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М2:TW: как это будет?


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  • Leshiy


  • Earl_Gray


  • pavlik


Поиграйте в Сегун, Потом отпишите свои впечатления от боя в тумане.

Играл я в Сегун. И сейчас иногда играю. И в тумане играл. И не считаю отсутствие тумана в RTW огромным провалом, и думаю многие игроки со мной солидарны.


Я вообще-то про РТВ 1.0 написал.

Да какая разница. Речь о тестировании в принципе. Будь это мод или игра сама по себе. Даже у профессиональной команды тестеров проскакивают ошибки, что уж там говорить о горстке любителей.


Имо, спор этот бесполезен. У каждого свое мнение, но оценки всех игр серии TW игровыми СМИ о чем-то говорят.


Так например, лично мне хотелось бы увидеть более интересную страт. часть, более разнообразные штурмы с разными осадными/защитными приспособлениями из того же Stronghold-а и т.п. Просмотрев же скрины по МТВ2, сильно сомневаюсь что подобное вообще планируется.

Нормальных осад не было в Сегуне. Плакались, что их там нет. CA сделали осады в MTW (пусть плохие, но сделали). Не понравилось. Еще больше изменили осады в RTW. Опять не понравилось.


Я, честно говоря, потерял канву. Вы хотите сказать что СТВ и МТВ ничто по сравнению с РТВ? Не согласен. РТВ лишился части той глубины, при несомненном графическим прогрессе, а также нововведениями в стратегическую часть. А РЭ чем плох, ума не приложу? Может названием?

Нет конечно. Я просто не понимаю тех людей, которые долго ждали RTW, играли в него продолжительное время, а потом говорят, что мол игра скучна. Да у RTW есть свои недостатки, но у нее есть и свои достоинства.

Изменено пользователем Seth
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Вот приведу список пожеланий к M2TW, который составили камрады на официальном форуме. В списке нет ничего, что можно исправить модами. Это реальные предложения, а не призывы к выходу на новые горизонты. Я этот список уже приводил по-моему. Если будет необходимость я могу его перевести.


Official Medieval 2: Total War Wishlist


Special Thanks to all posters on TWC, Heaven, RTR and here on TotalWar for all the great



Note: no suggestions that can be dealt with via modding (ie factions,units,map)



1. Improved Battle AI:


1.1. AI should use tactics in battle

1.2. If AI has reinforcements on field and outnumbers you their forces should rendezvous and attack as a group

1.3. AI should protect it’s missile troops, only use for melee when has to

1.4. AI should attack holes in your lines, and lone units

1.5. AI should coordinate unit types (use infantry to block and cavalry at flanks)

1.6. AI should react and respond to player moves

1.7. AI Missile troops should pick targets by proximity, value, and flank vulnerability. Not just auto aim nearest unit

1.8. AI should cover it’s flanks

1.9. AI should utilize combat bonuses (e.g. pikemen vs. cavalry, cavalry vs. missile troops, etc)

1.10. AI should not allow units to be outnumbered when they have reserves

1.11. Resolve issue where units getting stuck on bridges/doorways

1.12. AI should use terrain to it's advantage

1.13. no more suicidal generals

1.14. position general in center instead of far left

1.15. Better city pathfinding

1.16. better battlefield pathfinding (do not go through enemy units unless told to)

1.17. AI should act when being fired upon

1.18. when defending city, all AI units should block from the direction of the attackers

1.19. do not skirmish if enemy has lots of archers

1.20. move, attack and defend in formation

1.21. units automatically switch to melee weapons before being engaged in melee

1.22. pathfinding problem when withdrawing units, should run to closest boundary

1.23. issue where units entering wall breach/gate do not protect flanks or stay in formation

1.24. better siege AI tactics, also bring siege machines with them

1.25. AI should never try to throw troops that are winded or more exhausted into a melee

1.26. When in greater numbers, AI should keep units in reserve (preferably experienced and elite ones) as well as flanking units

1.27. Cavalry chasing down fleeing units should hit them in the center and not edges

1.28. Skirmisher units should return to skirmish after they have finished with hand to hand combat

1.29. Resolve issue where unit gets separated and has to walk far away to regroup to then go to set destination

1.30. Horse archers should reload, aim, and shoot while they are in motion as well as standing still.

1.31. Resolve issue where defender units on walls have great difficulty pathfinding. Ie. I want my archers to go behind/to the side of infantry. This process takes forever and they get stuck.

1.32. Resolve issue where AI units stand around and do not attack during battle




2. Improved Battle UI:


2.1. issue where units do not throw javelins prior to attack (secondary attack)

2.2. command for tactical retreat / give ground and not turn around while moving backwards

2.3. allow units to throw javelins while charging enemy then switch to melee weapons

2.4. issue where units charge wrong enemy

2.5. issue where unit does not run

2.6. issue where unit stops/does not start charge

2.7. issue where unit splits up and gets stuck

2.8. issue where player cannot issue run command to entire group

2.9. introduce a command for cavalry to charge through enemy unit

2.10. toggleable HUD visibility

2.11. cleaner, better looking HUD

2.12. customizable key mapping for unit formations, movements and attacks

2.13. formation charge button

2.14. option to be able to control more units on the battlefield

2.15. Be able to have formations that stay together and move in same direction (Simple ‘Advance all at a Walk’ command)

2.16. Be able to give orders to allied/reinforcement AI

2.17. Hot-keyed points on battlefield to switch between

2.18. Multiple grouped unit instructions – e.g. form circular schiltron with 8 spear units

2.19. Hotkey/mouseclick for ordering units to change direction they are facing, no dragging

2.20. customizable formations

2.21. fix the calvary pursuing problem so that pursuing and 'double click' running should be at the same speed

2.22. A 'hold position' function where unit will return to formation after enemy unit sent to attack it is routed/destroyed

2.23. allow horse archer units to fire arrows while charging then witch to melee when engaged

2.24. A “push” order for troops. When engaged in melee, a unit can try to force the enemy unit to lose ground.

2.25. Option to feign a retreat, (look like routing) then when unit is engaged in melee it will fight.

2.26. When you drag your right mouse over the ground to put units into a line, all the units line up man to man with no space in between the different units. (Rome Total Realism)




3. Improved Campaign AI:


3.1. chance that cities with 1 or 2 unit stacks surrender/defect to full unit stacks if high cultural penalties in that city

3.2. no breaking off of sieges by AI on save game loads

3.3. AI will retreat from battles if critically outnumbered especially if there are friendly havens nearby

3.4. AI recognizes when it has been defeated

3.5. more effective agent use and port blockading by AI

3.6. AI will send more armies across water

3.7. enemies will attempt to surround your units

3.8. AI will retrain its units

3.9. AI that will direct stacks of units strategically (not over and over in one direction)

3.10. AI that will upgrade economy and units

3.11. focus diplomats on relevant factions

3.12. use assassins

3.13. Starting Option of AI aggressiveness (low, medium, high)

3.14. AI will concentrates its forces along its borders

3.15. AI will place forts/castles in meaningful areas/choke points

3.16. Enemy AI will join into a battle if both sides are enemies, making for a 3 way battle




4. Improved Multiplayer:


4.1. matchmaking service, please remove gamespy!

4.2. quickmatch button (autofinds an opponent and sets up game)

4.3. better multiplayer lobby

4.4. improved system against cheating

4.5. hotseat, email, LAN and TCIP multiplayer campaign

4.6. more multiplayer modes (king of the hill, capture the flag)

4.7. multiple teams (2v2v2)

4.8. larger games (12-16?)

4.9. make a permanent ignore/ban feature

4.10. out of sync issue resolved

4.11. clan support

4.12. private chat

4.13. friends list

4.14. custom Colour schemes

4.15. host own servers

4.16. spectators

4.17. view ping/latency

4.18. ladders

4.19. voice/mic support

4.20. automatic patch download and installation option




5. Improved Diplomacy:


5.1. factions have different personalities

5.2. factions do not break alliances/protectorates without cause

5.3. allies help you defend/attack

5.4. allies offer units

5.5. the AI bases decisions off of your previous actions (reacts to your play)

5.6. faction attitude indicator

5.7. ask ally to break alliances, block ports, attack specific locations

5.8. ask ally to help break sieges and garrison in your fort/patrol area

5.9. transgression

5.10. micromanage trade (what to import/export and to where)

5.11. AI should unite against super strong factions

5.12. option to threaten faction to cease hostile actions with others

5.13. protectorates that work, when faction leader dies you gain your protectorate estates

5.14. negotiate exchange of hostages and POWs

5.15. diplomacy options to end sieges

5.16. Selective to random AI attitudes at the start of the game (ie defensive, offensive, aggressive, raging, passive etc)

5.17. the use of threats

5.18. offer estates and titles inside your own lands to another faction for various ends and vice versa

5.19. time based contracts and truces that players must abide by

5.20. AI more sensible in objective based and context based decision-making

5.21. AI more likely to agree to ceasefire or temporary time-based truces

5.22. Option to gift units to a faction

5.23. threatened factions will ask for assistance from neighbors/allies

5.24. offer up an unmarried females and widowed daughters

5.25. The ability to see the campaign map and alliances when you have to choose allies

5.26. pleas for help from neighboring factions

5.27. Allow Technology Trading

5.28. Alliances should depend on (religious closeness, length of time alliance has lasted, number of time ally has fought alongside them and disrupted enemy sieges, assassinations discovered against, alliances broken, intermarriage, dishonorable bribes etc)

5.29. Limited military access - access to certain provinces only and time set also.

5.30. Demand to intruding army to leave a region it doesn’t have access.

5.31. Military pact – a number of factions can temporarily form an alliance in the sole purpose to oppose a powerful and menacing faction

5.32. Demilitarization – faction forcing/demanding another to limit military presence in certain region (for preventing/starting wars or humiliation)

5.33. Borrow Money from factions (interest applies)

5.34. Faction Influence should play a role in diplomacy

5.35. Treaty record: there would be a panel showing all the treaties that were made so to keep record to what point you are with other factions.

5.36. Formally Declare war

5.37. Trade Embargos and protectorates that have to pay taxes

5.38. trade items such as horses, swords and concubines

5.39. Offer the possibility to use hostages as a safeguard for treaty. Sometimes words are not enough.





6. Improved Mod Support:


6.1. Allow modding of AI (scripting)

6.2. no hard limits for factions, unit sizes, total units, model variations, victory conditions

6.3. campaign and battle editors

6.4. ability to mod and change Buildings, animations and units

6.5. easier way to do skins

6.6. a mod manager, no more multiple installations

6.7. moddable autocalc results

6.8. Music mod(for playing music during certain situations)

6.9. Be able to mod new provinces/towns and zones of recruitment

6.10. A factions editor



7. Environment Interaction:


7.1. Make forests burnable

7.2. Set up tar fields to burn

7.3. use of smoke to obscure units

7.4. traps using rocks/spiked wooden palisade barriers

7.5. battle in crop fields

7.6. cannon/catapults can take down forestry/shrubs

7.7. the use of MOATS, drawbridges, and additional gatehouses

7.8. Different types of moats: spikes, water, ditch, oil fire, sewage.

7.9. spikes to impede towers from reaching the wall

7.10. Bridges destroyable by cannons/catapults

7.11. option to place battlefield obstacles dynamically

7.12. flaming boulders should take out/catch fire for wooden pallisades



8. Battle Gameplay:


8.1. larger battle map option

8.2. assign more than one siege tower to open up on one section of wall

8.3. be able to position units outside a wall before a siege

8.4. be able to use siege weapons(catapults etc) from inside city or on walls for defense

8.5. allow for pre battle speech to continue as you setup army positions

8.6. option to split/merge units

8.7. option for slower battle speed

8.8. Toggleable chase cam (fun for cavalry!)

8.9. option to mount/dismount

8.10. option to attack day/night, and battle that go from day into night

8.11. Capturing/ransoming units, use of dungeons!

8.12. make buildings garrissonable

8.13. use of physics

8.14. toggleable friendly fire (arrows, war machines, charges etc)

8.15. Surprise attacks (attack an enemy encampment or on march)

8.16. catapults that shoot "rolling" boulders

8.17. experienced armies have additional movements/formations and attacks

8.18. cluster penalty (so cannot stack 10 units of cavalry together)

8.19. make Pushback part of combat kill calculations

8.20. resolve rank effects issue, where phalanx units are effective even when only 2 or 3 ranks deep

8.21. toggleable "general" cam

8.22. general not to be used as main flanking force

8.23. option of looting enemy corpses

8.24. detailed battle logs

8.25. scaleable/customizable battle time limits

8.26. option to abandon settlement before siege

8.27. retinue characters can appear on the battlefield

8.28. units can push off ladders during siege or destroy siege towers

8.29. ability to battle inside large structures

8.30. Improve the Terrain so that it plays a role in battle. Bogs and Marshes make movement difficult, construct impassible barricades

8.31. Unlimited Ammo for city defenders

8.32. Wooden palisades and towers should have archers on them

8.33. Rocks and other objects dropped on attackers trying to enter the gates

8.34. increase rate of experience gain from battle, loss from retraining

8.35. option to view battlefield before leaving battle screen

8.36. more pronounced "charge without orders" and multiple levels of discipline

8.37. Enable artillery units to fire at a point on the ground, Fire arcs or zones for archers

8.38. wining army gets the option to destroy or keep existing artillery pieces left behind

8.39. Enable some units to have a Special ability to sneak

8.40. allow ships adjacent to battles to unload units as reinforcements if transporting any

8.41. ability to fortify river crossings

8.42. Units being able to be stationed on buildings within a city during sieges, to fire down upon attackers

8.43. Make sure the graphics don't interfere with gameplay

8.44. once the centre has been taken by the attacking force one random soldier wandering onto the square should not restart the timer

8.45. Units should have the ability to give ground without turning their backs on the enemy

8.46. Increased casualty recovery rate

8.47. greater variety of terrain types (orchards, streams, boundary walls, ponds, lakes, hedges, sunken roads, more buildings, mountain passes, broken terrain)

8.48. land battles in and around ports

8.49. More emphasis on combined arms during siege

8.50. Introduce "suppressed" state for soldiers on walls

8.51. Divide turns into "phases" when conflict occurs. Mini turns comprised of scouting, scout-killing, forage-harassment and maneuvering before battle.

8.52. Rating check between generals before battle occurs to see who gets advantages (choice of map, choice of position, choice of enemy position, opportunity to catch enemy asleep/marching, or set up traps)

8.53. Negotiation option on battle prep screen ( pay off, intimidate, anger)

8.54. AI difficulty in battle should depend on general rating

8.55. Multi-day battles

8.56. Post battle Negotiations not only on money and tribute but on the boarders of both countries

8.57. Remove or increase unit limit

8.58. Have Order Knights such as Knights Hospitaller and Knights Templar always fight to the death against non-catholic opponents. They were executed by muslims.

8.59. Units surrender in battle, and then can be executed, enslaved or freed.

8.60. The MTW option where you could place a "reinforcement flag" on the map indicating where the troops should march.

8.61. Pre made battle plans according to historical situations and cultural style

8.62. A planning room , where u have councilors , get reports etc, it adds immersion

8.63. You should be able to choose your battleground.

8.64. Be able to select which unit we want from our reinforcements.

8.65. Defensive towers should be manned, and the doors to get inside them should be barred to enemies.

8.66. units do not fall off walls because of too many units on the wall

8.67. upgrade to give walls a small roof for cover from arrow fire

8.68. upgrade to have multiple gates/gatehouses to break through

8.69. Sally port: this is a secret door in the wall where if the battle is going bad for the defenders they can attempt to run away and save some of their army. This would also allow the defenders to go around and destroy siege equipment from behind.

8.70. Ability to choose which units will be reinforcements




9. Revised Recruitment Scheme:


9.1. Cities that can create multiple units in one turn

9.2. free city garrisons / free conscription of militia

9.3. militia quality depends on city, unit obtains city name

9.4. morale penalties for militia units out of home city

9.5. possibly make equipment take time to build, but armies can be raised in one turn

9.6. one "free" unit of knights/nobles per province (representing the landlords and province title), which reinforce slowly like Royal Knights/Generals Bodyguards

9.7. cities use production points for training

9.8. retrain/upgrade obsolete units

9.9. ability to train/hire governors/generals

9.10. Area of Recruitment model for training (similar to RTR)

9.11. realistic training times (elephants should take longer)

9.12. allow customizable units sizes when training

9.13. less named units, more general units that can be equipped and upgraded differently

9.14. One can raise as many units as resources and training permits

9.15. Fortresses have innate garrisons.

9.16. Elite units and Cavalry cannot be massed, look to resources. I.e. horses.




10. Improved Agents:


10.1. command for spy to follow friendly/enemy units

10.2. Enhanced Subterfuge (Seduction of wives, courtiers, spying, soliciting information via bribes, informants, executions, murders, sabotage, etc)

10.3. merge spy and assassin for a "subterfuge agent"

10.4. give spy ability to spread discontent in cities

10.5. option to assassinate family members

10.6. easier system for moving agents, diplomats, assassins and armies around

10.7. a feature to go to next available agent/unit

10.8. workaround so diplomats can hire mercenaries

10.9. Give agents set auto-missions (assassinate in area, destroy buildings in city etc)

10.10. Make destinations for agents anywhere on the map – prevent them being halted by other agents

10.11. Spying on a capital allows you to see full faction finances, agents list, where the heir and leader are, what is being build there

10.12. Sponsor rebellions – spies actively creating small stacks of rebels in enemy territory

10.13. Architect agent to be included which would be able to build Forts and Watchtowers

10.14. Spies can Rescue Prisoners, infiltrate other families as a retinue character, instill negative traits in enemy faction leaders

10.15. Assassins can take out retinue characters

10.16. Agents should not require you to build a fleet to travel between ports

10.17. Agents should have their own build queue

10.18. Agents should also be able to frame generals/lords/priests

10.19. Certain difficult operations should cost money, like killing a faction leader or organizing a rebellion so to illustrate how “big” such an action is.

10.20. Successful assassinations can be traced back to the faction on some occasions

10.21. Group agents to move around map and perform a task (assassination, sabotage etc)

10.22. agent option to kidnap general or other agent (hard to do)

10.23. Marriages by princesses in some cases will produce (land, new state, free units, etc)

10.24. An ambassador agent and the use of embassies




11. Revised Rebellion System:


11.1. rebels insurge as other/destroyed factions

11.2. rebels that perform meaningful/scripted events, do not sit there

11.3. autonomous governors automatically raise armies and deal with rebels within their radius

11.4. have it so that we can actually fight in city during rebellion and have option to raze it after battle

11.5. rebels perform sieges

11.6. Rebellions caused by Brigands (high tax and overpopulation), religion (monuments destroyed, conversion), peasants are miserable, aristocracy seizing power or reawakened factions.




12. Revised Mercenary System:


12.1. random mercenary abilities and loyalty

12.2. construct building for attracting foreign mercenaries

12.3. Area of Recruitment model for hiring (similar to RTR)

12.4. have mercenaries contact you at start of turn asking to be hired

12.5. recruit mercenary generals who cannot govern

12.6. Mercenary ships can be hired at certain locations

12.7. Hire Mercenary companies that have support units, and hire Mercenary Army sets with or without mercenary general

12.8. Mercenary units should retain their nationality (ie Italian spearmen)

12.9. Option to give money to mercenaries to retrain them

12.10. Mercenary location depends on area and era




13. Construction:


13.1. any unit can erect/destroy watchtowers

13.2. create new cities/castles

13.3. create your own customizable villages that increase wealth and pop (name barons/lords, give main industry)

13.4. graveyards

13.5. larger queues for construction and training

13.6. customizable city/castle defenses

13.7. cities use production points for construction

13.8. Create longer/unlimited build trees to last the whole game. Allow the build tree to have multiple branches and make it impossible to build every structure in one city due to the time it takes

13.9. Set a target building in the Build tree and have the city build up towards that automatically

13.10. Build buildings which adds a trade good – so increases the importance of build options for trade

13.11. Villages randomly appear and grow in provinces (with growing population & increasing tax)

13.12. more unique build trees

13.13. upgradeable forts

13.14. border forts to increase view distance, appear on map

13.15. Walls to secure your province

13.16. Local Herbalist, A Hospice/Hostel, Hospital, Large Hospital, Leper Colonies, Asylums

13.17. Option to manually build layout of Wall

13.18. Ability to rush buy/build improvements

13.19. Renovation feature – some buildings might need maintenance on the long run, such as sewers, roads and other important infrastructure (but not all buildings, it would be irritating).

13.20. Ability to Build multiple buildings at the same time

13.21. Realistic build times. I.e. baths did not take 3 years

13.22. Free upgrades for cities




14. Improved Campaign Map


14.1. historically accurate and fairly sized and numbered provinces in every kingdom with real and historic city names with authentic layouts

14.2. realistic geographical (rivers, lakes, mountains etc.) representation of Medieval Europe on the strategic map

14.3. larger campaign map option

14.4. regional capitals

14.5. show that population consists of peasants, yeomen, nobles etc

14.6. undo or confirm button for moving units on campaign map

14.7. flags, 0-9 that can be added/removed/goto, that note areas of interest on map

14.8. The option to erect statues or monuments of your great generals, kings, admirals, spies, priests etc

14.9. attach units to allied general to follow around campaign map

14.10. Improve ambush function (use line of sight, be able to move units in ambush position)

14.11. Armies should have a larger intercept area

14.12. More decisive "field" battles

14.13. In desert conditions, in order to survive armies must make their way to their destinations via water sources

14.14. Make unit cards on campaign map ordered by type / allow player to move them around

14.15. option for 2d campaign map

14.16. option for markers instead of moving pieces on map

14.17. Campaign Map zoom feature (ala civ4 or google earth)

14.18. Multilayered Campaign / Battle Map

14.19. Greater use of logistics for moving armies

14.20. Make it so that all enemy armies within a range of 2 or 3 tiles will come to join the battle, but with some delay

14.21. Resolve issue where armies take ridiculous routes to destinations

14.22. Rotatable campaign map

14.23. Supply lines that can be broken




15. Campaign Gameplay:


15.1. Bring back glorious achievements. Also choose victory settings. Eg - Build ‘wonder’ buildings, Defend Homelands, Conquer territory, Successful religious crusade/jihad, largest population, largest faith, assist allies, prevent the fall of X, Y, Z or the destruction of X faction, marry into X faction, secure alliance with X, largest trade in set area, excommunicate X faction, largest city, most influential leader

15.2. balanced factions and unit costs

15.3. option to begin campaign in specific time period

15.4. Game Length: Make it Editable how many years in a turn

15.5. one unit should not be able to take an un-garrisoned city with thousands of population

15.6. more emphasis on trade routes

15.7. different systems of government (i.e. tanisty, prigomeniture, elective and theocratic)

15.8. in-depth civil wars with causation( ie. Death of faction leader, betrayal, uprising, etc)

15.9. emerging and re-emerging factions

15.10. significant historical events

15.11. jihads

15.12. option to catapult dead/plagued enemies into city during a siege

15.13. option to bombard city without attacking on battle map

15.14. adultery results (different traits for children, loyalty penalties)

15.15. view family trees of other factions

15.16. view who your princesses have married, and what faction your son’s wives are from

15.17. Ask for marriage between your specific family member and the princess

15.18. include the black death plague

15.19. attrition in enemy territory

15.20. impressive endgame cinematics

15.21. chance that daughters and heirs marry foreign lords/ladies, improving diplomacy and chance that you can gain control of lands

15.22. Campaign logbooks with battle replays. Also, Customizable crossed swords on map (name battle, comment, allow replay)

15.23. Message at Start of turn pop-ups saying that X faction has won a great victory over Y faction in Z province

15.24. Message at Start of Turn Pop-ups saying the leader of an enemy faction has died and how

15.25. Make ancillaries easier to shift between family members

15.26. the ability to claim thrones

15.27. Excommunication can harm your trade profits, not to bankruptcy

15.28. After a battle opposing armies should have the ability to parley (ie, loser removes all troops, safe passage to home territories for city inhabitants and army)

15.29. a system for Muslim/orthodox AI

15.30. use of paganism

15.31. historically accurate events

15.32. A way to decrease cultural penalty. A way to decrease distance to capital penalty (ie forbidden palace)

15.33. Increased cost and attrition for long sieges

15.34. Bring Bankers into gameplay. Medieval kings could get loans from these organizations

15.35. Force Migration of peasants. They are shown on the campaign map and can be attacked.

15.36. Without a military access treaty, entering a province with troops declares war.

15.37. The province can be in the hands of a different faction than the city/castle. (If I have five thousand men besieging a small town with a garrison of twenty five, the city no longer holds influence until the siege is resolved.)

15.38. Vassal states which pay higher penalties/tributes than protectorates, can be freed by other factions

15.39. Besiegers should be able to build their own defensive installations in case of a sally from the besieged, such as wooden pikes, tar pitch ditches, etc.

15.40. Population growth: in RTW, population growth would often become so high that it imbalances the game by rapidly overcrowding the cities. I would suggest a greater population capacity for cities in general (but fortresses would have small capacities and small urban population growths)

15.41. Agent, army and fleet movement increase

15.42. Each Year should have 4 turns for each season

15.43. Signs of incoming faction leader death – there could be a message 1 to 4 turns prior to the faction leader’s death, stating he has fallen ill and we should prepare for the succession.

15.44. Discontentment – when the public order value falls to yellow or blue, there should be some negative effect that indicates the growing instability/unrest in the settlement, such as income penalties

15.45. Successor selection screen for lords and royal families

15.46. When an army retreats on campaign map...there should only be rare occasions when you thoroughly whomp the enemy that it retreats like five million miles

15.47. Events where player chooses which route to take (3 or 4 options) ala EU II. These events will give player input into country’s development/diplomacy

15.48. When conquered settlement is of a different religion, rebellion factors should be high. Options to convert peacefully or through the sword.

15.49. Make loyalty high in cities because of love/fear/similar religion. Standing army does not have to be garrisoned but in same province to increase happiness.

15.50. Have population growth in cities dependant on happiness rather than the tax rate.

15.51. An option to cycle through every unit which has NOT been moved in a given turn (the forget me not function!)

15.52. An option to either cycle through or list every city which is not constructing something.

15.53. quick fixes for alleviating unhappiness in cities

15.54. If a discovery in real life was made by a faction who has been wiped out then have the message made up saying it was invented by a remaining faction.

15.55. Allow jousting events, sword competitions or other form of medieval contest

15.56. History Scroll, written in perspective of scribe for your kingdom. Scroll updates for major events. History written has biases.

15.57. Movement penalties for large armies. The larger the army the slower it moves.

15.58. Use an Army size to detection ratio. The smaller the army the harder it is to spot

15.59. Seasonal penalties for armies. (movement in snow, movement in desert in summer, fleet movement in winter)

15.60. Allow armies to blockade roads, disrupt trade etc.

15.61. Fires in cities should spread between buildings. There should be population lost.

15.62. Small campaign maps for shorter games.

15.63. negative effects of large wars on the region they occur in

15.64. Unique, interesting and rewarding endings for each faction



16. Naval Battles & Navy:


16.1. more advanced system

16.2. Controllable battles like in battle map

16.3. Set naval forces on Intercept. If any enemy ships comes within 5 grids, the ship will intercept and attack

16.4. Greater variety in distances certain ship types can travel

16.5. ports cannot be blockaded until ships in port destroyed

16.6. more realistic ship troop transportation

16.7. Beach landing battles

16.8. City Assaults by sea

16.9. Greater variety of ships with different stats

16.10. Ships that can sail in rivers

16.11. A larger gap in the combat abilities of merchant ships and combat ships

16.12. make the auto resolve more realistic for navy

16.13. Elimination of those silly "zones of control" for neutral and friendly shipping. No way should naval movement be blocked because a neutral ship is "in the way"

16.14. Improve AI in order to automatically "seek and destroy" your navy, in force, and then proceed to blockade all of your ports

16.15. No more enemy ships leaving port when you blockade it!

16.16. Have troops involved in sea battles, if a fleet is carrying an army then the archers should be able to fire and infantry could take part in boarding action




17. Units & Characters:


17.1. characters have positions of macro management (prince, count etc)

17.2. non bribable characters

17.3. use of queens (who get traits)

17.4. significant historical characters

17.5. battle screening units (to hide the size of your force)

17.6. nobles that join you when defeated

17.7. unit movement rates greater in safe territory

17.8. law bonus for town watch units

17.9. use of regents

17.10. NPFs (templars, knights of st-john, Teutonic knights, pagan balts, Novgorod, Vladimir, Serbia, Persia, turcomans, cuman khanate, delhi sultanate, wallachia, Bulgaria, golden horde, jagatai khanate, bohemia)

17.11. portraits for trainable nobles and knights, abilities to marry into family tree and obtain positions of governing

17.12. New Patronage system (ratings and titles for all units, more knighthood promotions, large provinces have 2 lordships and 1 dukedom to bestow onto knight, smaller provinces have less, ability to execute disloyal lords or dukes and replace them, army leadership works on class ranking system)

17.13. Unique character titles when certain conditions are met including those not met in history

17.14. have the first Bishop from each province get the name/title of that province

17.15. Unit exclusion option (single and multiplayer, e.g. war dogs, elephants etc)

17.16. Make a special customizable unit(colour, armor, weapons, mounted, specials)

17.17. The Carrocio for improving morale on battlefield

17.18. Supply wagon unit on field which can rearm missile units

17.19. wagons that retain retinues (master fetcher, master bower etc)

17.20. crossbow militia, Byzantine Thematic troops, Menaulatoi, Scutatus, Varangian Guard, Genoese Sailors, Genoese Crossbows, husaria,, Scottish Highlanders

17.21. More pronounced traits for good breeding between characters. Women should sometimes die in childbirth.

17.22. When general dies, command should be taken over by next in command. Possibly apprentice/student

17.23. Make valor, fatigue and morale indicators visible and no more limited nr of chevrons

17.24. Dread characteristic that lowers enemy morale

17.25. More variable age of death - many royals died in their twenties

17.26. gunpowder units should get accuracy bonuses in late game

17.27. Option to dismiss retinue characters, retinue characters should not disappear when leader dies.

17.28. Town watch gain experience the longer they are in one location

17.29. Different family/general system.

Your king's traits and influence affect relations and activities both without and within your lands. As for your heirs, they should be valuable as replacements, and trained as if they are going to be kings, but the provinces should be governed by a general

17.30. Swiss guards unit for the Papacy. They should be a super elite unit since they are protecting the leader of all Catholics.

17.31. Units with substantial experience should have their own SPECIAL UNIT NAME attached.

17.32. Kings can gain Emperor title by self proclamation or from Pope.

17.33. Faction leaders should give bonuses to provinces, and when the leader is too far away, provinces become unhappy.

17.34. More traits (shamed- less influence, renegade – can start civil war/unwilling to follow orders all the time on the battlefield)

17.35. support unit for archers and artillery

17.36. An infantry unit that fights on foot, but uses horses to get around.

17.37. Be able to purchase/train bodyguards for generals. Possible they show up on battle screen.

17.38. Share command/management experience between generals and their sons/nephews

17.39. some governors and generals not part of your family tree





18. Audio:


18.1. option to play music from a directory (mp3s)

18.2. authentic language voice work

18.3. battle cry’s with words

18.4. custom music tracks depending on mood

18.5. larger variety of battle speeches

18.6. Have the cheering yelling soldiers noise level equal to the amount of soldiers on the field

18.7. larger variety of voice work with accents

18.8. Larger and awesome scores




19. Animations/Graphics:


19.1. realistic charge from lanced units that switch to melee after charge

19.2. a closer zoom camera

19.3. toggleable Fog of war for campaign/battle (blacker)

19.4. Toggleable Blood on the battlefield. perhaps spurts as sprites from critical strikes, and texture overlays for bloodied ground

19.5. enhanced fire effects

19.6. improved horse riding animation (bump in saddle)

19.7. different coloured/sizes horses

19.8. 3d or animated character portraits

19.9. display markets outside the city (like a docks)

19.10. customizable insignia/naming for units and unit stacks

19.11. customizable character titles

19.12. animation for shielding against arrows

19.13. windmills

19.14. Army supply line animation?

19.15. animal/civilian extras in battle

19.16. sometimes have horse live and rider die (rider pulled off horse)

19.17. Better animation for fatigue, troops should actually move more slowly instead of having it like in RTW where the soldiers just had a run animation but cover less ground than normal. arrows stick in units

19.18. units display coat of arms for associated duke/baron

19.19. weather effects (rain, snow, trees blow in wind)

19.20. unit flags(standard bearers) that flap in the wind

19.21. when retraining units, display chevrons of morale to distinguish between them

19.22. generals can meet on the battlefield sometimes before a fight

19.23. Camera/point of view that can look upwards

19.24. boiling oil animations

19.25. no faction colour schemes, use banners to differentiate/ choose colours

19.26. flags get bloody/dirty like units

19.27. Different types of Rams, hand held, RTW style, and huge

19.28. A large variety of cut scenes that give your game "a story feeling"

19.29. realistic units

19.30. Short video clip in unit description of the unit in action

19.31. Drawings as graphics filler and unlockable concept drawings/ art/ backgrounds/ screensavers

19.32. All information displayed in scroll format

19.33. More detailed, realistic city layouts

19.34. give unit models varying heights and widths

19.35. Addition of parallax mapping if possible on terrains and building textures..

19.36. Having more various animations such as holding the sword at his side, pointed to the ground, or have the sword rest on his shoulder are more realistic stances.

19.37. animations for hacking off limbs

19.38. animations of injured and dying units on the battlefield

19.39. battles taking place in the same spot have remnants of older battles(graves, bodies, spears, wrecked chariots/wagons)

19.40. Give all the princesses and women individual photos.

19.41. Allow importing of your own mug shots into the game (nice idiot proof system)

19.42. Cut scenes in battle. For finishing blows to important characters or when the tide of battle has turned. Allow the camera to zoom in for the moment. After return to users original camera view.

19.43. A couple of additional ambience animations. (Horse - mount idle animations, heads shaking / moving, feet shuffling, etc. Fatigued units - a puffing / out of breath / hands on knees, etc animation. Low discipline idle units - the occasional sit / lay down animation. Siege crews – do something instead of stand there)

19.44. Monuments should be in cities as you attack them (tower of London, coliseum of Rome)

19.45. An option to change city names once captured. The names turn back when recaptured by original faction.

19.46. Provide an option in game to add your own coat of arms/heraldry for shields/banners and more.




20. Resources & Economy:


20.1. sack/plunder/burn land and buildings option

20.2. economic warfare (raid mines, livestock, villages and religious sites)

20.3. make humans a resource

20.4. Sack ports/ mines on the campaign map

20.5. Resources and commodities creating an economy and affecting unit production.

(examples of resources: food, furs, precious metals, gems

,horses, camels, armor- i.e., chain mail, plate, splint ,weapons- i.e. lances, armor- piercing secondary weapons, bows, crossbows, slaves, manpower-with different social classes, including: peasants, freemen or yeomen, nobles, and nomads)

20.6. Obtain resources by production, purchase and booty (blacksmiths make weapons/armor, slaves/prisoners put to work etc)

20.7. Diverting manpower affects the economy

20.8. different factions have different manpower resources

20.9. Resources can be sent from one province to the other (possibly with some attrition.)

20.10. Agricultural income – too high taxes could result in poor harvests, famine, and ultimately peasant unrest/revolts. This is received once per year (at harvest).

20.11. Trade income – taxes from trade goods, too high taxes for long periods can provoke a weakening of the settlement’s “attire”. More suggestions to this below. Received at every turn.

20.12. City income – all other forms of taxes from the urban population, too high taxes can slower population growth and cause urban unrest. This is received once or twice a year.

20.13. Trade taxes – there would be a scroll indicating the tax level of a specific settlement towards a certain trade good or/and a certain faction. The options would be no taxes (free trade), low taxes, average, high, very high and block trade (useful for diplomacy).

20.14. It should be hard to perceive all the income of the newly conquered province as the conqueror could take more than 1 turn to fully control the institutions and revenues

20.15. Small outlying villages with specialized industry




21. Other:


21.1. screen to display what each city is building at once

21.2. better tools to manage your empire

21.3. economy, construction, diplomacy, military movements, manage captured settlements management screens

21.4. end game, a replay for campaign mode (kind of like civilization)

21.5. Save campaign battle replays (option to give to others for viewing)

21.6. improved statistics (all units, units killed in battle, number of enemy units killed)

21.7. more exciting endgame

21.8. detailed manual including tech trees, map, tips, troubleshooting, hotkeys and faction history and strategies. made to look medieval (in colour, script and layout)

21.9. Starting option for a Hardcore campaign (increase AI units, Ai money, possibly disable savegames)

21.10. timeline (displays battles, marriages, births, turning points in history)

21.11. More historical battles

21.12. A hall of fame or some form of campaign scoring

21.13. political survey pie chart

21.14. Throne room feature

21.15. A tool to find specific troop types

21.16. Faction Statistics (how many conflicts, with whom, for how long, where was the peace treaty signed, pop size, army size, income and so on.)

21.17. advisors, and auto management features for settlements

21.18. wide variety of useful and fun cheats

21.19. Provide Espionage tab in faction information screen. Displays information on boundaries, major military build ups, income, population and/or total military.

21.20. A screen showing all your cities with their key info summarized, so you can quickly see which are rebelling, building what, their income etc. without having to cycle through them all or view all on the map

21.21. A screen showing which factions you have trade agreements with and which you have tribute status with (in RTW you have to remember this).

21.22. A screen showing a summary of all your family members, with their location, retinue size, stars, scrolls, influence points, age etc.

21.23. Events like marriages and family members coming of age are better labelled with location info.

21.24. better tutorial for the battle screen for controlling troops, coordinating attacks , formations and so on.

21.25. more quotes for the loading screen

21.26. view other faction family trees

21.27. make an auto save after each turn

21.28. individual unit stats



22. Improved feedback:


22.1. Run a beta! (good for discovering bugs and getting feedback)

22.2. hosted chats with CA

22.3. FAQs

22.4. developer diaries

22.5. more updates

22.6. detailed explanations if possible

22.7. comment on Wishlist




23. Technical:


23.1. Support for Dual Core Processors

23.2. Support for Dual Monitors

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Опух читать :)

С большинством можно согласиться (особенно порадовали предложения сделать больше индикаторов опыта, морали ит.д. от себя-опыт не лычка мифическая, а кол-во битв на счету, возможность менять АИ) на 60-75%;

Часть реализована (В РТВ, МТВ, даже СТВ и патчам к ним, например конные лучники могут с первого РТВ стрелять с хода и т.д.)5-10%;

Часть лишнее (Введение дополнительного юнита-королева и т.д.)3-5%

Часть чистейший бред(как например он-лайн турнир по очкам и достижениям в кампании, наверняка американец или японец писал и т.д. Напоминает процесс взаимного мерения МПЧ, а также незабвенный фильм Космические яйца. "Твой шворц такой же большой как и мой"-сказал пародие на лорда Вейдера)2-5%

Все коментарии мое ИМХО

ЗЫ Один ишак плешивый в пункте 17.10 предложил Новгород с Владимиром в неиграбельные фракции отправить! :angry: Он наверное из очередной карликовой страны играбельной, из Милана например!

ЗЗЫ Так многое чего в том же РТВ я видел реализованное в модах, кстати в тексте и ссылочки к РТР имеются. Думаю разрабы врятли сократят возможности моддинга


Может действительно перевод сварганить? Могу заняться, через денек вывесить, коли время будет

Изменено пользователем pavlik
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А мне интересно зачем вводить строение Кладбище (13,4)? Кто-то хочет очень могилы поосквернять при захвате? :-)


А вот еще один момент: An infantry unit that fights on foot, but uses horses to get around - Одна из новых фишек в моде Pike&Mushket (на МТВ)...

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Нее.. Это чтобы скелетов как юнитов делать, переиграл в героев видишь-ли :)

А вот еще один момент: An infantry unit that fights on foot, but uses horses to get around - Одна из новых фишек в моде Pike&Mushket (на МТВ)...

Ну я же говорю, много чего реализовано уже в том числе и модами. Вообще относиться полностью серьезно к этому списку я б не стал, всем не угодишь. Тут засветились и любители от европы универсалис до супер марио :)

Изменено пользователем pavlik
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Да,если б они реализовали те положительные моменты в советах :rolleyes: ...Это ж сказка была бы ,а не игра :rolleyes: ...

Только если разрабы их послушают,игра выйдет через год :ang: ...

Изменено пользователем Онагр
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Так все дело в том, что много чего либо уже реализовано, либо реализовано (тобишь реализуется) модами, либо обещано к реализации в М2ТВ.

Особенно умиляют пукты из одного слова-лестницы, мельницы, теже кладбища :)

Так что, что-то здесь не так с этим списком.

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Насколько помнится, мысли о том что карта МТВ лучше чем РТВ появились у многих после того как комп доказал свою тупость на просторах новой карты. Но в целом возвращение к карте МТВ - шаг назад из-за тупости компьютера и непродуманных людских ресурсов (и как результат кучу стеков которые надо постоянно забарывать).


Имхо если СА сумеют одолеть железного болвана и он научиться перемещаться по карте (в БИ кстати уже достаточно неплохо), да плюс решат вопрос с людскими ресурсами, что бы нельзя было нанимать кучу стеков (что кажется в МТВ2 пытаются реализовать, что видно на скринах - цифры на иконках).


И конечно решить вопрос с осадами и площадями, что так же представляется реальным, глядишь игра заиграет новыми красками.


Дальнейшее развитие серии я вижу в упоре на внутреннюю политику - ввод других семей которые бы так же влияли бы на политику, расстановку сил в стране, и которых нельзя было бы тупо всех перебить как в Риме.

Изменено пользователем Valdar
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Разрабы будут (и всегда это делают) ориентироваться не на горстку фанатов серии ТВ, а на среднестатистического геймера, котрый зайдет в магазинчики купит за бабос лизензию их игры(МТВ СТВ РТВ БИ ИЛИ МТВ 2) Прийдет домой начнет играть и к своему удивлению обнаружит в себе талант "полководца" и великого "стратега" и "отца нации"(фракции), который будет изменять ход и стории за чашкой кофе и если проигрывать , то редко, а в основном выигрывать. Поиграет геймер недельку и остынет, но рассакжет двум своим кентам, которые прийдут в магазинчик и купят за бабос лизензию игры и тоже протащатся пару дней. Потом все они усядутся за очередных "героев" или "Варик" или еше какой то Феар" и забудут про ТВ. НО. Они принесут денежку. И таких геймеров по всему миру очень много. Они_ именно они и есть главная цель разработчиков(в частности серии ТВ) Фанаты для них безусловно дороги как ..память, но прислушиваться к требованиям, котрые выдвигают фанаты для них просто смешно :D иначе среднестатичтический геймер купив игру(со всеми учтенными советами фанатов) просто не сможет в нее играть и ПОЛУЧАТЬ удовольствие от игры. И он проиграв бесчисленное количество раз и статв тоталваровским лузером, никогда не посоветует своим кентам покупать эту игру в которой он выглядел лохом подпудренным.

И даже если вдруг все фанаты мира серии ТВ отвернутся от разработчиков и перестанут играть в их продукт, СА ничего не потеряет в коммерческом смысле, так как фанаты - это капля в море геймеров.


Так что спасибо нужно сказать на мой взгляд разработчикам, что они единственные на мой взгляд создали ипродолжают создавать эту уникальную в своем роде серию давая нам возможность поиграть в солдатиков и построить свою "империю", к тому же оставляют игру открытой для моддинга, удовлетворяя тем самым свою любовь к фанатам игры. ;)

Изменено пользователем ARCHER
  • Что?! 1
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Разрабы будут (и всегда это делают) ориентироваться не на горстку фанатов серии ТВ, а на среднестатистического геймера, котрый зайдет в магазинчики купит за бабос лизензию их игры(МТВ СТВ РТВ БИ ИЛИ МТВ 2) Прийдет домой начнет играть и к своему удивлению обнаружит в себе талант "полководца" и великого "стратега" и "отца нации"(фракции), который будет изменять ход и стории за чашкой кофе и если проигрывать , то редко, а в основном выигрывать. Поиграет геймер недельку и остынет, но рассакжет двум своим кентам, которые прийдут в магазинчик и купят за бабос лизензию игры и тоже протащатся пару дней. Потом все они усядутся за очередных "героев" или "Варик" или еше какой то Феар" и забудут про ТВ. НО. Они принесут денежку. И таких геймеров по всему миру очень много. Они_ именно они и есть главная цель разработчиков(в частности серии ТВ) Фанаты для них безусловно дороги как ..память, но прислушиваться к требованиям, котрые выдвигают фанаты для них просто смешноиначе среднестатичтический геймер купив игру(со всеми учтенными советами фанатов) просто не сможет в нее играть и ПОЛУЧАТЬ удовольствие от игры. И он проиграв бесчисленное количество раз и статв тоталваровским лузером, никогда не посоветует своим кентам покупать эту игру в которой он выглядел лохом подпудренным. И даже если вдруг все фанаты мира серии ТВ отвернутся от разработчиков и перестанут играть в их продукт, СА ничего не потеряет в коммерческом смысле, так как фанаты - это капля в море геймеров.


Так что спасибо нужно сказать на мой взгляд разработчикам, что они единственные на мой взгляд создали ипродолжают создавать эту уникальную в своем роде серию давая нам возможность поиграть в солдатиков и построить свою "империю", к тому же оставляют игру открытой для моддинга, удовлетворяя тем самым свою любовь к фанатам игры.


100% :cheers::cheers::cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:

Камрад, просто некоторым невдомек до целей разрабов и они полагают, что разрабы - такие же, как и они с теми же самыми целями и задачами. И что игра выпускается именно для них и не для кого больше.

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Я вообще бы сравнил игры ТВ с Лего. Покупаете коробку, открываете, собираете по инструкции, а потом.... если вы конечно к этому склонны

Сорри за :offtop:

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Я имел в виду, что разрабы создают не просто игру, а настоящее поле для творчества и полета фантазии,. а это более ценно чем росто игра

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Скачал я ролики с АГ, посмотрел в нормальном разрешении и мне оч оч оч оч понравилось увиденное. Единственное что вызвало некий дискомфорт-показалось на страт карте все человечки увеличены по сравнению с римом :huh:

Также более детально разглядел окно найма войск, действительно оригинально :apl:

Изменено пользователем pavlik
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Вы отписывайте, чья цитата, а то только по почерку и признал, что мое.


Даже у профессиональной команды тестеров проскакивают ошибки, что уж там говорить о горстке любителей.

а тогда к чему всЁ это обсуждение про тестеров? Опять же - опыт Героев5.


Имо, спор этот бесполезен. У каждого свое мнение, но оценки всех игр серии TW игровыми СМИ о чем-то говорят.

Им за это деньги платят (токмо обзоры на АГ и тому подобных сайтах не приводите в пример, там иногда такое пишут, сразу можно в юмор перебрасывать).


Нормальных осад не было в Сегуне. Плакались, что их там нет. CA сделали осады в MTW (пусть плохие, но сделали). Не понравилось. Еще больше изменили осады в RTW. Опять не понравилось.

Тут вы не правы. Беда не в том что осады стали более похожи на осады, а в том что АИ не умеет, ни осаждать, не удерживать. я уже писал про аналогию с Героями4.


Нет конечно. Я просто не понимаю тех людей, которые долго ждали RTW, играли в него продолжительное время, а потом говорят, что мол игра скучна. Да у RTW есть свои недостатки, но у нее есть и свои достоинства.

Чего тут непонятного - обманутые ожидания, они хуже всего. Наобещали много - а на выходе?

Кто ж спорит. Все плюсы и минусы - подробно разбирались в теме "МТВ против РТВ".


Кстати. - Остальным, дальнейший спор МТВ против РТВ, в соответствующей теме, здесь завязываем.

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Ответ в М2ТВ: как это будет?


Радуйтесь что хоть такие игры есть. Скоро приставки сделают свое грязное дело. Новое подрастающие поколение взрощенное на них будет умилятся драчками и стрелялками где куча монстров. Я смотрю какие они фильмы смотрят сейчас, это просто жуть. ДВД диск 9в1: "Человек паук", "Человек Хрюк", "Человек говнюк", "Дом тысячи трупов", Кровавое месиво топором" и.т.д. Нормальные фильмы и игры им неинтересны.

Потом без притока свежей крови количество игроков будет увядать и в месте с ними и такие замечательные игры.

А мы с вами через 10 лет откроем последнюю ветку на этом форуме "Тотал Вар, как это было" и будем ее обмусоливать.


Ну да ладно. Самое главное игра выйдет достойная, я в этом уверен. Просто ни одна игра серии Тотал Вар не была плохой. Каждый раз они нас удивляли и думаю удивят в этот раз. Просто утекло много воды с выходом Рима, она порядком всем надоела. Перебрали все косточки, выявили кучу недостатков. Но разрабы все это сами прекрасно понимают. К работе они относятся с душой, свою игру любят, думаю большую часть проблем они исправят. Поживем увидим

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Ничего с новым поколением плохого не будет. А приставки никогда не сравнятся с компом, так как всегда будут опаздывать в технологическом развитии, ибо комп можно проапгрейдить, а приставку - нет.

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А я с периодом согласен, новое поколение в нашей стране просто удручает. Самураи, легионеры, когорты, легаты, дружина их интеоесует все меньше, ведь есть СашаБелый, Бумер, Вампиры, оборотни и прочее Г. И такие игры, как ТВ будут отступать вслед за уменьшением аудитории (их и сейчас нет). Но пока давайте радоваться тому, что будет М2ТВ и ждать ее

Получился маленький оффтоп, завязываю

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