimass77,

Саплай нужен для армии, авиации и флота, также промышленность потребляет саплай при расширение и ремонте.  Саплай вырабатывается центрами LI, HI, Refenery и еще на некоторых базах есть прирост саплая из воздуха :) При переработке Oil получается Fuel которое тратиться на заправку кораблей(ACM тоже потребляет в порту) и на потребление тяжёлой промышленности.

По поводу эффективности бомберов, самое главное там высота, в Китае зачастую 6-7к высота, в  Чангша из за ПВО делал 15к.  Там где нет ПВО можно пару раз вылеты делать на высоте 2к, потом просто значительно эффективность с моралью падает.  Ну и если честно игра не идеал и есть много косяков, к примеру в оригинале зеро и ки-43 совсем на себя не похожи.

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  • laminator0


  • Edward75


  • Topper_Harley


  • miv79


Спасибо буду пробовать.

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Подскажи где взял такой графический мод?

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Решил тут погонять гуадалканал на этот раз за союзников. В связи с этим возник вопрос - как применять четырехмоторники? По каким целям, с каких высот?



Подскажи где взял такой графический мод?

Вот тут: http://www.matrixgames.com/forums/tm.asp?m=3696410

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Комрады хелп. Накрылся виндовс пришлось переустанавливать ,хорошо что сейвы удалось сохранить. Ссылка на скачиваемый  exe. файл устарела, востановить не могу, пишет неправильный номер заказа, короче полная опа. Скиньте кто нибудь оригинальный образ можно в личку. Буду очень признателен. Графический мод, звуки,новые иконки самолётов и кораблей на оф.форуме матриксов . 

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Личку проверь. 

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Всем привет, ребята!

Мардер, с этим модом разве не знаком? Самый шик из карт.

miv79 навел человеку тень на плетень, старичок!  


1. Вози, вози ойл!, Ойл - то что тебе нужно!!! В Японии рефайнери разложат ойл на 9 фюелов и 1 сапплай.

2. Бомбардировки авиацией делают нежный soften. Размягчают войска поднимая Disruption и Fatigue перед ударом своих войск. Войны выигрываются на земле. Славу Mighty Eight тут не стяжать если не знать куда бить. Бомбить что-то в хексе не clear (где войска не имеют коэффициента прикрытия) или полосы (надо тогда долбить её снижая сапплай в хексе) дело совсем второстепенное. В clear хексах тусовка в 60-80 мараудеров за ход может около 1к фрагов наколотить.

k1087 в Гуадалканале - разведка, ПЛО, поддержание полос противника в убитом виде, иногда атаки надводных кораблей, уместно пускать в дополнение к авианосным атакам (хорошо притягивают зонт японских АУГ, держат удар зонта, часто сбивают), по суше колотить неинтересно (джунгли).

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навел человеку тень на плетень, старичок!  

Ну   забыл написать про переработку и про усталость под бомбами. Про первое можно на ура прочитать в мануале.

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Был устамши небось :) Вот и навёл...

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Хм, а оттягивать авианосные истребители на крепости это интересная мысль, спасибо. =)

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  • 1 месяц спустя...

Интересует кого высадка японцев в П-Х до конца марта, комбат логи?

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  • 2 недели спустя...

он еще спрашивает... 
(я так понимаю задавать глупый вопрос, что это против АИ не надо). Кто герой, и антигерой?

Кстати, по этому поводу, меня вот всегда волнут вопрос, как высаживаться в заминированных базах с CD юнитами? Какой то замкнутый треугольник получается. Мины не разминируешь, они мгновенно топятся береговыми орудиями от CD, что-бы захватить CD надо высадить пехоту, а пехоту не высадишь потому что траснпорты подрываются. Можно конечно попытаться заглушить CD с воздуха, но мне кажется это не реально, это надо утюжить безостановочно неделями, если не месяцами, и то навряд ли это что-то даст. Видимо это надо принимать как неизбежное зло, и идти невзирая на неизбежные потери...

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Я не играю против АИ.

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Я это знаю.

Я кстати тестил такую высадку силами двух дивизий в начале игры, при условии что Союзники не оказывают сопротивления ни морем, ни с воздуха, нифига не захватывается...  :wall:


поржал, Спасибо!)

Изменено пользователем Edward75
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штабы 14 и 16 армии

пехотные дивизии - 7 единиц

танковые части - 8 единиц

артиллерии - 13 единиц

ПВО - 4 единицы

инженеры - 1 единица

несколько вспомогательный частей

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"две дивизии"  :facepalm:

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"две дивизии"  :facepalm:

Бог на стороне больших батальонов.

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а вот зачем АА высаживать, не понимаю, Разве только распределить рандомные потери при высадки.

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а вот зачем АА высаживать, не понимаю, Разве только распределить рандомные потери при высадки.

1. Противник уводил авиацию на другие базы.

2. Ожидался рейд авианосцев

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он еще спрашивает... 

(я так понимаю задавать глупый вопрос, что это против АИ не надо). Кто герой, и антигерой?


Кстати, по этому поводу, меня вот всегда волнут вопрос, как высаживаться в заминированных базах с CD юнитами? Какой то замкнутый треугольник получается. Мины не разминируешь, они мгновенно топятся береговыми орудиями от CD, что-бы захватить CD надо высадить пехоту, а пехоту не высадишь потому что траснпорты подрываются. Можно конечно попытаться заглушить CD с воздуха, но мне кажется это не реально, это надо утюжить безостановочно неделями, если не месяцами, и то навряд ли это что-то даст. Видимо это надо принимать как неизбежное зло, и идти невзирая на неизбежные потери...

Надо или высаживать в соседнюю клетку. И знать что уже 3"(70-75 мм) орудия и пушки не выгрузятся. Да и потери будут зашкаливать. Или формировать отряд из боевых кораблей в режим "Fast Transport" основой делать СА, 5 СL, 4 DD. Обязательно придать 2-3 BB. Потери тоже будут, но зато корабли военные гораздо устойчивее к обстрелам береговых батарей, минам и реже получают от самолетов в отличии от десантных транспортов (АР), просто транспортов (АК) и вспомогательных крейсеров (AMC). Это кстати очень актуально для высадки на Цейлон начиная со второй половины 1942 года.  

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Сегодня, несмотря на ошибку (забыл послать линкоры обстреливать ПХ), Гавайи пали под натиском японских войск.

Под спойлером:
Ground combat at Pearl Harbor (180,107)

Japanese Deliberate attack

Attacking force 99851 troops, 1171 guns, 1439 vehicles, Assault Value = 3717

Defending force 38447 troops, 942 guns, 1011 vehicles, Assault Value = 473

Japanese engineers reduce fortifications to 2

Japanese adjusted assault: 7447

Allied adjusted defense: 763

Japanese assault odds: 9 to 1 (fort level 2)

Japanese forces CAPTURE Pearl Harbor !!!

Combat modifiers
Defender: terrain(+), forts(+), disruption(-)

Japanese ground losses:
2373 casualties reported
Squads: 7 destroyed, 188 disabled
Non Combat: 3 destroyed, 39 disabled
Engineers: 1 destroyed, 38 disabled
Vehicles lost 98 (16 destroyed, 82 disabled)

Allied ground losses:
35166 casualties reported
Squads: 380 destroyed, 0 disabled
Non Combat: 2637 destroyed, 0 disabled
Engineers: 123 destroyed, 0 disabled
Guns lost 1281 (1281 destroyed, 0 disabled)
Vehicles lost 1081 (1081 destroyed, 0 disabled)
Units destroyed 24

Assaulting units:
10th Tank Regiment
2nd Tank Regiment
21st Division
23rd Tank Regiment
2nd Division
20th Ind. Engineer Regiment
7th Tank Regiment
48th Division
38th Division
16th Division
4th Division
14th Division
4th Tank Regiment
8th Tank Regiment
9th Tank Regiment
11th Tank Regiment
2nd Ind.Hvy.Art. Battalion
12th Ind.Art.Mortar Battalion
8th Medium Field Artillery Regiment
8th JAAF AF Bn
20th Ind. Mtn Gun Battalion
1st Medium Field Artillery Regiment
22nd Medium Field Artillery Regiment
2nd Ind.Art.Mortar Battalion
16th Army
9th Ind.Hvy.Art. Battalion
55th Field AA Battalion
52nd Field AA Battalion
14th Army
15th Ind.Art.Mortar Battalion
50th Field AA Battalion
13th Ind.Art.Mortar Battalion
28th JAAF AF Bn
10th Ind. Mountain Gun Regiment
2nd Mortar Battalion
39th Field AA Battalion
17th Medium Field Artillery Regiment
13th Naval Const Bn /1

Defending units:
21st Infantry Regiment
35th Infantry Regiment
19th Infantry Regiment
Oahu Harbor Defense
27th Infantry Regiment
34th Combat Engineer Regiment
2nd USMC Engineer Regiment
251st Coast AA Regiment
118th USAAF Base Force
Hawaiian Dept
VII US Bomber Cmnd
1st Marine Defense Battalion
64th Coast AA Regiment
Seventh USAAF
4th Marine Defense Battalion
119th USAAF Base Force
3rd Marine Defense Battalion
Pearl Harbor Base Force
98th Coast AA Regiment
Pacific Ocean Areas
804th Engineer Aviation Battalion
97th Coast AA Regiment
VII US Fighter Cmnd
D Det USN Port Svc

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скока транспортников понадобилось для загрузки такой аравы? Какие потери в них?

Это что же за такой "герой" у которого к концу марта 2 лвл укреплений, чем там инженеры занимались, по бабам бегали небось. :flirt:

Скажи мне его имя, Сестра?!

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Это не первый бой, там больше было укреплений. Противник купился на подготовку высадки в Hilo и отправил туда подкрепления.

В высадке участвовали все линкоры, крейсера, почти все эсминцы, 2/3 быстроходных тральщиков, много патрульных кораблей типа Ansyu, также Кидо Бутай со всеми авианосцами (за исключением Junyo, Hosho, Taiyo, которые действовали в поддержку высадки на Цейлоне и в Индии). Войска в ПХ высаживали два соединения почти по 100 кораблей (при 99-100 кораблей игра крашится).

ББО подавляли линкоры, крейсера поддерживали в составе соединений десанта.

В первую высадку мины не были помехой, во второй (видимо противник выставил имевшимися ПЛ) тральщики встретили мины и потеряли на минно-артиллерийской позиции примерно половину от своего состава (ТЩ были включены в десантные соединения).

Это игрок с оффорума, имя его не помню, мы списывались по почте.

Бомбардировка линкорами перед высадкой

Под спойлером:
Night Naval bombardment of Pearl Harbor at 180,107 - Coastal Guns Fire Back!

91 Coastal gun shots fired in defense.

Japanese Ships
BB Hyuga
BB Ise
BB Yamashiro
BB Fuso
BB Mutsu
BB Nagato
BB Kirishima
BB Hiei
BB Haruna
BB Kongo

Allied Ships
BB Tennessee, Shell hits 1, on fire, heavy damage

Allied ground losses:
311 casualties reported
Squads: 1 destroyed, 2 disabled
Non Combat: 26 destroyed, 44 disabled
Engineers: 1 destroyed, 1 disabled
Guns lost 17 (7 destroyed, 10 disabled)
Vehicles lost 22 (8 destroyed, 14 disabled)

Airbase hits 10
Runway hits 11
Port hits 2

E7K2 Alf acting as spotter for BB Hyuga
BB Hyuga firing at Pearl Harbor Base Force
E7K2 Alf acting as spotter for BB Ise
Oahu Harbor Defense firing at BB Ise
BB Ise firing at Oahu Harbor Defense
Oahu Harbor Defense firing at BB Yamashiro
BB Yamashiro firing at Oahu Harbor Defense
BB Fuso firing at Oahu Harbor Defense
Oahu Harbor Defense firing at BB Fuso
E7K2 Alf acting as spotter for BB Mutsu
BB Mutsu firing at Pearl Harbor
BB Nagato firing at Oahu Harbor Defense
Oahu Harbor Defense firing at BB Nagato
BB Kirishima firing at Pearl Harbor
BB Hiei firing at Oahu Harbor Defense
Oahu Harbor Defense firing at BB Hiei
BB Haruna firing at Pearl Harbor
BB Kongo firing at Oahu Harbor Defense


Первое десантное соединение

Под спойлером:
Pre-Invasion action off Pearl Harbor (180,107) - Coastal Guns Fire Back!
Defensive Guns engage approaching landing force

1343 Coastal gun shots fired in defense.

Japanese Ships
CA Kumano
CA Suzuya
CA Mikuma
CA Mogami
CL Yubari
CL Jintsu, Shell hits 1
CL Sendai, Shell hits 2, on fire
DD Kuri
DD Natsugumo
DD Arashio
DD Asashio
DD Tanikaze
DD Hamakaze, Shell hits 1
DD Urakaze
DD Shiranui, Shell hits 2, on fire
DD Isokaze
DD Hayashio
DD Natsushio, Shell hits 1, on fire
DD Oyashio, Shell hits 1
xAK Sanko Maru, Shell hits 2, on fire
xAK Kamikaze Maru, Shell hits 21, heavy fires, heavy damage
xAK Yamahuku Maru
xAK Mexico Maru
DD Shiratsuyu
TB Sagi
APD Urukaze
DD Michishio
xAK Meiyo Maru

Japanese ground losses:
1559 casualties reported
Squads: 2 destroyed, 68 disabled
Non Combat: 11 destroyed, 112 disabled
Engineers: 5 destroyed, 26 disabled

CA Kumano firing at 4th Marine Defense Battalion
4th Marine Defense Battalion firing at CA Kumano
CA Suzuya firing at 3rd Marine Defense Battalion
3rd Marine Defense Battalion firing at CA Suzuya
CA Mikuma firing at 27th Infantry Regiment
CA Mogami firing at 21st Infantry Regiment
CL Yubari firing at 3rd Marine Defense Battalion
3rd Marine Defense Battalion firing at CL Yubari
CL Jintsu firing at 3rd Marine Defense Battalion
3rd Marine Defense Battalion firing at CL Jintsu
CL Sendai firing at Oahu Harbor Defense
Oahu Harbor Defense firing at CL Sendai
DD Kuri firing at Oahu Harbor Defense
Oahu Harbor Defense firing at DD Kuri
DD Natsugumo firing at 3rd Marine Defense Battalion
3rd Marine Defense Battalion firing at DD Natsugumo
4th Marine Defense Battalion firing at DD Arashio
DD Arashio firing at 4th Marine Defense Battalion
Oahu Harbor Defense firing at DD Asashio
DD Asashio firing at Oahu Harbor Defense
DD Tanikaze firing at 1st Marine Defense Battalion
1st Marine Defense Battalion firing at DD Tanikaze
DD Hamakaze firing at Oahu Harbor Defense
Oahu Harbor Defense firing at DD Hamakaze
DD Urakaze firing at Oahu Harbor Defense
Oahu Harbor Defense firing at DD Urakaze
Oahu Harbor Defense firing at DD Shiranui
DD Shiranui firing at Oahu Harbor Defense
DD Isokaze firing at 3rd Marine Defense Battalion
3rd Marine Defense Battalion firing at DD Isokaze
DD Hayashio firing at 4th Marine Defense Battalion
Oahu Harbor Defense firing at DD Natsushio
DD Natsushio firing at Oahu Harbor Defense
Oahu Harbor Defense firing at DD Oyashio
DD Oyashio firing at Oahu Harbor Defense
5in CD Gun Battery engaging xAK Sanko Maru at 5,000 yards
CA Suzuya firing to suppress enemy battery at 5,000 yards
155mm M1A1 GPF Battery engaging xAK Kamikaze Maru at 5,000 yards
CA Kumano firing to suppress enemy battery at 5,000 yards
14in CD Gun Battery engaging xAK Kamikaze Maru at 5,000 yards
CA Suzuya firing to suppress enemy battery at 5,000 yards
12in CD Mortar Battery engaging xAK Sanko Maru at 5,000 yards
CA Kumano firing to suppress enemy battery at 5,000 yards
CA Kumano firing to suppress enemy battery at 5,000 yards
CL Jintsu firing to suppress enemy battery at 5,000 yards
CA Suzuya firing to suppress enemy battery at 5,000 yards
CL Jintsu firing to suppress enemy battery at 5,000 yards
CA Kumano firing to suppress enemy battery at 5,000 yards
8in CD Gun Battery engaging xAK Kamikaze Maru at 5,000 yards
CA Kumano firing to suppress enemy battery at 5,000 yards
14in CD Gun Battery engaging xAK Kamikaze Maru at 5,000 yards
CA Kumano firing to suppress enemy battery at 5,000 yards
155mm M1A1 GPF Battery engaging xAK Kamikaze Maru at 5,000 yards
8in CD Gun Battery engaging xAK Sanko Maru at 5,000 yards
CL Sendai firing to suppress enemy battery at 5,000 yards
DD Shiratsuyu firing to suppress enemy battery at 5,000 yards
16in CD Gun Battery engaging xAK Kamikaze Maru at 5,000 yards
TB Sagi fired at enemy troops
DD Kuri fired at enemy troops
DD Natsugumo fired at enemy troops
DD Arashio fired at enemy troops
DD Asashio fired at enemy troops
DD Tanikaze fired at enemy troops
DD Urakaze fired at enemy troops
DD Shiranui fired at enemy troops
DD Isokaze fired at enemy troops
DD Oyashio fired at enemy troops
Defensive Guns fire at approaching troops in landing craft at 4,000 yards
Defensive Guns fire at approaching troops in landing craft at 1,000 yards


Высадка первым десантным соединением

Под спойлером:
Amphibious Assault at Pearl Harbor (180,107)

TF 12 troops unloading over beach at Pearl Harbor, 180,107

Japanese ground losses:
522 casualties reported
Squads: 27 destroyed, 0 disabled
Non Combat: 14 destroyed, 0 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Guns lost 2 (2 destroyed, 0 disabled)
Vehicles lost 13 (13 destroyed, 0 disabled)

Motorized Support lost in surf during unload of 14th Army /4
Motorized Support accidentally lost during unload of 14th Army /4
Motorized Support accidentally lost during unload of 23rd Tank Rgt /2
75mm Infantry Gun lost overboard during unload of 16th/B Div
70mm T92 Howitzer lost in surf during unload of 16th/B Div
18 troops of a IJA Engineer Squad lost in surf during unload of 21st/B Div
17 troops of a IJA Infantry Squad lost overboard during unload of 21st/C Div
17 troops of a IJA Infantry Squad lost in surf during unload of 21st/C Div
20 troops of a IJA HMG Squad accidentally lost during unload of 16th/B Div /2
19 troops of a IJA Infantry Squad accidentally lost during unload of 16th/B Div /3
17 troops of a IJA Motorized Squad accidentally lost during unload of 16th/C Div
18 troops of a IJA Engineer Squad accidentally lost during unload of 16th/C Div /2
10 Support troops accidentally lost during unload of 16th/C Div /2
Type 95 Light Tank lost overboard during unload of 7th Tank Rgt
19 troops of a IJA Infantry Squad lost in surf during unload of 4th/B Div
10 Support troops lost in surf during unload of 4th/B Div
10 Support troops accidentally lost during unload of 4th/B Div /2
Type 95 Light Tank lost overboard during unload of 2nd Tank Rgt
16 troops of a IJA Cavalry Squad lost in surf during unload of 4th/C Div
19 troops of a IJA Infantry Squad accidentally lost during unload of 4th/C Div /2
10 Support troops lost from landing craft during unload of 4th/C Div /2
10 Support troops lost in surf during unload of 28th JAAF AF Bn
19 troops of a IJA Infantry Squad lost overboard during unload of 4th/B Div /3
10 Support troops accidentally lost during unload of 4th/B Div /3
10 Support troops lost overboard during unload of 4th/C Div /3
20 troops of a IJA HMG Squad lost overboard during unload of 21st/B Div /2
10 Support troops accidentally lost during unload of 21st/B Div /2
17 troops of a IJA Infantry Squad lost from landing craft during unload of 21st/C Div /2
10 Support troops accidentally lost during unload of 21st/C Div /2
10 Support troops lost in surf during unload of 16th/B Div /4
18 troops of a IJA Engineer Squad accidentally lost during unload of 20th Ind. Engr Rgt
18 troops of a IJA Engineer Squad lost overboard during unload of 20th Ind. Engr Rgt
Motorized Support lost in surf during unload of 14th Army /5
Motorized Support lost in surf during unload of 14th Army /5
19 troops of a IJA Infantry Squad lost overboard during unload of 16th/C Div /4
10 Support troops lost overboard during unload of 16th Army /4
Motorized Support lost in surf during unload of 16th Army /5
Motorized Support damaged beyond repair during unload of 16th Army /6
17 troops of a IJA Infantry Squad lost from landing craft during unload of 21st/B Div /3
17 troops of a IJA Infantry Squad accidentally lost during unload of 21st/B Div /4
17 troops of a IJA Infantry Squad lost overboard during unload of 21st/B Div /4
17 troops of a IJA Infantry Squad lost overboard during unload of 21st/C Div /3
10 Support troops lost from landing craft during unload of 21st/C Div /3
17 troops of a IJA Infantry Squad accidentally lost during unload of 21st/C Div /3


Второе десантное соединение

Под спойлером:
Pre-Invasion action off Pearl Harbor (180,107) - Coastal Guns Fire Back!
Defensive Guns engage approaching landing force

1384 Coastal gun shots fired in defense.

Japanese Ships
CA Chokai
CA Maya
CA Atago
CA Takao
CA Chikuma, Shell hits 4
CA Tone
CL Kiso
CL Kuma
CL Abukuma
CL Kinu
DD Kikuzuki
DD Sazanami
DD Shikinami
DD Samidare
DD Harusame
DD Murasame
DD Shigure
DD Asagumo
DD Yamagumo
xAK Anyo Maru, Shell hits 3
xAP Tatsuta Maru
xAP Asama Maru, Shell hits 13, heavy fires, heavy damage
xAP Hie Maru
AMC Saigon Maru
AK Tosan Maru
DD Uruyuke
AK Sado Maru

Japanese ground losses:
1428 casualties reported
Squads: 1 destroyed, 66 disabled
Non Combat: 8 destroyed, 112 disabled
Engineers: 1 destroyed, 16 disabled

CA Chokai firing at 4th Marine Defense Battalion
4th Marine Defense Battalion firing at CA Chokai
CA Maya firing at 21st Infantry Regiment
CA Atago firing at 3rd Marine Defense Battalion
3rd Marine Defense Battalion firing at CA Atago
Oahu Harbor Defense firing at CA Takao
CA Takao firing at Oahu Harbor Defense
CA Chikuma firing at Oahu Harbor Defense
Oahu Harbor Defense firing at CA Chikuma
CA Tone firing at 4th Marine Defense Battalion
4th Marine Defense Battalion firing at CA Tone
CL Kiso firing at 3rd Marine Defense Battalion
3rd Marine Defense Battalion firing at CL Kiso
CL Kuma firing at 4th Marine Defense Battalion
4th Marine Defense Battalion firing at CL Kuma
CL Abukuma firing at 4th Marine Defense Battalion
4th Marine Defense Battalion firing at CL Abukuma
CL Kinu firing at 1st Marine Defense Battalion
DD Kikuzuki firing at 1st Marine Defense Battalion
1st Marine Defense Battalion firing at DD Kikuzuki
DD Sazanami firing at 3rd Marine Defense Battalion
3rd Marine Defense Battalion firing at DD Sazanami
DD Shikinami firing at 4th Marine Defense Battalion
4th Marine Defense Battalion firing at DD Shikinami
DD Samidare firing at 4th Marine Defense Battalion
4th Marine Defense Battalion firing at DD Samidare
DD Harusame firing at Pearl Harbor Base Force
Oahu Harbor Defense firing at DD Murasame
DD Murasame firing at Oahu Harbor Defense
DD Shigure firing at Oahu Harbor Defense
Oahu Harbor Defense firing at DD Shigure
DD Asagumo firing at 3rd Marine Defense Battalion
3rd Marine Defense Battalion firing at DD Asagumo
Oahu Harbor Defense firing at DD Yamagumo
DD Yamagumo firing at Oahu Harbor Defense
CL Kiso firing to suppress enemy battery at 11,000 yards
CA Chokai firing to suppress enemy battery at 11,000 yards
12in CD Mortar Battery engaging xAK Anyo Maru at 11,000 yards
CA Chokai firing to suppress enemy battery at 11,000 yards
5in CD Gun Battery engaging xAK Anyo Maru at 11,000 yards
CA Chokai firing to suppress enemy battery at 11,000 yards
3in CD Gun Battery engaging xAP Tatsuta Maru at 11,000 yards
CA Chokai firing to suppress enemy battery at 11,000 yards
155mm M1A1 GPF Battery engaging xAP Asama Maru at 11,000 yards
CA Chokai firing to suppress enemy battery at 11,000 yards
CL Kiso firing to suppress enemy battery at 11,000 yards
CA Chokai firing to suppress enemy battery at 11,000 yards
16in CD Gun Battery engaging xAK Anyo Maru at 11,000 yards
CA Chokai firing to suppress enemy battery at 11,000 yards
12in CD Mortar Battery engaging xAK Anyo Maru at 11,000 yards
8in Railroad Gun Battery engaging xAP Asama Maru at 11,000 yards
CA Chokai firing to suppress enemy battery at 11,000 yards
5in CD Gun Battery engaging xAP Asama Maru at 11,000 yards
CA Chokai firing to suppress enemy battery at 11,000 yards
3in CD Gun Battery engaging xAP Tatsuta Maru at 11,000 yards
CA Chokai firing to suppress enemy battery at 11,000 yards
155mm M1A1 GPF Battery engaging xAP Asama Maru at 11,000 yards
CA Chokai firing to suppress enemy battery at 11,000 yards
16in CD Gun Battery engaging xAP Asama Maru at 11,000 yards
8in Railroad Gun Battery engaging xAK Anyo Maru at 11,000 yards
DD Kikuzuki fired at enemy troops
DD Sazanami fired at enemy troops
DD Harusame fired at enemy troops
DD Murasame fired at enemy troops
Defensive Guns fire at approaching troops in landing craft at 5,000 yards
Defensive Guns fire at approaching troops in landing craft at 1,000 yards


Высадка вторым десантным соединением

Под спойлером:
Amphibious Assault at Pearl Harbor (180,107)

TF 16 troops unloading over beach at Pearl Harbor, 180,107

Japanese ground losses:
1184 casualties reported
Squads: 60 destroyed, 0 disabled
Non Combat: 14 destroyed, 0 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Guns lost 5 (5 destroyed, 0 disabled)
Vehicles lost 7 (7 destroyed, 0 disabled)

Type 97 Medium Tank lost overboard during unload of 10th Tank Rgt /1
20 troops of a IJA HMG Squad lost in surf during unload of 4th/A Div
19 troops of a IJA Infantry Squad lost from landing craft during unload of 38th/C Div
19 troops of a IJA Infantry Squad lost from landing craft during unload of 38th/A Div
19 troops of a IJA Infantry Squad lost overboard during unload of 48th/B Div
19 troops of a IJA Infantry Squad accidentally lost during unload of 48th/B Div /2
19 troops of a IJA Infantry Squad lost overboard during unload of 48th/B Div /2
10 Support troops lost overboard during unload of 48th/B Div /2
10 Support troops accidentally lost during unload of 48th/B Div /2
19 troops of a IJA Infantry Squad lost in surf during unload of 48th/C Div
19 troops of a IJA Infantry Squad lost in surf during unload of 48th/C Div
17 troops of a IJA Infantry Squad lost from landing craft during unload of 21st/A Div
8 Engineers lost in surf during unload of 21st/A Div
17 troops of a IJA Infantry Squad lost overboard during unload of 21st/A Div /2
17 troops of a IJA Infantry Squad accidentally lost during unload of 21st/A Div /2
10 Support troops lost overboard during unload of 21st/A Div /2
19 troops of a IJA Infantry Squad lost overboard during unload of 48th/A Div
10cm T91 Howitzer lost from landing craft during unload of 48th/A Div
19 troops of a IJA Infantry Squad lost overboard during unload of 38th/B Div /2
19 troops of a IJA Infantry Squad lost from landing craft during unload of 38th/B Div /2
10 Support troops lost from landing craft during unload of 38th/B Div /2
19 troops of a IJA Infantry Squad lost overboard during unload of 4th/A Div /2
19 troops of a IJA Infantry Squad lost overboard during unload of 4th/A Div /2
19 troops of a IJA Infantry Squad lost in surf during unload of 4th/A Div /2
19 troops of a IJA Infantry Squad lost overboard during unload of 16th/A Div /2
47mm Type 01 AT Gun dropped into water during unload of 16th/A Div /2
17 troops of a IJA Infantry Squad lost overboard during unload of 14th/A Div /2
17 troops of a IJA Infantry Squad lost in surf during unload of 14th/A Div /2
10cm T91 Howitzer accidentally lost during unload of 14th/A Div /2
17 troops of a IJA Infantry Squad lost from landing craft during unload of 14th/A Div /2
17 troops of a IJA Infantry Squad lost in surf during unload of 14th/C Div
17 troops of a IJA Infantry Squad lost in surf during unload of 14th/C Div
17 troops of a IJA Infantry Squad lost in surf during unload of 14th/B Div
20 troops of a IJA HMG Squad accidentally lost during unload of 2nd/C Div
19 troops of a IJA Infantry Squad lost in surf during unload of 2nd/C Div
19 troops of a IJA Infantry Squad lost from landing craft during unload of 48th/C Div /2
19 troops of a IJA Infantry Squad lost in surf during unload of 48th/C Div /2
Motorized Support accidentally lost during unload of 48th/C Div /2
10 Support troops lost from landing craft during unload of 48th/C Div /2
10 Support troops lost in surf during unload of 48th/C Div /2
10 Support troops accidentally lost during unload of 48th/A Div /2
10 Support troops lost from landing craft during unload of 48th/A Div /2
10 Support troops lost in surf during unload of 48th/A Div /2
19 troops of a IJA Infantry Squad lost overboard during unload of 2nd/C Div /2
19 troops of a IJA Infantry Squad accidentally lost during unload of 2nd/C Div /2
Motorized Support lost in surf during unload of 2nd/C Div /2
10 Support troops lost in surf during unload of 2nd/C Div /2
18 troops of a IJA Engineer Squad accidentally lost during unload of 14th/B Div /2
17 troops of a IJA Infantry Squad lost in surf during unload of 14th/B Div /2
17 troops of a IJA Infantry Squad lost in surf during unload of 14th/C Div /2
19 troops of a IJA Infantry Squad lost from landing craft during unload of 2nd/B Div
19 troops of a IJA Infantry Squad accidentally lost during unload of 2nd/B Div
19 troops of a IJA Infantry Squad lost in surf during unload of 2nd/B Div /2
19 troops of a IJA Infantry Squad lost in surf during unload of 2nd/B Div /2
19 troops of a IJA Infantry Squad lost from landing craft during unload of 38th/C Div /2
19 troops of a IJA Infantry Squad lost in surf during unload of 38th/C Div /2
19 troops of a IJA Infantry Squad lost overboard during unload of 2nd/A Div /2
19 troops of a IJA Infantry Squad lost in surf during unload of 2nd/A Div /2
Motorized Support accidentally lost during unload of 2nd/A Div /2
19 troops of a IJA Infantry Squad lost overboard during unload of 2nd/A Div /2
17 troops of a IJA Motorized Squad lost from landing craft during unload of 38th/A Div /2
20 troops of a IJA HMG Squad lost in surf during unload of 38th/A Div /2
19 troops of a IJA Infantry Squad lost in surf during unload of 38th/A Div /2
7.7mm T99 AAMG lost from landing craft during unload of 38th/A Div /2
19 troops of a IJA Infantry Squad lost overboard during unload of 38th/A Div /2
8 Engineers lost overboard during unload of 38th/A Div /2
Type 97 Medium Tank lost in surf during unload of 11th Tank Rgt /2


Третье десантное соединение (второстепенные части, что не влезли в первые два десантных соединения, а также снабжение)

Под спойлером:
Pre-Invasion action off Pearl Harbor (180,107) - Coastal Guns Fire Back!
Defensive Guns engage approaching landing force

1349 Coastal gun shots fired in defense.

Japanese Ships
CA Ashigara
CA Nachi, Shell hits 1
CA Haguro, Shell hits 2
CA Myoko
CL Yura, Shell hits 1
CL Natori, Shell hits 1
CL Isuzu, Shell hits 1
CL Nagara
CL Kashima, Shell hits 1
CL Katori
AMC Asaka Maru
AMC Akagi Maru, Shell hits 15, heavy fires, heavy damage
xAK Aso Maru, Shell hits 17, heavy fires, heavy damage
xAK Syoto Maru, Shell hits 3, on fire
xAK Hiteru Maru
PB Toko Maru #4
PB Suyozai Maru
PB Okuyo Maru #2
PB Tonon Maru
PB Kinsyo Maru #4
PB Kinsyo Maru #2
PB Yamahagi Maru #3
PB Choko Maru #5
PB Aso Maru #7
PB Yomei Maru
PB Tomitu Maru
PB Teimei Maru
PB Senyo Maru
PB Seikyo Maru
PB Sinko Maru
PB Ronsan Maru
PB Okuyo Maru
PB Magane Maru
PB Nichiryo Maru
PB Nagato Maru
PB Mikage Maru
PB Kogane Maru
PB Kamitu Maru
PB Hirota Maru
PB Hokutai Maru
PB Chitose Maru #2
PB Akagane Maru
PB Taiko Maru
PB Sozan Maru
PB Shoei Maru
PB Santos Maru
PB Saiko Maru
PB Nikkai Maru
PB Nanpo Maru
PB Nagata Maru
PB Myoken Maru
PB Kyo Maru #10
PB Kyo Maru #8
PB Kohuku Maru
PB Keiko Maru
PB Kaiun Maru
PB Kaikei Maru
PB Ikuta Maru
PB Heiei Maru #7
PB Hakkaisan Maru
PB Chosa Maru
PB Chitose Maru
PB Busho Maru
PB Chiyo Maru #4
xAK Kiyo Maru
DD Yayoi

Japanese ground losses:
437 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Non Combat: 18 destroyed, 142 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Vehicles lost 134 (15 destroyed, 119 disabled)

CA Ashigara firing at 3rd Marine Defense Battalion
3rd Marine Defense Battalion firing at CA Ashigara
CA Nachi firing at 4th Marine Defense Battalion
4th Marine Defense Battalion firing at CA Nachi
Oahu Harbor Defense firing at CA Haguro
CA Haguro firing at Oahu Harbor Defense
CA Myoko firing at 4th Marine Defense Battalion
Oahu Harbor Defense firing at CL Yura
CL Yura firing at Oahu Harbor Defense
CL Natori firing at Oahu Harbor Defense
Oahu Harbor Defense firing at CL Natori
Oahu Harbor Defense firing at CL Isuzu
CL Isuzu firing at Oahu Harbor Defense
CL Nagara firing at 1st Marine Defense Battalion
1st Marine Defense Battalion firing at CL Nagara
CL Kashima firing at 4th Marine Defense Battalion
4th Marine Defense Battalion firing at CL Kashima
CL Katori firing at 4th Marine Defense Battalion
4th Marine Defense Battalion firing at CL Katori
AMC Asaka Maru firing at 4th Marine Defense Battalion
4th Marine Defense Battalion firing at AMC Asaka Maru
Oahu Harbor Defense firing at AMC Akagi Maru
AMC Akagi Maru firing at Oahu Harbor Defense
155mm M1A1 GPF Battery engaging xAK Aso Maru at 8,000 yards
CA Ashigara firing to suppress enemy battery at 8,000 yards
12in CD Gun Battery engaging xAK Syoto Maru at 8,000 yards
CA Ashigara firing to suppress enemy battery at 8,000 yards
CL Yura firing to suppress enemy battery at 8,000 yards
CA Ashigara firing to suppress enemy battery at 8,000 yards
CA Ashigara firing to suppress enemy battery at 8,000 yards
8in Railroad Gun Battery engaging xAK Aso Maru at 8,000 yards
CA Ashigara firing to suppress enemy battery at 8,000 yards
155mm M1A1 GPF Battery engaging xAK Syoto Maru at 8,000 yards
CA Ashigara firing to suppress enemy battery at 8,000 yards
6in CD Gun Battery engaging xAK Aso Maru at 8,000 yards
CA Ashigara firing to suppress enemy battery at 8,000 yards
155mm M1A1 GPF Battery engaging xAK Aso Maru at 8,000 yards
CA Ashigara firing to suppress enemy battery at 8,000 yards
CA Ashigara firing to suppress enemy battery at 8,000 yards
12in CD Gun Battery engaging xAK Aso Maru at 8,000 yards
CA Ashigara firing to suppress enemy battery at 8,000 yards
12in CD Mortar Battery engaging xAK Aso Maru at 8,000 yards
CA Ashigara firing to suppress enemy battery at 8,000 yards
PB Toko Maru #4 fired at enemy troops
PB Suyozai Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Okuyo Maru #2 fired at enemy troops
PB Tonon Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Kinsyo Maru #4 fired at enemy troops
PB Kinsyo Maru #2 fired at enemy troops
PB Yamahagi Maru #3 fired at enemy troops
PB Choko Maru #5 fired at enemy troops
PB Aso Maru #7 fired at enemy troops
PB Yomei Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Tomitu Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Teimei Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Senyo Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Seikyo Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Sinko Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Ronsan Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Okuyo Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Magane Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Nichiryo Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Nagato Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Mikage Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Kogane Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Kamitu Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Hirota Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Hokutai Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Chitose Maru #2 fired at enemy troops
PB Akagane Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Taiko Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Sozan Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Shoei Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Santos Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Saiko Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Nikkai Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Nanpo Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Nagata Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Myoken Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Kyo Maru #10 fired at enemy troops
PB Kyo Maru #8 fired at enemy troops
PB Kohuku Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Keiko Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Kaiun Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Kaikei Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Ikuta Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Heiei Maru #7 fired at enemy troops
PB Hakkaisan Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Chosa Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Chitose Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Busho Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Chiyo Maru #4 fired at enemy troops
Defensive Guns fire at approaching troops in landing craft at 4,000 yards
Defensive Guns fire at approaching troops in landing craft at 2,000 yards


Высадка третьего десантного соединения

Под спойлером:
Amphibious Assault at Pearl Harbor (180,107)

TF 47 troops unloading over beach at Pearl Harbor, 180,107

Japanese ground losses:
Guns lost 6 (6 destroyed, 0 disabled)
Vehicles lost 5 (5 destroyed, 0 disabled)

75mm T88 AA Gun dropped into water during unload of 55th Fld AA Bn
27cm T14 Mortar lost from landing craft during unload of 13th Ind.Art.Mortar Bn
10cm T92 Gun lost overboard during unload of 22nd Medium FA Rgt
Motorized Support lost from landing craft during unload of 8th Medium FA Rgt
75mm T94 Mtn Gun lost overboard during unload of 20th Ind. Mtn Gun Bn
75mm T94 Mtn Gun dropped into water during unload of 10th Ind. Mtn Gun Rgt
10 Support troops lost overboard during unload of 2nd Mortar Bn
Motorized Support accidentally lost during unload of 9th Ind.Hvy.Art. Bn
10 Support troops lost in surf during unload of 52nd Fld AA Bn
Type 95 Light Tank lost overboard during unload of 23rd Tank Rgt
Type 95 Light Tank lost from landing craft during unload of 23rd Tank Rgt
10 Support troops lost from landing craft during unload of 13th Naval Const Bn
10 Support troops lost in surf during unload of 13th Naval Const Bn

Первый день вторжения прошел очень удачно, за исключением 2 ошибок:

1. Дивизии для упрощения загрузки были разделены на три части. В результате то, что не удалось выгрузить за день, пришлось подгонять вторым десантом, ибо дивизии в одно целое (пусть и без части своих войск) не собирались.

2. Слишком много войск было погружено на каждый корабль, а на некоторых еще и снабжение (но не очень много). Это привело к выгрузке и в течении дневного цикла, когда и была получена большая часть попаданий.


Дневной цикл


Под спойлером:
Invasion Support action off Pearl Harbor (180,107) - Coastal Guns Fire Back!
Defensive Guns engage approaching landing force

581 Coastal gun shots fired in defense.

Japanese Ships
CA Kumano
CA Suzuya
CA Mikuma, Shell hits 1, on fire
CA Mogami
CL Yubari, Shell hits 2
CL Jintsu, Shell hits 2
CL Sendai, on fire
DD Natsugumo
DD Asashio
DD Urakaze
DD Tokitsukaze, Shell hits 2
DD Shiranui, on fire
DD Maikaze
DD Yukikaze
DD Hatsukaze
DD Oyashio
xAK Kamikaze Maru, Shell hits 7, heavy fires, heavy damage
xAK Sanko Maru, Shell hits 15, heavy fires, heavy damage
xAK Yamahuku Maru, Shell hits 4, on fire, heavy damage
DD Oshio
DD Yuzuki
xAK Mexico Maru
xAK Kimishima Maru
DD Tanikaze
DD Hagikaze
APD Urukaze
DD Michishio
DD Shiratsuyu

Japanese ground losses:
6 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Non Combat: 6 destroyed, 78 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Vehicles lost 110 (8 destroyed, 102 disabled)

4th Marine Defense Battalion firing at CA Kumano
Oahu Harbor Defense firing at CA Mikuma
3rd Marine Defense Battalion firing at CL Yubari
Oahu Harbor Defense firing at CL Jintsu
CL Sendai firing at 27th Infantry Regiment
1st Marine Defense Battalion firing at DD Natsugumo
DD Asashio firing at 4th Marine Defense Battalion
DD Urakaze firing at 4th Marine Defense Battalion
4th Marine Defense Battalion firing at DD Urakaze
Oahu Harbor Defense firing at DD Tokitsukaze
DD Tokitsukaze firing at Oahu Harbor Defense
3rd Marine Defense Battalion firing at DD Shiranui
DD Maikaze firing at 27th Infantry Regiment
3rd Marine Defense Battalion firing at DD Yukikaze
DD Yukikaze firing at 3rd Marine Defense Battalion
DD Hatsukaze firing at 21st Infantry Regiment
3rd Marine Defense Battalion firing at DD Oyashio
5in CD Gun Battery engaging xAK Kamikaze Maru at 5,000 yards
3in CD Gun Battery engaging xAK Sanko Maru at 5,000 yards
CA Kumano firing to suppress enemy battery at 5,000 yards
6in CD Gun Battery engaging xAK Sanko Maru at 5,000 yards
155mm M1A1 GPF Battery engaging xAK Sanko Maru at 5,000 yards
CA Kumano firing to suppress enemy battery at 5,000 yards
8in CD Gun Battery engaging xAK Yamahuku Maru at 5,000 yards
CL Sendai firing to suppress enemy battery at 5,000 yards
CA Suzuya firing to suppress enemy battery at 5,000 yards
8in Railroad Gun Battery engaging xAK Sanko Maru at 5,000 yards
CL Sendai firing to suppress enemy battery at 5,000 yards
CA Kumano firing to suppress enemy battery at 5,000 yards
6in CD Gun Battery engaging xAK Kamikaze Maru at 5,000 yards
CA Suzuya firing to suppress enemy battery at 5,000 yards
155mm M1A1 GPF Battery engaging xAK Kamikaze Maru at 5,000 yards
16in CD Gun Battery engaging xAK Sanko Maru at 5,000 yards
DD Yuzuki firing to suppress enemy battery at 5,000 yards
12in CD Mortar Battery engaging xAK Mexico Maru at 5,000 yards
DD Yuzuki firing to suppress enemy battery at 5,000 yards
DD Oshio firing to suppress enemy battery at 5,000 yards
DD Yuzuki firing to suppress enemy battery at 5,000 yards
3in CD Gun Battery engaging xAK Kamikaze Maru at 5,000 yards
DD Yuzuki firing to suppress enemy battery at 5,000 yards
155mm M1A1 GPF Battery engaging xAK Kamikaze Maru at 5,000 yards
DD Yuzuki firing to suppress enemy battery at 5,000 yards
DD Oshio firing to suppress enemy battery at 5,000 yards
DD Yuzuki firing to suppress enemy battery at 5,000 yards
155mm M1A1 GPF Battery engaging xAK Kamikaze Maru at 5,000 yards
DD Yuzuki firing to suppress enemy battery at 5,000 yards
8in CD Gun Battery engaging xAK Yamahuku Maru at 5,000 yards
DD Yuzuki firing to suppress enemy battery at 5,000 yards
12in CD Gun Battery engaging xAK Kamikaze Maru at 5,000 yards
DD Yuzuki firing to suppress enemy battery at 5,000 yards
16in CD Gun Battery engaging xAK Kamikaze Maru at 5,000 yards
DD Yuzuki firing to suppress enemy battery at 5,000 yards
DD Hagikaze firing to suppress enemy battery at 5,000 yards
DD Yuzuki firing to suppress enemy battery at 5,000 yards
DD Asashio fired at enemy troops
DD Urakaze fired at enemy troops
DD Shiranui fired at enemy troops
DD Maikaze fired at enemy troops
DD Hatsukaze fired at enemy troops
DD Oyashio fired at enemy troops
Defensive Guns fire at approaching troops in landing craft at 2,000 yards

Под спойлером:
Invasion Support action off Pearl Harbor (180,107) - Coastal Guns Fire Back!
Defensive Guns engage approaching landing force

1309 Coastal gun shots fired in defense.

Japanese Ships
CA Chokai, Shell hits 1
CA Maya
CA Atago, Shell hits 2
CA Takao
CA Chikuma, Shell hits 1
CA Tone
CL Kiso
CL Kuma
CL Abukuma
CL Kinu
DD Uruyuke, Shell hits 1
DD Mochizuki, Shell hits 3, heavy fires
DD Kikuzuki
DD Sazanami, Shell hits 1, on fire
DD Shikinami, Shell hits 2, heavy fires, heavy damage
DD Hibiki, Shell hits 4, on fire
DD Umikaze
DD Kawakaze
DD Yamakaze
DD Yudachi, Shell hits 1
DD Harusame, Shell hits 1
DD Murasame
DD Yamagumo
AMC Saigon Maru, Shell hits 7, heavy fires, heavy damage
AMC Bankok Maru, Shell hits 2, on fire
xAP Asama Maru, Shell hits 3, heavy fires, heavy damage
xAK Anyo Maru, Shell hits 7, on fire, heavy damage
xAP Tatsuta Maru, Shell hits 15, heavy fires, heavy damage
APD Nadakaze
xAP Argentina Maru
DD Yugiri

Japanese ground losses:
1497 casualties reported
Squads: 4 destroyed, 37 disabled
Non Combat: 20 destroyed, 181 disabled
Engineers: 1 destroyed, 4 disabled
Guns lost 11 (1 destroyed, 10 disabled)
Vehicles lost 12 (7 destroyed, 5 disabled)

4th Marine Defense Battalion firing at CA Chokai
4th Marine Defense Battalion firing at CA Maya
4th Marine Defense Battalion firing at CA Atago
CA Atago firing at 4th Marine Defense Battalion
4th Marine Defense Battalion firing at CA Takao
CA Takao firing at 4th Marine Defense Battalion
3rd Marine Defense Battalion firing at CA Chikuma
CA Chikuma firing at 3rd Marine Defense Battalion
CA Tone firing at Oahu Harbor Defense
Oahu Harbor Defense firing at CA Tone
CL Kuma firing at 3rd Marine Defense Battalion
3rd Marine Defense Battalion firing at CL Kuma
CL Abukuma firing at 3rd Marine Defense Battalion
3rd Marine Defense Battalion firing at CL Abukuma
CL Kinu firing at 4th Marine Defense Battalion
4th Marine Defense Battalion firing at CL Kinu
Oahu Harbor Defense firing at DD Uruyuke
DD Mochizuki firing at Oahu Harbor Defense
Oahu Harbor Defense firing at DD Mochizuki
4th Marine Defense Battalion firing at DD Kikuzuki
Oahu Harbor Defense firing at DD Sazanami
Oahu Harbor Defense firing at DD Shikinami
DD Shikinami firing at Oahu Harbor Defense
Oahu Harbor Defense firing at DD Hibiki
DD Hibiki firing at Oahu Harbor Defense
DD Umikaze firing at Oahu Harbor Defense
Oahu Harbor Defense firing at DD Umikaze
DD Kawakaze firing at 35th Infantry Regiment
DD Yamakaze firing at 98th Coast AA Regiment
DD Yudachi firing at 4th Marine Defense Battalion
4th Marine Defense Battalion firing at DD Yudachi
Oahu Harbor Defense firing at DD Harusame
Oahu Harbor Defense firing at DD Yamagumo
Oahu Harbor Defense firing at AMC Saigon Maru
AMC Bankok Maru firing at 4th Marine Defense Battalion
4th Marine Defense Battalion firing at AMC Bankok Maru
155mm M1A1 GPF Battery engaging xAP Asama Maru at 7,000 yards
CA Maya firing to suppress enemy battery at 7,000 yards
12in CD Gun Battery engaging xAK Anyo Maru at 7,000 yards
CA Maya firing to suppress enemy battery at 7,000 yards
CL Kiso firing to suppress enemy battery at 7,000 yards
CA Maya firing to suppress enemy battery at 7,000 yards
5in CD Gun Battery engaging xAK Anyo Maru at 7,000 yards
CA Maya firing to suppress enemy battery at 7,000 yards
CA Atago firing to suppress enemy battery at 7,000 yards
3in CD Gun Battery engaging xAP Asama Maru at 7,000 yards
CA Takao firing to suppress enemy battery at 7,000 yards
CL Abukuma firing to suppress enemy battery at 7,000 yards
CA Atago firing to suppress enemy battery at 7,000 yards
16in CD Gun Battery engaging xAK Anyo Maru at 7,000 yards
CA Atago firing to suppress enemy battery at 7,000 yards
5in CD Gun Battery engaging xAP Asama Maru at 7,000 yards
CA Atago firing to suppress enemy battery at 7,000 yards
155mm M1A1 GPF Battery engaging xAP Tatsuta Maru at 7,000 yards
CA Atago firing to suppress enemy battery at 7,000 yards
8in CD Gun Battery engaging xAK Anyo Maru at 7,000 yards
CA Atago firing to suppress enemy battery at 7,000 yards
CL Kuma firing to suppress enemy battery at 7,000 yards
CA Atago firing to suppress enemy battery at 7,000 yards
CA Atago firing to suppress enemy battery at 7,000 yards
8in Railroad Gun Battery engaging xAK Anyo Maru at 7,000 yards
CA Atago firing to suppress enemy battery at 7,000 yards
CA Atago firing to suppress enemy battery at 7,000 yards
DD Uruyuke fired at enemy troops
DD Yudachi fired at enemy troops
DD Harusame fired at enemy troops
DD Yamagumo fired at enemy troops
Defensive Guns fire at approaching troops in landing craft at 5,000 yards
Defensive Guns fire at approaching troops in landing craft at 1,000 yards

Под спойлером:
Invasion Support action off Pearl Harbor (180,107) - Coastal Guns Fire Back!
Defensive Guns engage approaching landing force

841 Coastal gun shots fired in defense.

Japanese Ships
CA Ashigara, Shell hits 11
CA Nachi
CA Haguro, Shell hits 2
CA Myoko
CL Yura, Shell hits 7, heavy fires
CL Natori, Shell hits 5, heavy fires
CL Isuzu, Shell hits 2, on fire
CL Nagara
CL Kashima, Shell hits 10, on fire
CL Katori
AMC Asaka Maru, Shell hits 4, on fire
xAK Syoto Maru, Shell hits 12, heavy fires, heavy damage
xAK Aso Maru, Shell hits 2, heavy fires, heavy damage
xAK Hiteru Maru, Shell hits 8, heavy fires, heavy damage
PB Toko Maru #4
PB Suyozai Maru
PB Okuyo Maru #2
PB Tonon Maru
PB Kinsyo Maru #4
PB Kinsyo Maru #2
PB Yamahagi Maru #3
PB Choko Maru #5
PB Aso Maru #7
PB Yomei Maru
PB Tomitu Maru
PB Teimei Maru
PB Senyo Maru
PB Seikyo Maru
PB Sinko Maru
PB Ronsan Maru
PB Okuyo Maru
PB Magane Maru
PB Nichiryo Maru
PB Nagato Maru
PB Mikage Maru
PB Kogane Maru
PB Kamitu Maru
PB Hirota Maru
PB Hokutai Maru
PB Chitose Maru #2
PB Akagane Maru
PB Taiko Maru
PB Sozan Maru
PB Shoei Maru
PB Santos Maru
PB Saiko Maru
PB Nikkai Maru
PB Nanpo Maru
PB Nagata Maru
PB Myoken Maru
PB Kyo Maru #10
PB Kyo Maru #8
PB Kohuku Maru
PB Keiko Maru
PB Kaiun Maru
PB Kaikei Maru
PB Ikuta Maru
PB Heiei Maru #7
PB Hakkaisan Maru
PB Chosa Maru
PB Chitose Maru
PB Busho Maru
PB Chiyo Maru #4
DD Yayoi

Japanese ground losses:
145 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Non Combat: 49 destroyed, 0 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Guns lost 7 (7 destroyed, 0 disabled)
Vehicles lost 24 (24 destroyed, 0 disabled)

Oahu Harbor Defense firing at CA Ashigara
CA Haguro firing at Oahu Harbor Defense
Oahu Harbor Defense firing at CA Haguro
Oahu Harbor Defense firing at CA Myoko
Oahu Harbor Defense firing at CL Yura
Oahu Harbor Defense firing at CL Natori
CL Natori firing at Oahu Harbor Defense
Oahu Harbor Defense firing at CL Isuzu
CL Nagara firing at 1st Marine Defense Battalion
1st Marine Defense Battalion firing at CL Nagara
Oahu Harbor Defense firing at CL Kashima
3rd Marine Defense Battalion firing at AMC Asaka Maru
155mm M1A1 GPF Battery engaging xAK Syoto Maru at 6,000 yards
CA Nachi firing to suppress enemy battery at 6,000 yards
8in CD Gun Battery engaging xAK Aso Maru at 6,000 yards
CL Natori firing to suppress enemy battery at 6,000 yards
12in CD Gun Battery engaging xAK Aso Maru at 6,000 yards
CA Nachi firing to suppress enemy battery at 6,000 yards
CL Natori firing to suppress enemy battery at 6,000 yards
CA Nachi firing to suppress enemy battery at 6,000 yards
16in CD Gun Battery engaging xAK Hiteru Maru at 6,000 yards
CA Nachi firing to suppress enemy battery at 6,000 yards
12in CD Mortar Battery engaging xAK Hiteru Maru at 6,000 yards
CA Haguro firing to suppress enemy battery at 6,000 yards
155mm M1A1 GPF Battery engaging xAK Hiteru Maru at 6,000 yards
8in CD Gun Battery engaging xAK Hiteru Maru at 6,000 yards
CA Nachi firing to suppress enemy battery at 6,000 yards
CA Haguro firing to suppress enemy battery at 6,000 yards
12in CD Gun Battery engaging xAK Hiteru Maru at 6,000 yards
CA Haguro firing to suppress enemy battery at 6,000 yards
16in CD Gun Battery engaging xAK Hiteru Maru at 6,000 yards
CA Haguro firing to suppress enemy battery at 6,000 yards
CA Haguro firing to suppress enemy battery at 6,000 yards
5in CD Gun Battery engaging xAK Syoto Maru at 6,000 yards
PB Toko Maru #4 fired at enemy troops
PB Suyozai Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Okuyo Maru #2 fired at enemy troops
PB Tonon Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Kinsyo Maru #4 fired at enemy troops
PB Kinsyo Maru #2 fired at enemy troops
PB Yamahagi Maru #3 fired at enemy troops
PB Choko Maru #5 fired at enemy troops
PB Aso Maru #7 fired at enemy troops
PB Yomei Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Tomitu Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Teimei Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Senyo Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Seikyo Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Sinko Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Ronsan Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Okuyo Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Magane Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Nichiryo Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Nagato Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Mikage Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Kogane Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Kamitu Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Hirota Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Hokutai Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Chitose Maru #2 fired at enemy troops
PB Akagane Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Taiko Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Sozan Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Shoei Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Santos Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Saiko Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Nikkai Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Nanpo Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Nagata Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Myoken Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Kyo Maru #10 fired at enemy troops
PB Kyo Maru #8 fired at enemy troops
PB Kohuku Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Keiko Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Kaiun Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Kaikei Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Ikuta Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Heiei Maru #7 fired at enemy troops
PB Hakkaisan Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Chosa Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Chitose Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Busho Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Chiyo Maru #4 fired at enemy troops
Defensive Guns fire at approaching troops in landing craft at 2,000 yards

Под спойлером:
Invasion Support action off Pearl Harbor (180,107)
Defensive Guns engage approaching landing force

574 Coastal gun shots fired in defense.

Japanese Ships
xAK Mexico Maru, Shell hits 2
DD Hagikaze
DD Yuzuki
xAK Kimishima Maru, Shell hits 19, heavy fires, heavy damage
CA Suzuya
DD Arashi
CA Mogami
xAK Panama Maru, Shell hits 1, on fire
xAK Tonan Maru, Shell hits 4, heavy fires, heavy damage
DD Nowaki
APD Urukaze
DD Michishio
DD Shiratsuyu

Japanese ground losses:
41 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Non Combat: 7 destroyed, 3 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Vehicles lost 4 (4 destroyed, 0 disabled)

155mm M1A1 GPF Battery engaging xAK Mexico Maru at 8,000 yards
DD Yuzuki firing to suppress enemy battery at 8,000 yards
8in CD Gun Battery engaging xAK Mexico Maru at 8,000 yards
DD Yuzuki firing to suppress enemy battery at 8,000 yards
8in Railroad Gun Battery engaging xAK Kimishima Maru at 8,000 yards
CA Suzuya firing to suppress enemy battery at 8,000 yards
5in CD Gun Battery engaging xAK Mexico Maru at 8,000 yards
155mm M1A1 GPF Battery engaging xAK Kimishima Maru at 8,000 yards
CA Suzuya firing to suppress enemy battery at 8,000 yards
8in CD Gun Battery engaging xAK Kimishima Maru at 8,000 yards
12in CD Gun Battery engaging xAK Kimishima Maru at 8,000 yards
CA Suzuya firing to suppress enemy battery at 8,000 yards
12in CD Mortar Battery engaging xAK Kimishima Maru at 8,000 yards
CA Mogami firing to suppress enemy battery at 8,000 yards
5in CD Gun Battery engaging xAK Mexico Maru at 8,000 yards
CA Mogami firing to suppress enemy battery at 8,000 yards
3in CD Gun Battery engaging xAK Kimishima Maru at 8,000 yards
CA Mogami firing to suppress enemy battery at 8,000 yards
155mm M1A1 GPF Battery engaging xAK Panama Maru at 8,000 yards
6in CD Gun Battery engaging xAK Kimishima Maru at 8,000 yards
CA Mogami firing to suppress enemy battery at 8,000 yards
DD Arashi firing to suppress enemy battery at 8,000 yards
CA Mogami firing to suppress enemy battery at 8,000 yards
12in CD Mortar Battery engaging xAK Mexico Maru at 8,000 yards
8in Railroad Gun Battery engaging xAK Tonan Maru at 8,000 yards
CA Mogami firing to suppress enemy battery at 8,000 yards
5in CD Gun Battery engaging xAK Kimishima Maru at 8,000 yards
CA Mogami firing to suppress enemy battery at 8,000 yards
5in CD Gun Battery engaging xAK Kimishima Maru at 8,000 yards
CA Mogami firing to suppress enemy battery at 8,000 yards
Defensive Guns fire at approaching troops in landing craft at 2,000 yards

Под спойлером:
Invasion Support action off Pearl Harbor (180,107)
Defensive Guns engage approaching landing force

1102 Coastal gun shots fired in defense.

Japanese Ships
xAP Kamakura Maru, Shell hits 18, heavy fires, heavy damage
DD Shikinami, heavy damage
CA Atago
DD Hibiki
DD Mochizuki
xAP Asama Maru, Shell hits 5, heavy fires, heavy damage
xAP Hie Maru
xAP Argentina Maru
CA Chikuma
xAP Hakozaki Maru, Shell hits 2, heavy fires, heavy damage
xAP Brazil Maru, Shell hits 6, on fire
AMC Saigon Maru, heavy fires, heavy damage
AK Kinka Maru
CA Takao
CA Chokai
xAP Suwa Maru
DD Yugiri
DD Uruyuke
xAP Terukuni Maru

Japanese ground losses:
1235 casualties reported
Squads: 1 destroyed, 0 disabled
Non Combat: 72 destroyed, 147 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

155mm M1A1 GPF Battery engaging xAP Kamakura Maru at 7,000 yards
6in CD Gun Battery engaging xAP Kamakura Maru at 7,000 yards
155mm M1A1 GPF Battery engaging xAP Kamakura Maru at 7,000 yards
DD Mochizuki firing to suppress enemy battery at 7,000 yards
8in CD Gun Battery engaging xAP Kamakura Maru at 7,000 yards
14in CD Gun Battery engaging xAP Asama Maru at 7,000 yards
5in CD Gun Battery engaging xAP Kamakura Maru at 7,000 yards
DD Hibiki firing to suppress enemy battery at 7,000 yards
5in CD Gun Battery engaging xAP Argentina Maru at 7,000 yards
3in CD Gun Battery engaging xAP Kamakura Maru at 7,000 yards
CA Chikuma firing to suppress enemy battery at 7,000 yards
6in CD Gun Battery engaging xAP Asama Maru at 7,000 yards
CA Chikuma firing to suppress enemy battery at 7,000 yards
16in CD Gun Battery engaging xAP Hakozaki Maru at 7,000 yards
CA Chikuma firing to suppress enemy battery at 7,000 yards
155mm M1A1 GPF Battery engaging xAP Asama Maru at 7,000 yards
CA Chikuma firing to suppress enemy battery at 7,000 yards
155mm M1A1 GPF Battery engaging xAP Brazil Maru at 7,000 yards
CA Chikuma firing to suppress enemy battery at 7,000 yards
16in CD Gun Battery engaging xAP Kamakura Maru at 7,000 yards
CA Chikuma firing to suppress enemy battery at 7,000 yards
Defensive Guns fire at approaching troops in landing craft at 6,000 yards
Defensive Guns fire at approaching troops in landing craft at 2,000 yards

Под спойлером:
Invasion Support action off Pearl Harbor (180,107)
Defensive Guns engage approaching landing force

59 Coastal gun shots fired in defense.

Japanese Ships
xAK Mitu Maru, Shell hits 3, on fire
CL Natori
CA Haguro
xAK Ryoka Maru, Shell hits 1
CL Isuzu
CA Myoko
xAK Nitiho Maru
PB Toko Maru #4
xAK Nitian Maru, Shell hits 1
CL Nagara
xAK Syunko Maru, Shell hits 1, on fire
PB Suyozai Maru
PB Okuyo Maru #2
PB Tonon Maru
PB Kinsyo Maru #4
PB Kinsyo Maru #2
PB Yamahagi Maru #3
PB Choko Maru #5
PB Aso Maru #7
PB Yomei Maru
PB Tomitu Maru
PB Teimei Maru
PB Senyo Maru
PB Seikyo Maru
PB Sinko Maru
PB Ronsan Maru
PB Okuyo Maru
PB Magane Maru
PB Nichiryo Maru
PB Nagato Maru
PB Mikage Maru
PB Kogane Maru
PB Kamitu Maru
PB Hirota Maru
PB Hokutai Maru
PB Chitose Maru #2
PB Akagane Maru
PB Taiko Maru
PB Sozan Maru
PB Shoei Maru
PB Santos Maru
PB Saiko Maru
PB Nikkai Maru
PB Nanpo Maru
PB Nagata Maru
PB Myoken Maru
PB Kyo Maru #10
PB Kyo Maru #8
PB Kohuku Maru
PB Keiko Maru
PB Kaiun Maru
PB Kaikei Maru
PB Ikuta Maru
PB Heiei Maru #7
PB Hakkaisan Maru
PB Chosa Maru
PB Chitose Maru
PB Busho Maru
PB Chiyo Maru #4
AMC Asaka Maru

8in CD Gun Battery engaging xAK Mitu Maru at 9,000 yards
CL Natori firing to suppress enemy battery at 9,000 yards
CL Isuzu firing to suppress enemy battery at 9,000 yards
CA Myoko firing to suppress enemy battery at 9,000 yards
3in CD Gun Battery engaging xAK Nitiho Maru at 9,000 yards
CA Myoko firing to suppress enemy battery at 9,000 yards
155mm M1A1 GPF Battery engaging xAK Mitu Maru at 9,000 yards
CL Isuzu firing to suppress enemy battery at 9,000 yards
6in CD Gun Battery engaging xAK Mitu Maru at 9,000 yards
CA Haguro firing to suppress enemy battery at 9,000 yards
5in CD Gun Battery engaging xAK Ryoka Maru at 9,000 yards
5in CD Gun Battery engaging xAK Mitu Maru at 9,000 yards
CA Myoko firing to suppress enemy battery at 9,000 yards
14in CD Gun Battery engaging xAK Nitian Maru at 9,000 yards
8in Railroad Gun Battery engaging xAK Nitian Maru at 9,000 yards
5in CD Gun Battery engaging xAK Syunko Maru at 9,000 yards
CA Haguro firing to suppress enemy battery at 9,000 yards
PB Toko Maru #4 fired at enemy troops
PB Suyozai Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Okuyo Maru #2 fired at enemy troops
PB Tonon Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Kinsyo Maru #4 fired at enemy troops
PB Kinsyo Maru #2 fired at enemy troops
PB Yamahagi Maru #3 fired at enemy troops
PB Choko Maru #5 fired at enemy troops
PB Aso Maru #7 fired at enemy troops
PB Yomei Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Tomitu Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Teimei Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Senyo Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Seikyo Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Sinko Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Ronsan Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Okuyo Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Magane Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Nichiryo Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Nagato Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Mikage Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Kogane Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Kamitu Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Hirota Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Hokutai Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Chitose Maru #2 fired at enemy troops
PB Akagane Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Taiko Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Sozan Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Shoei Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Santos Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Saiko Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Nikkai Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Nanpo Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Nagata Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Myoken Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Kyo Maru #10 fired at enemy troops
PB Kyo Maru #8 fired at enemy troops
PB Kohuku Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Keiko Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Kaiun Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Kaikei Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Ikuta Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Heiei Maru #7 fired at enemy troops
PB Hakkaisan Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Chosa Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Chitose Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Busho Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Chiyo Maru #4 fired at enemy troops


Ситуация в ПХ после первого дня высадки (дивизии разбиты на куски, которые не собрать)

Под спойлером:
Ground combat at Pearl Harbor (180,107)

Allied Bombardment attack

Attacking force 18681 troops, 479 guns, 527 vehicles, Assault Value = 705

Defending force 103398 troops, 1251 guns, 1543 vehicles, Assault Value = 3625

Japanese ground losses:
25 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 2 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

Allied ground losses:
84 casualties reported
Squads: 1 destroyed, 9 disabled
Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 1 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

Assaulting units:
35th Infantry Regiment
19th Infantry Regiment
34th Combat Engineer Regiment
27th Infantry Regiment
Oahu Harbor Defense
21st Infantry Regiment
2nd USMC Engineer Regiment
118th USAAF Base Force
97th Coast AA Regiment
804th Engineer Aviation Battalion
VII US Fighter Cmnd
251st Coast AA Regiment
4th Marine Defense Battalion
64th Coast AA Regiment
Pacific Fleet
3rd Marine Defense Battalion
1st Marine Defense Battalion
119th USAAF Base Force
98th Coast AA Regiment
Hawaiian Dept
Pearl Harbor Base Force
VII US Bomber Cmnd
Seventh USAAF
D Det USN Port Svc

Defending units:
21st/C Division
16th/A Div /1
2nd Tank Regiment
23rd Tank Regiment
38th/B Div /1
16th/C Div /1
4th/C Div /1
20th Ind. Engineer Regiment
2nd/C Div /1
8th Tank Regiment
4th/A Div /1
14th/B Div /1
48th/B Div /1
21st/B Div /1
48th/C Div /1
2nd/A Div /1
38th/A Div /1
9th Tank Regiment
10th Tank Regiment
4th Tank Regiment
7th Tank Regiment
21st/A Div /1
14th/C Div /1
38th/C Div /1
14th/A Div /1
48th/A Div /1
16th/B Div /1
4th/B Div /1
11th Tank Regiment
2nd/B Div /1
22nd Medium Field Artillery Regiment
39th Field AA Battalion
9th Ind.Hvy.Art. Battalion
28th JAAF AF Bn
55th Field AA Battalion
2nd Ind.Hvy.Art. Battalion
52nd Field AA Battalion
2nd Mortar Battalion
12th Ind.Art.Mortar Battalion
8th Medium Field Artillery Regiment
17th Medium Field Artillery Regiment
13th Ind.Art.Mortar Battalion
2nd Ind.Art.Mortar Battalion
10th Ind. Mountain Gun Regiment
14th Army
1st Medium Field Artillery Regiment
16th Army
15th Ind.Art.Mortar Battalion
8th JAAF AF Bn
50th Field AA Battalion
20th Ind. Mtn Gun Battalion
13th Naval Const Bn /1


Жесть и унижение. Понадобился второй десант, а время поджимало.

За 2 дня до истечения бонуса высадки, была предпринята последняя попытка высадить остатки дивизий.

Началось все с мины, обнаруженной ЭМ из прикрытия линкоров.

Под спойлером:
TF 16 encounters mine field at Pearl Harbor (180,107)

Japanese Ships
DD Hasu

1 mine cleared


Дальше мины обнаружили тральщики из десантного соединения. Мины они подчистили, но сами пали жертвой арты.

Под спойлером:
TF 47 encounters mine field at Pearl Harbor (180,107) - Coastal Guns Fire Back!

107 Coastal gun shots fired in defense.

Japanese Ships
DMS Sureko, Shell hits 10, heavy fires, heavy damage
DMS Uruko, Shell hits 8, heavy fires, heavy damage
DMS Tatsuko, Shell hits 2, on fire
DMS W-20, Shell hits 4, on fire, heavy damage
DMS W-19, Shell hits 7, heavy fires, heavy damage
DMS W-12
DMS W-11, Shell hits 3, heavy fires, heavy damage
DMS W-10, Shell hits 6
DMS W-9, Shell hits 3
DD Uzuki
DD Yayoi
DD Yugiri
DD Inazuma
DD Umikaze
DD Shiratsuyu
DD Minegumo
DD Hagikaze
DD Arashi
DD Hamakaze
DD Maikaze
DD Yukikaze
TB Sagi
CA Mogami, Mine hits 1

Oahu Harbor Defense firing at DMS Sureko
DMS Sureko firing at Oahu Harbor Defense
Oahu Harbor Defense firing at DMS Uruko
DMS Uruko firing at Oahu Harbor Defense
Oahu Harbor Defense firing at DMS Tatsuko
DMS Tatsuko firing at Oahu Harbor Defense
Oahu Harbor Defense firing at DMS W-20
DMS W-20 firing at Oahu Harbor Defense
Oahu Harbor Defense firing at DMS W-19
DMS W-19 firing at Oahu Harbor Defense
Oahu Harbor Defense firing at DMS W-12
DMS W-12 firing at Oahu Harbor Defense
Oahu Harbor Defense firing at DMS W-11
DMS W-11 firing at Oahu Harbor Defense
Oahu Harbor Defense firing at DMS W-10
DMS W-10 firing at Oahu Harbor Defense
Oahu Harbor Defense firing at DMS W-9
DMS W-9 firing at Oahu Harbor Defense
DMS W-7 firing at Oahu Harbor Defense
130 mines cleared


Линкоры отстрелялись по ПХ

Под спойлером:
Night Naval bombardment of Pearl Harbor at 180,107 - Coastal Guns Fire Back!

62 Coastal gun shots fired in defense.

Japanese Ships
BB Hyuga
BB Ise
BB Yamashiro
BB Fuso
BB Mutsu
BB Nagato, Shell hits 2

Allied Ships
BB Maryland, Shell hits 1, heavy damage
BB West Virginia, Shell hits 1, heavy damage
BB California, Shell hits 1, heavy damage
BB Arizona, Shell hits 1, heavy damage

Allied ground losses:
753 casualties reported
Squads: 1 destroyed, 4 disabled
Non Combat: 29 destroyed, 122 disabled
Engineers: 1 destroyed, 6 disabled
Guns lost 27 (13 destroyed, 14 disabled)
Vehicles lost 31 (3 destroyed, 28 disabled)

Airbase hits 16
Airbase supply hits 2
Runway hits 16

BB Hyuga firing at Pearl Harbor
BB Ise firing at Pearl Harbor
BB Yamashiro firing at Pearl Harbor
BB Fuso firing at Pearl Harbor
BB Mutsu firing at Pearl Harbor
E7K2 Alf acting as spotter for BB Nagato
Oahu Harbor Defense firing at BB Nagato
BB Nagato firing at Oahu Harbor Defense


Борьба с минами продолжилась. Одну мину скушал линкор Кирисима (из состава десанта).

Под спойлером:
TF 47 encounters mine field at Pearl Harbor (180,107)

Japanese Ships
DMS Tatsuko
DMS W-20, heavy damage
DMS W-12
DMS W-10
DD Kikuzuki
DD Yayoi
DD Sagiri
DD Suzukaze
DD Umikaze
DD Yudachi
DD Asagumo
DD Hagikaze
DD Arashi
DD Urakaze
DD Amatsukaze
DD Isokaze
DD Maikaze
DD Yukikaze
DD Oyashio
BB Kirishima, Mine hits 1

75 mines cleared



Под спойлером:
Pre-Invasion action off Pearl Harbor (180,107) - Coastal Guns Fire Back!
Defensive Guns engage approaching landing force

1529 Coastal gun shots fired in defense.

Japanese Ships
BB Hiei
BB Haruna
BB Kongo
CA Kumano
CA Suzuya
CA Mikuma, Shell hits 1
CA Mogami, Shell hits 1
CA Haguro
CA Myoko
CA Chokai
CA Maya
CA Atago
CA Takao
CA Chikuma
CA Tone
CL Kiso
CL Kuma
CL Abukuma
CL Kinu
CL Nagara
CL Jintsu
CL Katori, Shell hits 4
DD Suzukaze, Shell hits 3, on fire
DD Umikaze
DD Kawakaze
DD Yamakaze
DD Yudachi
DD Harusame
DD Shigure
DD Shiratsuyu
DD Minegumo
DD Arashio
DD Tanikaze
DD Hagikaze
DD Nowaki
DD Amatsukaze, Shell hits 2, on fire
DD Maikaze
DD Hayashio
DD Yukikaze
DD Natsushio
xAP Hikawa Maru, Shell hits 5, on fire
BB Kirishima
xAP Argentina Maru, Shell hits 5, on fire
xAP Kashima Maru, Shell hits 6
xAP Miike Maru
xAP Husimi Maru, Shell hits 1
xAP Haruna Maru, Shell hits 2
LSD Akitsu Maru
xAP Huzi Maru
DD Yugiri
DD Kuri

Japanese ground losses:
938 casualties reported
Squads: 6 destroyed, 0 disabled
Non Combat: 117 destroyed, 71 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

Allied ground losses:
32 casualties reported
Squads: 0 destroyed, 3 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 7 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

Oahu Harbor Defense firing at BB Hiei
BB Hiei firing at Oahu Harbor Defense
BB Haruna firing at 21st Infantry Regiment
BB Kongo firing at 3rd Marine Defense Battalion
3rd Marine Defense Battalion firing at BB Kongo
CA Kumano firing at 3rd Marine Defense Battalion
3rd Marine Defense Battalion firing at CA Kumano
CA Suzuya firing at 3rd Marine Defense Battalion
Oahu Harbor Defense firing at CA Mikuma
CA Mikuma firing at Oahu Harbor Defense
Oahu Harbor Defense firing at CA Mogami
CA Mogami firing at Oahu Harbor Defense
CA Haguro firing at 3rd Marine Defense Battalion
Oahu Harbor Defense firing at CA Myoko
CA Myoko firing at Oahu Harbor Defense
CA Chokai firing at 3rd Marine Defense Battalion
3rd Marine Defense Battalion firing at CA Chokai
Oahu Harbor Defense firing at CA Maya
CA Maya firing at Oahu Harbor Defense
CA Atago firing at 3rd Marine Defense Battalion
3rd Marine Defense Battalion firing at CA Atago
CA Takao firing at 4th Marine Defense Battalion
4th Marine Defense Battalion firing at CA Takao
Oahu Harbor Defense firing at CA Chikuma
CA Chikuma firing at Oahu Harbor Defense
CA Tone firing at 1st Marine Defense Battalion
1st Marine Defense Battalion firing at CA Tone
CL Kiso firing at 21st Infantry Regiment
CL Kuma firing at Oahu Harbor Defense
Oahu Harbor Defense firing at CL Kuma
CL Abukuma firing at 21st Infantry Regiment
CL Kinu firing at 4th Marine Defense Battalion
4th Marine Defense Battalion firing at CL Kinu
CL Nagara firing at 3rd Marine Defense Battalion
3rd Marine Defense Battalion firing at CL Nagara
3rd Marine Defense Battalion firing at CL Jintsu
CL Jintsu firing at 3rd Marine Defense Battalion
Oahu Harbor Defense firing at CL Katori
CL Katori firing at Oahu Harbor Defense
DD Suzukaze firing at Oahu Harbor Defense
Oahu Harbor Defense firing at DD Suzukaze
DD Umikaze firing at 1st Marine Defense Battalion
1st Marine Defense Battalion firing at DD Umikaze
DD Kawakaze firing at Oahu Harbor Defense
Oahu Harbor Defense firing at DD Kawakaze
DD Yamakaze firing at 1st Marine Defense Battalion
1st Marine Defense Battalion firing at DD Yamakaze
DD Yudachi firing at 3rd Marine Defense Battalion
3rd Marine Defense Battalion firing at DD Yudachi
DD Harusame firing at Oahu Harbor Defense
Oahu Harbor Defense firing at DD Harusame
DD Shigure firing at 4th Marine Defense Battalion
4th Marine Defense Battalion firing at DD Shigure
DD Shiratsuyu firing at 4th Marine Defense Battalion
4th Marine Defense Battalion firing at DD Shiratsuyu
Oahu Harbor Defense firing at DD Minegumo
DD Minegumo firing at Oahu Harbor Defense
DD Arashio firing at 1st Marine Defense Battalion
1st Marine Defense Battalion firing at DD Arashio
DD Tanikaze firing at 4th Marine Defense Battalion
4th Marine Defense Battalion firing at DD Tanikaze
DD Hagikaze firing at 4th Marine Defense Battalion
4th Marine Defense Battalion firing at DD Hagikaze
3rd Marine Defense Battalion firing at DD Nowaki
DD Nowaki firing at 3rd Marine Defense Battalion
Oahu Harbor Defense firing at DD Amatsukaze
DD Amatsukaze firing at Oahu Harbor Defense
DD Maikaze firing at 3rd Marine Defense Battalion
3rd Marine Defense Battalion firing at DD Maikaze
DD Hayashio firing at 4th Marine Defense Battalion
4th Marine Defense Battalion firing at DD Hayashio
DD Yukikaze firing at 4th Marine Defense Battalion
4th Marine Defense Battalion firing at DD Yukikaze
DD Natsushio firing at Oahu Harbor Defense
Oahu Harbor Defense firing at DD Natsushio
155mm M1A1 GPF Battery engaging xAP Hikawa Maru at 10,000 yards
BB Kirishima firing to suppress enemy battery at 10,000 yards
155mm M1A1 GPF Battery engaging xAP Argentina Maru at 10,000 yards
8in CD Gun Battery engaging xAP Hikawa Maru at 10,000 yards
BB Haruna firing to suppress enemy battery at 10,000 yards
16in CD Gun Battery engaging xAP Hikawa Maru at 10,000 yards
BB Hiei firing to suppress enemy battery at 10,000 yards
8in Railroad Gun Battery engaging xAP Kashima Maru at 10,000 yards
BB Hiei firing to suppress enemy battery at 10,000 yards
BB Kirishima firing to suppress enemy battery at 10,000 yards
BB Hiei firing to suppress enemy battery at 10,000 yards
3in CD Gun Battery engaging xAP Argentina Maru at 10,000 yards
BB Hiei firing to suppress enemy battery at 10,000 yards
CA Haguro firing to suppress enemy battery at 10,000 yards
BB Kirishima firing to suppress enemy battery at 10,000 yards
6in CD Gun Battery engaging xAP Argentina Maru at 10,000 yards
BB Kirishima firing to suppress enemy battery at 10,000 yards
8in CD Gun Battery engaging xAP Argentina Maru at 10,000 yards
BB Kirishima firing to suppress enemy battery at 10,000 yards
BB Kirishima firing to suppress enemy battery at 10,000 yards
BB Hiei firing to suppress enemy battery at 10,000 yards
12in CD Mortar Battery engaging xAP Argentina Maru at 10,000 yards
BB Hiei firing to suppress enemy battery at 10,000 yards
5in CD Gun Battery engaging xAP Hikawa Maru at 10,000 yards
BB Hiei firing to suppress enemy battery at 10,000 yards
CA Myoko firing to suppress enemy battery at 10,000 yards
BB Hiei firing to suppress enemy battery at 10,000 yards
6in CD Gun Battery engaging xAP Kashima Maru at 10,000 yards
BB Kirishima firing to suppress enemy battery at 10,000 yards
8in CD Gun Battery engaging xAP Husimi Maru at 10,000 yards
BB Hiei firing to suppress enemy battery at 10,000 yards
BB Hiei firing to suppress enemy battery at 10,000 yards
BB Kirishima firing to suppress enemy battery at 10,000 yards
8in Railroad Gun Battery engaging xAP Haruna Maru at 10,000 yards
BB Hiei firing to suppress enemy battery at 10,000 yards
5in CD Gun Battery engaging xAP Kashima Maru at 10,000 yards
DD Shigure fired at enemy troops
DD Minegumo fired at enemy troops
DD Tanikaze fired at enemy troops
DD Hagikaze fired at enemy troops
DD Hayashio fired at enemy troops
DD Natsushio fired at enemy troops
Defensive Guns fire at approaching troops in landing craft at 5,000 yards
Defensive Guns fire at approaching troops in landing craft at 1,000 yards



Под спойлером:
Amphibious Assault at Pearl Harbor (180,107)

TF 47 troops unloading over beach at Pearl Harbor, 180,107

Japanese ground losses:
22 casualties reported
Squads: 1 destroyed, 0 disabled
Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 0 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 0 disabled

19 troops of a IJA Infantry Squad lost overboard during unload of 48th/A Div /1
10 Support troops lost in surf during unload of 4th/A Div /2


Дневные страдания

Под спойлером:
Pre-Invasion action off Pearl Harbor (180,107)
Defensive Guns engage approaching landing force

116 Coastal gun shots fired in defense.

Japanese Ships
DMS W-4, Shell hits 2
PB Kinsyo Maru #4
PB Kinsyo Maru #2
DMS W-1, Shell hits 4, heavy fires, heavy damage
PB Chiyo Maru #4
PB Yamahagi Maru #3
PB Choko Maru #5
PB Aso Maru #7
PB Yomei Maru
PB Magane Maru
PB Taiko Maru
PB Saiko Maru
PB Kyo Maru #10
PB Kyo Maru #8
PB Kohuku Maru
PB Kaiun Maru
PB Kaikei Maru
PB Ikuta Maru
PB Hakkaisan Maru
PB Chosa Maru
PB Chitose Maru
PB Busho Maru

PB Kinsyo Maru #4 firing to suppress enemy battery at 9,000 yards
PB Kinsyo Maru #2 firing to suppress enemy battery at 9,000 yards
3in CD Gun Battery engaging DMS W-1 at 9,000 yards
PB Kinsyo Maru #2 firing to suppress enemy battery at 9,000 yards
PB Kinsyo Maru #4 firing to suppress enemy battery at 9,000 yards
PB Kinsyo Maru #2 firing to suppress enemy battery at 9,000 yards
6in CD Gun Battery engaging DMS W-4 at 9,000 yards
PB Kinsyo Maru #2 firing to suppress enemy battery at 9,000 yards
PB Kinsyo Maru #4 firing to suppress enemy battery at 9,000 yards
PB Kinsyo Maru #2 firing to suppress enemy battery at 9,000 yards
16in CD Gun Battery engaging PB Chiyo Maru #4 at 9,000 yards
PB Kinsyo Maru #2 firing to suppress enemy battery at 9,000 yards
8in Railroad Gun Battery engaging DMS W-1 at 9,000 yards
PB Yamahagi Maru #3 firing to suppress enemy battery at 9,000 yards
5in CD Gun Battery engaging DMS W-1 at 9,000 yards
PB Choko Maru #5 firing to suppress enemy battery at 9,000 yards
PB Yamahagi Maru #3 firing to suppress enemy battery at 9,000 yards
PB Choko Maru #5 firing to suppress enemy battery at 9,000 yards
14in CD Gun Battery engaging DMS W-1 at 9,000 yards
PB Choko Maru #5 firing to suppress enemy battery at 9,000 yards
8in Railroad Gun Battery engaging DMS W-4 at 9,000 yards
PB Choko Maru #5 firing to suppress enemy battery at 9,000 yards
PB Kinsyo Maru #4 fired at enemy troops
PB Kinsyo Maru #2 fired at enemy troops
PB Yamahagi Maru #3 fired at enemy troops
PB Choko Maru #5 fired at enemy troops
PB Aso Maru #7 fired at enemy troops
PB Yomei Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Magane Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Taiko Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Saiko Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Kyo Maru #10 fired at enemy troops
PB Kyo Maru #8 fired at enemy troops
PB Kohuku Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Kaiun Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Kaikei Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Ikuta Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Hakkaisan Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Chosa Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Chitose Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Busho Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Chiyo Maru #4 fired at enemy troops


Под спойлером:
Amphibious Assault at Pearl Harbor (180,107)

TF 87 troops unloading over beach at Pearl Harbor, 180,107


Под спойлером:
Pre-Invasion action off Pearl Harbor (180,107)
Defensive Guns engage approaching landing force

136 Coastal gun shots fired in defense.

Japanese Ships
PB Santos Maru, Shell hits 7, on fire, heavy damage
PB Tomitu Maru
PB Teimei Maru
DMS W-17
PB Shoei Maru
PB Sozan Maru
PB Senyo Maru
DMS Taneko
PB Seikyo Maru
PB Sinko Maru
PB Ronsan Maru
PB Okuyo Maru
PB Nichiryo Maru
PB Nagato Maru
PB Mikage Maru
PB Kogane Maru
PB Kamitu Maru
PB Hirota Maru
PB Hokutai Maru
PB Chitose Maru #2
PB Akagane Maru

155mm M1A1 GPF Battery engaging PB Santos Maru at 10,000 yards
PB Teimei Maru firing to suppress enemy battery at 10,000 yards
12in CD Gun Battery engaging DMS W-17 at 10,000 yards
PB Teimei Maru firing to suppress enemy battery at 10,000 yards
8in Railroad Gun Battery engaging DMS W-17 at 10,000 yards
PB Teimei Maru firing to suppress enemy battery at 10,000 yards
5in CD Gun Battery engaging PB Shoei Maru at 10,000 yards
PB Teimei Maru firing to suppress enemy battery at 10,000 yards
3in CD Gun Battery engaging DMS W-17 at 10,000 yards
PB Teimei Maru firing to suppress enemy battery at 10,000 yards
12in CD Gun Battery engaging PB Sozan Maru at 10,000 yards
PB Teimei Maru firing to suppress enemy battery at 10,000 yards
8in Railroad Gun Battery engaging DMS W-17 at 10,000 yards
PB Teimei Maru firing to suppress enemy battery at 10,000 yards
5in CD Gun Battery engaging PB Santos Maru at 10,000 yards
PB Senyo Maru firing to suppress enemy battery at 10,000 yards
8in CD Gun Battery engaging DMS Taneko at 10,000 yards
PB Seikyo Maru firing to suppress enemy battery at 10,000 yards
PB Tomitu Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Teimei Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Senyo Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Seikyo Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Sinko Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Ronsan Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Okuyo Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Nichiryo Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Nagato Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Mikage Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Kogane Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Kamitu Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Hirota Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Hokutai Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Chitose Maru #2 fired at enemy troops
PB Akagane Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Sozan Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Shoei Maru fired at enemy troops


Под спойлером:
Amphibious Assault at Pearl Harbor (180,107)

TF 116 troops unloading over beach at Pearl Harbor, 180,107


Под спойлером:
Invasion Support action off Pearl Harbor (180,107) - Coastal Guns Fire Back!
Defensive Guns engage approaching landing force

599 Coastal gun shots fired in defense.

Japanese Ships
BB Hiei
BB Haruna
BB Kongo
CA Kumano
CA Suzuya
CA Mikuma, Shell hits 1, on fire
CA Mogami, Shell hits 1
CA Haguro
CA Myoko, Shell hits 5
CA Chokai
CA Maya
CA Atago, Shell hits 3
CA Takao
CA Chikuma, Shell hits 7
CA Tone
CL Kiso, Shell hits 7, on fire
CL Kuma
CL Abukuma
CL Kinu
CL Nagara
CL Jintsu
CL Katori, Shell hits 4
DD Yuzuki
DD Kikuzuki
DD Uzuki
DD Sagiri
DD Inazuma
DD Kawakaze
DD Yamakaze
DD Samidare
DD Yudachi
DD Harusame, Shell hits 1
DD Murasame
DD Shigure
DD Minegumo, Shell hits 3, on fire
DD Yamagumo
DD Arashio
DD Michishio
DD Tanikaze
DD Nowaki
xAP Argentina Maru, Shell hits 9, heavy fires, heavy damage
BB Kirishima
xAP Hikawa Maru, Shell hits 3, on fire, heavy damage
xAP Haruna Maru, Shell hits 2, on fire
LSD Akitsu Maru
xAP Huzi Maru

BB Haruna firing at 4th Marine Defense Battalion
4th Marine Defense Battalion firing at BB Haruna
BB Kongo firing at 4th Marine Defense Battalion
4th Marine Defense Battalion firing at BB Kongo
CA Suzuya firing at 1st Marine Defense Battalion
1st Marine Defense Battalion firing at CA Suzuya
Oahu Harbor Defense firing at CA Mikuma
CA Mikuma firing at Oahu Harbor Defense
Oahu Harbor Defense firing at CA Mogami
CA Mogami firing at Oahu Harbor Defense
CA Haguro firing at 4th Marine Defense Battalion
4th Marine Defense Battalion firing at CA Haguro
Oahu Harbor Defense firing at CA Myoko
CA Myoko firing at Oahu Harbor Defense
Oahu Harbor Defense firing at CA Atago
CA Atago firing at Oahu Harbor Defense
CA Takao firing at 3rd Marine Defense Battalion
Oahu Harbor Defense firing at CA Chikuma
CA Chikuma firing at Oahu Harbor Defense
Oahu Harbor Defense firing at CL Kiso
CL Abukuma firing at 3rd Marine Defense Battalion
3rd Marine Defense Battalion firing at CL Abukuma
CL Kinu firing at Oahu Harbor Defense
Oahu Harbor Defense firing at CL Kinu
Oahu Harbor Defense firing at CL Nagara
CL Nagara firing at Oahu Harbor Defense
4th Marine Defense Battalion firing at CL Katori
DD Yuzuki firing at Oahu Harbor Defense
Oahu Harbor Defense firing at DD Yuzuki
DD Kikuzuki firing at 3rd Marine Defense Battalion
3rd Marine Defense Battalion firing at DD Kikuzuki
DD Uzuki firing at Oahu Harbor Defense
Oahu Harbor Defense firing at DD Uzuki
DD Sagiri firing at Oahu Harbor Defense
Oahu Harbor Defense firing at DD Sagiri
DD Inazuma firing at Oahu Harbor Defense
Oahu Harbor Defense firing at DD Inazuma
DD Yamakaze firing at 27th Infantry Regiment
DD Samidare firing at 3rd Marine Defense Battalion
Oahu Harbor Defense firing at DD Harusame
DD Murasame firing at 4th Marine Defense Battalion
Oahu Harbor Defense firing at DD Shigure
Oahu Harbor Defense firing at DD Minegumo
DD Minegumo firing at Oahu Harbor Defense
DD Yamagumo firing at 4th Marine Defense Battalion
4th Marine Defense Battalion firing at DD Arashio
DD Michishio firing at 35th Infantry Regiment
Oahu Harbor Defense firing at DD Tanikaze
5in CD Gun Battery engaging xAP Argentina Maru at 6,000 yards
BB Kirishima firing to suppress enemy battery at 6,000 yards
6in CD Gun Battery engaging xAP Argentina Maru at 6,000 yards
16in CD Gun Battery engaging xAP Argentina Maru at 6,000 yards
12in CD Mortar Battery engaging xAP Hikawa Maru at 6,000 yards
3in CD Gun Battery engaging xAP Argentina Maru at 6,000 yards
155mm M1A1 GPF Battery engaging xAP Argentina Maru at 6,000 yards
CA Chokai firing to suppress enemy battery at 6,000 yards
6in CD Gun Battery engaging xAP Argentina Maru at 6,000 yards
155mm M1A1 GPF Battery engaging xAP Hikawa Maru at 6,000 yards
8in CD Gun Battery engaging xAP Haruna Maru at 6,000 yards
12in CD Gun Battery engaging xAP Argentina Maru at 6,000 yards
BB Haruna firing to suppress enemy battery at 6,000 yards
14in CD Gun Battery engaging xAP Argentina Maru at 6,000 yards
CA Maya firing to suppress enemy battery at 6,000 yards
5in CD Gun Battery engaging xAP Argentina Maru at 6,000 yards
BB Hiei firing to suppress enemy battery at 6,000 yards
BB Haruna firing to suppress enemy battery at 6,000 yards
CA Kumano firing to suppress enemy battery at 6,000 yards
16in CD Gun Battery engaging xAP Hikawa Maru at 6,000 yards
CA Chokai firing to suppress enemy battery at 6,000 yards
8in Railroad Gun Battery engaging xAP Argentina Maru at 6,000 yards
BB Haruna firing to suppress enemy battery at 6,000 yards
DD Uzuki fired at enemy troops
DD Inazuma fired at enemy troops
DD Samidare fired at enemy troops
DD Harusame fired at enemy troops
DD Yamagumo fired at enemy troops
DD Nowaki fired at enemy troops


Под спойлером:
Invasion Support action off Pearl Harbor (180,107)
Defensive Guns engage approaching landing force

49 Coastal gun shots fired in defense.

Japanese Ships
DMS W-1, Shell hits 4, heavy fires, heavy damage
PB Choko Maru #5
PB Yomei Maru
PB Aso Maru #7
PB Chiyo Maru #4, Shell hits 1, on fire
PB Busho Maru
PB Magane Maru
PB Taiko Maru
PB Saiko Maru
PB Kyo Maru #10
PB Kinsyo Maru #4
PB Kinsyo Maru #2
PB Yamahagi Maru #3
PB Kyo Maru #8
PB Kohuku Maru
PB Kaiun Maru
PB Kaikei Maru
PB Ikuta Maru
PB Hakkaisan Maru
PB Chosa Maru
PB Chitose Maru

PB Choko Maru #5 firing to suppress enemy battery at 10,000 yards
PB Yomei Maru firing to suppress enemy battery at 10,000 yards
155mm M1A1 GPF Battery engaging DMS W-1 at 10,000 yards
PB Yomei Maru firing to suppress enemy battery at 10,000 yards
12in CD Gun Battery engaging PB Chiyo Maru #4 at 10,000 yards
PB Yomei Maru firing to suppress enemy battery at 10,000 yards
8in Railroad Gun Battery engaging DMS W-1 at 10,000 yards
PB Yomei Maru firing to suppress enemy battery at 10,000 yards
5in CD Gun Battery engaging PB Chiyo Maru #4 at 10,000 yards
PB Yomei Maru firing to suppress enemy battery at 10,000 yards
PB Magane Maru firing to suppress enemy battery at 10,000 yards
PB Taiko Maru firing to suppress enemy battery at 10,000 yards
12in CD Mortar Battery engaging DMS W-1 at 10,000 yards
PB Saiko Maru firing to suppress enemy battery at 10,000 yards
8in Railroad Gun Battery engaging DMS W-1 at 10,000 yards
PB Kyo Maru #10 firing to suppress enemy battery at 10,000 yards
PB Taiko Maru firing to suppress enemy battery at 10,000 yards
PB Saiko Maru firing to suppress enemy battery at 10,000 yards
PB Saiko Maru firing to suppress enemy battery at 10,000 yards
PB Kyo Maru #10 firing to suppress enemy battery at 10,000 yards
PB Kinsyo Maru #4 fired at enemy troops
PB Kinsyo Maru #2 fired at enemy troops
PB Yamahagi Maru #3 fired at enemy troops
PB Choko Maru #5 fired at enemy troops
PB Aso Maru #7 fired at enemy troops
PB Yomei Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Magane Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Taiko Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Saiko Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Kyo Maru #10 fired at enemy troops
PB Kyo Maru #8 fired at enemy troops
PB Kohuku Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Kaiun Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Kaikei Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Ikuta Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Hakkaisan Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Chosa Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Chitose Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Busho Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Chiyo Maru #4 fired at enemy troops


Под спойлером:
Invasion Support action off Pearl Harbor (180,107)
Defensive Guns engage approaching landing force

55 Coastal gun shots fired in defense.

Japanese Ships
DMS W-17, Shell hits 5, heavy fires, heavy damage
PB Senyo Maru
PB Seikyo Maru
DMS W-18
PB Shoei Maru
PB Sinko Maru
PB Santos Maru, Shell hits 1, heavy fires, heavy damage
PB Ronsan Maru
PB Okuyo Maru
PB Nichiryo Maru
PB Nagato Maru
PB Mikage Maru
PB Chitose Maru #2
PB Tomitu Maru
PB Teimei Maru
PB Kogane Maru
PB Kamitu Maru
PB Hirota Maru
PB Hokutai Maru
PB Akagane Maru
PB Sozan Maru

PB Senyo Maru firing to suppress enemy battery at 12,000 yards
PB Seikyo Maru firing to suppress enemy battery at 12,000 yards
6in CD Gun Battery engaging DMS W-18 at 12,000 yards
PB Seikyo Maru firing to suppress enemy battery at 12,000 yards
8in CD Gun Battery engaging PB Shoei Maru at 12,000 yards
PB Sinko Maru firing to suppress enemy battery at 12,000 yards
12in CD Gun Battery engaging PB Santos Maru at 12,000 yards
PB Ronsan Maru firing to suppress enemy battery at 12,000 yards
16in CD Gun Battery engaging DMS W-17 at 12,000 yards
PB Ronsan Maru firing to suppress enemy battery at 12,000 yards
5in CD Gun Battery engaging DMS W-17 at 12,000 yards
PB Okuyo Maru firing to suppress enemy battery at 12,000 yards
5in CD Gun Battery engaging DMS W-17 at 12,000 yards
PB Okuyo Maru firing to suppress enemy battery at 12,000 yards
155mm M1A1 GPF Battery engaging DMS W-17 at 12,000 yards
PB Nichiryo Maru firing to suppress enemy battery at 12,000 yards
6in CD Gun Battery engaging DMS W-17 at 12,000 yards
PB Nichiryo Maru firing to suppress enemy battery at 12,000 yards
PB Nagato Maru firing to suppress enemy battery at 12,000 yards
PB Mikage Maru firing to suppress enemy battery at 12,000 yards
14in CD Gun Battery engaging PB Chitose Maru #2 at 12,000 yards
PB Nagato Maru firing to suppress enemy battery at 12,000 yards
PB Tomitu Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Teimei Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Senyo Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Seikyo Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Sinko Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Ronsan Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Okuyo Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Nichiryo Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Nagato Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Mikage Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Kogane Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Kamitu Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Hirota Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Hokutai Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Chitose Maru #2 fired at enemy troops
PB Akagane Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Sozan Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Shoei Maru fired at enemy troops


Под спойлером:
Invasion Support action off Pearl Harbor (180,107)
Defensive Guns engage approaching landing force

94 Coastal gun shots fired in defense.

Japanese Ships
xAP Haruna Maru, Shell hits 10, heavy fires, heavy damage
CL Kuma
CA Chokai
BB Haruna
CA Kumano
xAP Kashima Maru, Shell hits 4, on fire
CL Kiso
CA Maya
xAP Katori Maru
AK Sagami Maru, Shell hits 11, on fire, heavy damage
xAP Husimi Maru, Shell hits 1
LSD Akitsu Maru
AK Kaga Maru

CL Kuma firing to suppress enemy battery at 10,000 yards
CA Chokai firing to suppress enemy battery at 10,000 yards
155mm M1A1 GPF Battery engaging xAP Haruna Maru at 10,000 yards
CA Kumano firing to suppress enemy battery at 10,000 yards
12in CD Gun Battery engaging xAP Haruna Maru at 10,000 yards
CA Kumano firing to suppress enemy battery at 10,000 yards
CL Kiso firing to suppress enemy battery at 10,000 yards
CA Chokai firing to suppress enemy battery at 10,000 yards
BB Haruna firing to suppress enemy battery at 10,000 yards
CA Kumano firing to suppress enemy battery at 10,000 yards
5in CD Gun Battery engaging xAP Kashima Maru at 10,000 yards
CA Kumano firing to suppress enemy battery at 10,000 yards
BB Haruna firing to suppress enemy battery at 10,000 yards
CA Kumano firing to suppress enemy battery at 10,000 yards
5in CD Gun Battery engaging xAP Haruna Maru at 10,000 yards
CA Maya firing to suppress enemy battery at 10,000 yards
CA Kumano firing to suppress enemy battery at 10,000 yards
CL Kuma firing to suppress enemy battery at 10,000 yards
155mm M1A1 GPF Battery engaging AK Sagami Maru at 10,000 yards
5in CD Gun Battery engaging xAP Kashima Maru at 10,000 yards
CA Kumano firing to suppress enemy battery at 10,000 yards
CL Kiso firing to suppress enemy battery at 10,000 yards
3in CD Gun Battery engaging xAP Haruna Maru at 10,000 yards
CL Kiso firing to suppress enemy battery at 10,000 yards
CA Chokai firing to suppress enemy battery at 10,000 yards
155mm M1A1 GPF Battery engaging xAP Kashima Maru at 10,000 yards
8in CD Gun Battery engaging xAP Haruna Maru at 10,000 yards
16in CD Gun Battery engaging xAP Haruna Maru at 10,000 yards
8in Railroad Gun Battery engaging xAP Haruna Maru at 10,000 yards
5in CD Gun Battery engaging xAP Haruna Maru at 10,000 yards
5in CD Gun Battery engaging xAP Husimi Maru at 10,000 yards


Под спойлером:
Invasion Support action off Pearl Harbor (180,107)
Defensive Guns engage approaching landing force

56 Coastal gun shots fired in defense.

Japanese Ships
PB Chiyo Maru #4, on fire, heavy damage
PB Kyo Maru #8
PB Kohuku Maru
DMS W-3, Shell hits 1, on fire
PB Kaiun Maru
PB Ikuta Maru
PB Kaikei Maru
PB Busho Maru
PB Hakkaisan Maru
PB Chosa Maru
PB Chitose Maru
PB Kinsyo Maru #4
PB Kinsyo Maru #2
PB Yamahagi Maru #3
PB Choko Maru #5
PB Aso Maru #7
PB Yomei Maru
PB Magane Maru
PB Taiko Maru
PB Saiko Maru
PB Kyo Maru #10

PB Kyo Maru #8 firing to suppress enemy battery at 13,000 yards
PB Kohuku Maru firing to suppress enemy battery at 13,000 yards
6in CD Gun Battery engaging DMS W-3 at 13,000 yards
PB Ikuta Maru firing to suppress enemy battery at 13,000 yards
8in CD Gun Battery engaging DMS W-3 at 13,000 yards
PB Kaikei Maru firing to suppress enemy battery at 13,000 yards
12in CD Gun Battery engaging PB Chiyo Maru #4 at 13,000 yards
PB Ikuta Maru firing to suppress enemy battery at 13,000 yards
PB Kaikei Maru firing to suppress enemy battery at 13,000 yards
PB Ikuta Maru firing to suppress enemy battery at 13,000 yards
PB Hakkaisan Maru firing to suppress enemy battery at 13,000 yards
PB Chosa Maru firing to suppress enemy battery at 13,000 yards
PB Chosa Maru firing to suppress enemy battery at 13,000 yards
PB Chitose Maru firing to suppress enemy battery at 13,000 yards
PB Kinsyo Maru #4 fired at enemy troops
PB Kinsyo Maru #2 fired at enemy troops
PB Yamahagi Maru #3 fired at enemy troops
PB Choko Maru #5 fired at enemy troops
PB Aso Maru #7 fired at enemy troops
PB Yomei Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Magane Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Taiko Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Saiko Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Kyo Maru #10 fired at enemy troops
PB Kyo Maru #8 fired at enemy troops
PB Kohuku Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Kaiun Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Kaikei Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Ikuta Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Hakkaisan Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Chosa Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Chitose Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Busho Maru fired at enemy troops


Под спойлером:
Invasion Support action off Pearl Harbor (180,107)
Defensive Guns engage approaching landing force

65 Coastal gun shots fired in defense.

Japanese Ships
PB Shoei Maru, Shell hits 2
PB Nagato Maru
PB Kogane Maru
DMS W-18, Shell hits 4, on fire
PB Hirota Maru
PB Kamitu Maru
PB Hokutai Maru
PB Akagane Maru
PB Chitose Maru #2
PB Sozan Maru
DMS Taneko
PB Tomitu Maru
PB Teimei Maru
PB Senyo Maru
PB Seikyo Maru
PB Sinko Maru
PB Ronsan Maru
PB Okuyo Maru
PB Nichiryo Maru
PB Mikage Maru

PB Nagato Maru firing to suppress enemy battery at 12,000 yards
PB Kogane Maru firing to suppress enemy battery at 12,000 yards
155mm M1A1 GPF Battery engaging DMS W-18 at 12,000 yards
PB Hirota Maru firing to suppress enemy battery at 12,000 yards
PB Kamitu Maru firing to suppress enemy battery at 12,000 yards
PB Hirota Maru firing to suppress enemy battery at 12,000 yards
5in CD Gun Battery engaging DMS W-18 at 12,000 yards
PB Akagane Maru firing to suppress enemy battery at 12,000 yards
PB Chitose Maru #2 firing to suppress enemy battery at 12,000 yards
PB Sozan Maru firing to suppress enemy battery at 12,000 yards
8in CD Gun Battery engaging DMS Taneko at 12,000 yards
PB Chitose Maru #2 firing to suppress enemy battery at 12,000 yards
5in CD Gun Battery engaging DMS W-18 at 12,000 yards
DMS Taneko firing to suppress enemy battery at 12,000 yards
3in CD Gun Battery engaging DMS W-18 at 12,000 yards
DMS Taneko firing to suppress enemy battery at 12,000 yards
14in CD Gun Battery engaging PB Shoei Maru at 12,000 yards
DMS Taneko firing to suppress enemy battery at 12,000 yards
8in Railroad Gun Battery engaging PB Shoei Maru at 12,000 yards
DMS Taneko firing to suppress enemy battery at 12,000 yards
5in CD Gun Battery engaging DMS W-18 at 12,000 yards
DMS Taneko firing to suppress enemy battery at 12,000 yards
PB Tomitu Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Teimei Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Senyo Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Seikyo Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Sinko Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Ronsan Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Okuyo Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Nichiryo Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Nagato Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Mikage Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Kogane Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Kamitu Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Hirota Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Hokutai Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Chitose Maru #2 fired at enemy troops
PB Akagane Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Sozan Maru fired at enemy troops
PB Shoei Maru fired at enemy troops


Ситауция в ПХ после второго десанта

Под спойлером:
Ground combat at Pearl Harbor (180,107)

Allied Bombardment attack

Attacking force 18435 troops, 473 guns, 527 vehicles, Assault Value = 689

Defending force 105755 troops, 1260 guns, 1567 vehicles, Assault Value = 3699

Japanese ground losses:
103 casualties reported
Squads: 1 destroyed, 3 disabled
Non Combat: 1 destroyed, 5 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled

Allied ground losses:
26 casualties reported
Squads: 1 destroyed, 4 disabled
Non Combat: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled
Engineers: 0 destroyed, 1 disabled

Assaulting units:
27th Infantry Regiment
21st Infantry Regiment
34th Combat Engineer Regiment
35th Infantry Regiment
Oahu Harbor Defense
19th Infantry Regiment
2nd USMC Engineer Regiment
1st Marine Defense Battalion
Pearl Harbor Base Force
Seventh USAAF
VII US Bomber Cmnd
98th Coast AA Regiment
804th Engineer Aviation Battalion
Pacific Fleet
64th Coast AA Regiment
97th Coast AA Regiment
4th Marine Defense Battalion
251st Coast AA Regiment
VII US Fighter Cmnd
118th USAAF Base Force
Hawaiian Dept
3rd Marine Defense Battalion
119th USAAF Base Force
D Det USN Port Svc

Defending units:
4th/A Division
21st/A Division
38th/B Division
20th Ind. Engineer Regiment
38th/C Division
48th/B Division
16th/B Division
16th/C Division
16th/A Division
21st/B Division
23rd Tank Regiment
21st/C Division
2nd/A Division
7th Tank Regiment
48th/C Division
2nd/B Division
38th/A Division
2nd Tank Regiment
14th/C Division
4th/B Division
11th Tank Regiment
4th/C Division
14th/B Division
8th Tank Regiment
48th/A Division
10th Tank Regiment
9th Tank Regiment
4th Tank Regiment
14th/A Division
2nd/C Division
2nd Mortar Battalion
20th Ind. Mtn Gun Battalion
16th Army
12th Ind.Art.Mortar Battalion
10th Ind. Mountain Gun Regiment
50th Field AA Battalion
39th Field AA Battalion
17th Medium Field Artillery Regiment
1st Medium Field Artillery Regiment
28th JAAF AF Bn
2nd Ind.Art.Mortar Battalion
13th Ind.Art.Mortar Battalion
9th Ind.Hvy.Art. Battalion
14th Army
22nd Medium Field Artillery Regiment
8th JAAF AF Bn
2nd Ind.Hvy.Art. Battalion
55th Field AA Battalion
52nd Field AA Battalion
8th Medium Field Artillery Regiment
15th Ind.Art.Mortar Battalion
13th Naval Const Bn /1

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