Реформа Мария - Страница 5 - Rome - TWoW.Games - Сообщество любителей умных игр Перейти к содержанию
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Реформа Мария


Рекомендуемые сообщения

Цитата:"Не совсем верная логика.

Насчет Селевкидов и их легионеров можно было бы почитать их описание из самого РТР 6... "

Перевод пока не видел.

"...Марий просто перевел римскую армию на профессиональную основу, вот и все. Естественно, ее (римской армии) боевые качества от этого явно выиграли, но воружение и принципы ведения боя остались в общем и целом теми же. "

Согласен.Но ведь после реформы вооружение легионера стало более-менее унифицированным,да и не было больше разделения на гастатов и др.

Да и все-таки в игре мы имеем 2 идентичные модели-римский легионер и селевкидский аргираспид.Все-таки логичнее,чтобы они появлялись одновременно.Если на то пошло,то нужно сделать еще одну модель для селевков-к примеру "ранний аргираспид",схожий с принципом.Он будет появляться после постройки казарм 5-го уровня,а после реформы Мария превращаться в простого аргираспида.

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Перевод пока не видел.

А зачем нам перевод? ;) Даже мне моего школьного + университетского курса английского хватает, чтоб прочитать все тексты из РТР ;)


Если на то пошло,то нужно сделать еще одну модель для селевков-к примеру "ранний аргираспид",схожий с принципом.Он будет появляться после постройки казарм 5-го уровня,а после реформы Мария превращаться в простого аргираспида.

Хорошая мысль! :)

Только вот для РТР, с его короткой линейкой военных строений, это не подойдет. Жаль, что в игре нельзя привязать появление юнитов к первому боестолкновению фракций...

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Не подкалывай,я вчера почитал :book: .Но на родном как-то лучше.


Ты сам ответил,почему целесообразнее привязать аргираспидов к реформе Мария в РТР,потому как другой механизм трудно реализовать.В оригинальном или там SPQR-можно модель отдельную сделать.

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  • 2 недели спустя...

Я тут решил поиграцца в оригинальный Рим. Взялся за Сципиев. Стал усиленно развиваться, не ввязываясь в широкомасштабные конфликты на материках. Очень помогло то, что Сенат постоянно давал задания типа "Блокировать порт" (карфагенский). Ну и Карфы мне дань стали платить - на развитие хватало даже очень. Реформа грянула в 230г. :huh:

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  • 2 месяца спустя...

Тут вот заметил штуку-многие жалуются,то реформа Мария поздно,то рано,то в модах условия неизвестные(с этим и сам иногда маюсь).И созрела у меня идея(наверное не новая):а что если создать историческое событие(эвент то бишь) под отдельным названием с продублированным текстом от реформы Мария!И приписать к до- и послемарианским юнитам этот эвент по типу marian_reform и not_marian_reform.Ведь тогда реформа будет происходить строго в определенный срок,она в принципе не сможет произойти в другое время,т.к. будет зависеть не от построек,а от исторического эвента.

Изменено пользователем Онагр
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Я тоже попробовал,у меня не получилось,но идею я не оставил.Посмотрел мод Император.Там есть не только реформа Мария но и реформа Августа.Там есть скрипт,создающий эту реформу(он в скрипте 4-х ходов за год):




declare_counter reform


if I_TurnNumber = 0

set_counter reform 0



monitor_event SettlementTurnStart SettlementIsLocal

and I_TurnNumber > 1064


if reform = 0


console_command create_building Sardis reforms

console_command create_building Damascus reforms

console_command create_building Seleuceia Pieria reforms

console_command create_building Arsinoe reforms

console_command create_building Pharnacia reforms

console_command create_building Eupatoria reforms

console_command create_building Hatra reforms

console_command create_building Nisibis reforms

console_command create_building Nicopolis reforms

console_command create_building Tarsus reforms

console_command create_building Hieropolis reforms

console_command create_building Seleucia reforms

console_command create_building Antioch reforms

console_command create_building Susa reforms

console_command create_building Palmyra reforms

console_command create_building Dumatha reforms

console_command create_building Bostra reforms

console_command create_building Side reforms

console_command create_building Samosata reforms

console_command create_building Apamea reforms

console_command create_building Doura_Europos reforms

console_command create_building Antigonia reforms

console_command create_building Laodicea reforms

console_command create_building Petra reforms

console_command create_building Babylon reforms

console_command create_building Dhofar reforms

console_command create_building Sagala reforms

console_command create_building Purushapura reforms

console_command create_building Begrum reforms

console_command create_building Taxila reforms

console_command create_building Pura reforms

console_command create_building Hecatompylos reforms

console_command create_building Saramana reforms

console_command create_building Phraaspa reforms

console_command create_building Albania reforms

console_command create_building Kotais reforms

console_command create_building Chakdara reforms

console_command create_building Pauravas reforms

console_command create_building Artaxarta reforms

console_command create_building Armavir reforms

console_command create_building Ecbatana reforms

console_command create_building Mazaka reforms

console_command create_building Samarkand reforms

console_command create_building Merv reforms

console_command create_building Aden reforms

console_command create_building Herat reforms

console_command create_building Phrada reforms

console_command create_building Kapisa reforms

console_command create_building Alexandria reforms

console_command create_building Alexandria reforms

console_command create_building Gerrha reforms

console_command create_building Pasargadae reforms

console_command create_building Harmozeia reforms

console_command create_building Byzantium reforms

console_command create_building Syracuse reforms

console_command create_building Caralis reforms

console_command create_building Trapezus reforms

console_command create_building Antigonea reforms

console_command create_building Heracleia reforms

console_command create_building Massilia reforms

console_command create_building Anchialus reforms

console_command create_building Debeltos reforms

console_command create_building Antiphilos reforms

console_command create_building Sinope reforms

console_command create_building Chalcis reforms

console_command create_building Chersonesos reforms

console_command create_building Lysimachia reforms

console_command create_building Tarentum reforms

console_command create_building Apollonia reforms

console_command create_building Thermon reforms

console_command create_building Athens reforms

console_command create_building Smyrna reforms

console_command create_building Maronia reforms

console_command create_building Croton reforms

console_command create_building Pergamum reforms

console_command create_building Halicarnasus reforms

console_command create_building Abydos reforms

console_command create_building Corinth reforms

console_command create_building Messana reforms

console_command create_building Rhegium reforms

console_command create_building Emporiae reforms

console_command create_building Sparta reforms

console_command create_building Aleria reforms

console_command create_building Agrigentum reforms

console_command create_building Prusa reforms

console_command create_building Kydonia reforms

console_command create_building Mytilene reforms

console_command create_building Rhodes reforms

console_command create_building Knossos reforms

console_command create_building Elis reforms

console_command create_building Salamis reforms

console_command create_building Kyrenos reforms

console_command create_building Palaepaphos reforms

console_command create_building Sidon reforms

console_command create_building Jerusalem reforms

console_command create_building Cyrene reforms

console_command create_building Alexandria reforms

console_command create_building Siwa reforms

console_command create_building Memphis reforms

console_command create_building Thebes reforms

console_command create_building Tyre reforms

console_command create_building Ptolemais reforms

console_command create_building Gaza reforms

console_command create_building Dium reforms

console_command create_building Campus_Alanni reforms

console_command create_building Tanais reforms

console_command create_building Campus_Sarmatae reforms

console_command create_building Campus_Sakae reforms

console_command create_building Locus_Herulae reforms

console_command create_building Jaxarta reforms

console_command create_building Campus_Massagetes reforms

console_command create_building Vicus_Aestui reforms

console_command create_building Vicus_Venedae reforms

console_command create_building Locus_Gepidae reforms

console_command create_building Themiskyra reforms

console_command create_building Campus_Scythii reforms

console_command create_building Campus_Iazyges reforms

console_command create_building Nicomedia reforms

console_command create_building Campus_Getae reforms

console_command create_building Ratiaria reforms

console_command create_building Porrolissum reforms

console_command create_building Aquincum reforms

console_command create_building Larissa reforms

console_command create_building Pela reforms

console_command create_building Bylazora reforms

console_command create_building Phillipi reforms

console_command create_building Thessalonica reforms

console_command create_building Delminium reforms

console_command create_building Salona reforms

console_command create_building Scodra reforms

console_command create_building Aquileia reforms

console_command create_building Segestica reforms

console_command create_building Vicus_Cimbri reforms

console_command create_building Sveaby reforms

console_command create_building Bordesholm reforms

console_command create_building Vicus_Gothi reforms

console_command create_building Batavodurum reforms

console_command create_building Damme reforms

console_command create_building Vicus_Marcomannii reforms

console_command create_building Ancona reforms

console_command create_building Corfinium reforms

console_command create_building Paestum reforms

console_command create_building Capua reforms

console_command create_building Arretium reforms

console_command create_building Ariminum reforms

console_command create_building Rome reforms

console_command create_building Segesta reforms

console_command create_building Bononia reforms

console_command create_building Iuvavum reforms

console_command create_building Trier reforms

console_command create_building Burdigala reforms

console_command create_building Mediolanium reforms

console_command create_building Viberi reforms

console_command create_building Patavium reforms

console_command create_building Tylis reforms

console_command create_building Lugdunum reforms

console_command create_building Alesia reforms

console_command create_building Condate_Redonum reforms

console_command create_building Bourges reforms

console_command create_building Gergovia reforms

console_command create_building Osca reforms

console_command create_building Narbo_Martius reforms

console_command create_building Numantia reforms

console_command create_building Samarobriva reforms

console_command create_building Nepte reforms

console_command create_building Cidamus reforms

console_command create_building Dimmidi reforms

console_command create_building Capsa reforms

console_command create_building Moulucha reforms

console_command create_building Icosium reforms

console_command create_building Cirta reforms

console_command create_building Tingi reforms

console_command create_building Hippo_Regius reforms

console_command create_building Utica reforms

console_command create_building Hadrumentum reforms

console_command create_building Lilybaeum reforms

console_command create_building Carthage reforms

console_command create_building Ghajn Tuffieha reforms

console_command create_building Thapsus reforms

console_command create_building Lepcis_Magna reforms

console_command create_building Eburacum reforms

console_command create_building Londinium reforms

console_command create_building Dalriada reforms

console_command create_building Tara reforms

console_command create_building Isca reforms

console_command create_building Asturica reforms

console_command create_building Segovia reforms

console_command create_building Flaviobriga reforms

console_command create_building Scallabis reforms

console_command create_building Carthago_Nova reforms

console_command create_building Corduba reforms

console_command create_building Palma reforms

console_command create_building Saguntum reforms

console_command create_building Ancyra reforms

console_command create_building Pessinus reforms

console_command create_building Calaevia reforms

set_counter reform 1


В export_descr_buildings найм имперских легионеров осуществляется так:

в дереве строительства появляется другая линейка казарм


city_barracks requires factions { roman, slave, } and building_present_min_level hinterland_reforms_building reforms




recruit "aor eastern spearmen" 1 requires factions { roman, } and hidden_resource aor_asia

recruit "aor eastern spearmen" 1 requires factions { roman, } and hidden_resource aor_pers

recruit "aor galatia swordsmen" 1 requires factions { roman, } and hidden_resource aor_galat

recruit "aor gaul roman spearmen" 1 requires factions { roman, } and hidden_resource aor_gaul

recruit "aor gaul spearmen" 1 requires factions { roman, } and hidden_resource aor_gaul

recruit "aor gaul swordsmen" 1 requires factions { roman, } and hidden_resource aor_gaul

recruit "aor german warband" 1 requires factions { roman, } and hidden_resource aor_germ

recruit "german clubmen" 1 requires factions { roman, } and hidden_resource baltic_coast

recruit "aor hills spearmen" 1 requires factions { roman, } and hidden_resource aor_hill

recruit "aor hills swordsmen" 1 requires factions { roman, } and hidden_resource aor_hill

recruit "aor illyria spearmen" 1 requires factions { roman, } and hidden_resource aor_illyr

recruit "aor india spearmen" 1 requires factions { roman, } and hidden_resource aor_indi

recruit "aor numidia spearmen" 1 requires factions { roman, } and hidden_resource aor_numid

recruit "aor punic spearmen" 1 requires factions { roman, } and hidden_resource aor_punic

recruit "aor spain infantry" 1 requires factions { roman, } and hidden_resource aor_iber

recruit "aor spain spearmen" 1 requires factions { roman, } and hidden_resource aor_iber

recruit "aor thrace infantry" 1 requires factions { roman, } and hidden_resource aor_dacia

trade_base_income_bonus bonus 2 requires factions { roman, }

religious_belief christianity 5


construction 1

cost 20000

settlement_min huge_city





army_barracks requires factions { roman, slave, } and building_present_min_level hinterland_reforms_building reforms




recruit "roman legionary cohort ii" 2 requires factions { romans_julii, romans_scipii, } and marian_reforms and hidden_resource legio

recruit "roman legionary first cohort ii" 2 requires factions { romans_julii, romans_scipii, } and marian_reforms and hidden_resource legio

recruit "cohors praetoria" 3 requires factions { romans_julii, romans_scipii, } and marian_reforms and hidden_resource home_rome

law_bonus bonus 2 requires factions { roman, }

religious_belief christianity 5


construction 1

cost 20000

settlement_min huge_city



и собственно "строение" типа "реформа":

building hinterland_reforms_building


levels reforms


reforms requires factions { slave, } and hidden_resource unused





construction 1

cost 0

settlement_min large_city




В файле описания зданий "строение" типа "реформа" выглядит так:

{reforms} Imperia Romana



Imperia Romana \n\nThis 'place holder building' marks the end of the Republic and it's legion. With the expansion of the empire and for the glory of Rome, all legions are now standardize. All roman legions are now equipt with the same type of weapons and were also equipped with the new type of lighter segmented armour, the lorica segmenta.



This 'place holder building' marks the end of the Republic and it's legion. With the expansion of the empire and for the glory of Rome, all legions are now standardize.


Также в descr_events есть событие "Имперская реформа"


Если я правильно понял,то в скрите создания перечисляются регионы,в которых должно быть "здание" типа "реформа".


По-моему на основе данной информации можно сделать и реформу Мария точно в 107 г до н.э.

Ссылка на комментарий


Если я правильно понял,то в скрите создания перечисляются регионы,в которых должно быть "здание" типа "реформа".


По-моему на основе данной информации можно сделать и реформу Мария точно в 107 г до н.э.

Так оно и есть

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