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Various Info from the San Francisco Event

First of all I'd like to thank the guys at CA, Sega, and TWC and other forums who were there, they were all very nice and it was a great event! Here's some info that was confirmed/explained further:

1. Flaming pigs are confirmed!

2. Armies on the campaign map can be set to certain stances. For example, an army set to forced march will be able to go further, but the various drawbacks include a vulnerability to ambush. Other stances include the ambush stance, and there was another that I can't recall.

3. Someone asked about city-view, and they said that if there was enough demand they would put it in. Mike Simpson mentioned that he personally wouldn't use such a mode, but if enough of the player base wanted it then it was doable.

4. I asked about sea-regions. They explained that yes, the sea will be divided into several regions, and that a navy in a particular region will have dominance over that region. However, it was mentioned that a zone of control effect would still be in play in some ways, such as raiding trade routes. Like armies, navies can be placed in certain stances (raid, patrol/defend, etc). I think this will make more sense as we get more previews and some campaign map footage.

5. They reiterated the previous info about line-of-sight and scouting. Craig made a point to say that heavy infantry are bad for scouting, not that he was speaking from experience or anything.

6. The end game depends on how you have decided to play throughout the campaign. If you are wary and appease contending families/nobility/etc within your faction, your end game will be different than if you choose to defy all of them. For Rome, you could choose to either defend the Republic and the Senate, or challenge the other families and the Senate yourself. It was also noted that other factions would have similar, yet unique iterations of this idea.

7. The four seasons will be in the game, even though it is one turn per year. How exactly this will be implemented is still up for debate. Battlefields will 100% have different seasons. I think this will be elaborated on later.

8. It seems as though there will be a blood pack similar to Shogun 2, due to the ratings issues, but I don't believe anything was confirmed yet.

9. I asked about Armenia and Pontus as possible dlc candidates, and mentioned that "The Poison King" DLC pack would be a catchy title. Unfortunately there is not answer to this just yet. I also asked if Armenian legionnaires would be making a reappearance, but this was not confirmed either.

10. The CPU/GPU usage will be more efficient to a degree on the low end, but on the high end things will be pretty similar to Shogun 2 in terms of CPU/GPU usage. I'm not that much of a technically minded guy so perhaps someone else can explain that better than I can.

11. You will be able to see your cities grow more progressively on the campaign map. As you build individual buildings, you will be able to see them appear on the campaign map.

12. The map for the Battle of Teutoburg Forest will be available on the campaign map if you are fighting a battle on that particular tile.

13. The game looks GREAT! I'm sure animations will be made more smooth as we get closer to the release date. It was great to see the Roman soldiers raising their shields to block arrows.

14. The Eastern edge of the map MAY extend farther than Bactria. Perhaps I misunderstood but they said that the Eastern edge of the map has not been revealed yet.

Well that's all for now I think

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как же без свиней то :)

Насчет морской карты так и непонятно, что и как там будет работать.

И последний пункт насчет бесконечности на Восток - не слишком понятен.

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Свиньи и красивая анимация рулят в геймдеве 

На то же самое обратил внимание. Подпишусь :)

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На то же самое обратил внимание. Подпишусь :)

Тяжело не обратить внимание на ПЕРВЫЙ пункт с восклицательным знаком и на фразу с единственным словом в тексте выделенным КАПСОМ.

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а перевода нет?

Да там вода одна. Единственно, более менее интересное сообщение о сезонах. В общем, концепция ход - год останется, но на тактических картах будут представлены все 4 сезона. Как они это сделают, пока еще не понимают :)

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Да там вода одна. Единственно, более менее интересное сообщение о сезонах. В общем, концепция ход - год останется, но на тактических картах будут представлены все 4 сезона. Как они это сделают, пока еще не понимаю

вроде в инглише рублю - но может детали какие то пропустил.

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Карта восточнее Бактрии - ну уж расщедрились.. если учесть что Mundus Magnum, задавший стандарты карты на РТВ-модах, простирается до пределов походов АМ в Индии (т.е. до Гифазиса - включает всю долину Инда и его притоков) - то щедрость невиданная... смешные люди - если они не повторят границы Мундус Магнума они заведомо не устроят фанов.

Впрочем там еще аддон про Александра обещали может там...

Опять свиньи.. кто бы сомневался. Отличный комплект с Этрусками в 272 г. и Петрой в рукках Птолемеев. Полное пренебюрежение историей, географией и здравым смыслом - три конька коммерческого Тотал Вара. А что, были сомнения? Бабло побеждает добро. Не удивили...

Армения и армянские легшионеры меня вообще не интересуют, то что карты кастом-историкал-баттлов будут интегрированы в игру - естественно (их жен делали - не пропадать же добру), но я вижу тут вообще намек на то как будут сделаны тактические карты. Как в Шогуне 2 - набор готовых карт вмонтируют в игру вместо генератора из стратегической и все дела. Сроки то поджимают а страткарты ЕЩЕ НЕТ. И это определяет многое...

В общем все как обычно. Нормальный вид игра приобретет в модах после аддона про Александра.

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2Chernish Ваши предположения по картам

вгоняют в грусть :( Может пронесет - вроде явно не говорят об этом и о привязке к страт карте раньше вроде упоминалось...?

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2agnez Причин, зачем нужно формулировать, чего хочешь на самом деле две. Первую чётко описал Chernish, который от ванилы ничего особенного не ждёт. Вторая же причина состоит в том, что мододелы могут заинтересоваться подобными описаниями и тогда можно ожидать желаемого в модах (хотя, конечно, это и не обязательно).

Что же касается Вашего поста о событии в Сан-Франциско, то остаётся только надеяться, что упор на видеоэффекты с игнором гемплея (а так оно и выходит, судя по напечатанному) - это только проделки маркетологов и в конечном варианте ИГРА всё-таки будет.

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Вторая же причина состоит в том, что мододелы могут заинтересоваться подобными описаниями и тогда можно ожидать желаемого в модах

А что вам мешает поступать как ув. 2Chernish c R:TW/M2:TW или я E:TW/N:TW - самому занятся моддингом?

Ну и ещё немного от разработчиков:

Hi guys,

It’s great to follow the on-going discussion regarding turns per year – we have similar debates internally about all kinds of things, and sometimes we make a decision that not everyone will like for the good of the overall game – so now might be a good time for us to open up a little about how we come to these decisions.

Here’s some of the rationale, below, and a few points addressing some of the debate so far. Note that we don’t make decisions solely on data, but it can help build a picture of the way that people play our games.

We want to make a campaign experience that is great for everyone

We don’t simply “cater to the masses” with our games – we wouldn’t be where we are now if we did. We know that one of the main reasons people like Total War is that they can create their own story on the campaign map, and their own emergent tales of victories and losses. We’ve read the Rome campaign diaries, we’ve watched the Let’s Plays, and we want to create a game that creates an even deeper level of customisation and experience so that you guys can share more of those tales, and we can read them.

Because of that, the campaign is not scripted

It’s a totally emergent, dynamic experience. There are challenges when designing that sort of game that aren’t always apparent to the player. How much free reign do you give the player before the game stops being fun? And how do you cater for as many people as possible without breaking that individual emergence? We have to take lots of factors into consideration.

The game length is in line with previous Total War games

Shogun 2 gave the player 240 turns to complete its victory conditions when playing a long campaign. Napoleon 244, Empire 200, Medieval II 230 or so. Rome II is balanced around a campaign length of approximately 300 turns, so is in fact longer than recent Total War games.

There is no time limit to complete the victory conditions

You no longer have to win the campaign by a certain point, you could take 1000 turns if you wanted to.

Only 1% of players play for more than 300 turns

We’re not saying that 1% of people is not significant – as we said, we think about how the game will play for everyone, not just the masses (that’s one of our core values). But this sort of data indicates the actual demand for campaigns of a certain length above and beyond anecdotal evidence.

Even with Rome I and its longer overall campaign length, research and surveys we did showed people even then players only played for around 200 turns max each campaign.

As a result we balance the campaign experience around a length that the vast majority of people will enjoy, so everyone will get the full experience instead of just a small percentage.

Many more players play on easy than all the hard difficulties combined

We try to take into consideration how many turns the average player will play, and build in options (like hard, very hard, legendary) for the hardcore guys. Nobody likes to be lumped in with a wider group or tagged with a label, so we try to cater for as many gamer types as possible. But if every decision could be tailored for every player, we’d never make a game.

Movement rates for armies will be similar to previous TW games

Forced march/double time will allow for longer movement, but with penalties to the army, and they can’t attack. We’ve always balanced movement rates for gameplay instead of reality.

Characters will have traits and skills, and will gain experience more quickly

They can get a lot done in a campaign, so don’t get too hung up on the raw numbers. 40 years was also given as an example of how long generals and agents can live for. Some may die gloriously in battle at the age of 20, others may last into their 80’s. There will be plenty of time to make use of your greatest characters.

We are still looking at seasons

Development is fluid, and we don’t rule things out on a whim.

Hope this helps,


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We’ve always balanced movement rates for gameplay instead of reality.
Нас явно ожидают самые быстрые в истории легионы. :)

Думаю, эту игру серии я тоже не куплю.

Изменено пользователем MUTbKA
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Ой, сколько уже было писанины, не куплю сию ересь, но как только игра выходит то массы народу ломятся за коробочкой, ну или покупают электр вариант игры. ;)

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Ой, сколько уже было писанины, не куплю сию ересь, но как только игра выходит то массы народу ломятся за коробочкой, ну или покупают электр вариант игры.
Ну я лично ни напа, ни сёгуна нового не покупал. Даже не скачивал. Мне империи хватило.

А в данном случае пока что акцент на "не куплю", но он может быть еще усугублен. :)

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